Confirmation on mouseovers in classic?

Thanks, for pve I would definitely use raid frames like you reccomend.

I wasn’t sure which method for pvp as ret, but i guess it would be the same - especially if I’m already use to raid frames in pve

You’ve lost whatever argument you had when you misconstrued mouseover macros/addons and lazyheal/healbot addons.

Mouseover macros/addons:

  • Not have to click between each heal
  • Still have to choose who to heal
  • Still have to manually downrank
  • Still have to manually cancel casts

LazyHeal/HealBot’s early iterations automates the following processes:

  • Automatically heal the lowest health target
  • Automatically downranks
  • Automatically cancels casts if they were healed before the cast finished

At this point it’s not an argument, it’s straight up nonsense. You’re making out the mouseover function to be this thing that it isn’t and deliberately misrepresenting healing addons as addons that automate any kind of decision you would need to do. Stop trolling.


That was basically how I, and a number of other players described raid healing back then. It was giant game of whack-a-mole only you’re using heals instead of a giant mallet, and you’re making it go up rather than down(well, unless your UI inverted the health bar)

Very well said and presented.

Clearly you have no knowledge of healing then, despite claiming to be a healer. You can have that opinion all you like, but its wrong.

That requires an addon though. Or I suppose turning off auto-self cast but I rely on that so I won’t be.

Could you see incoming heals on your frames in vanilla?

I know you guys are technically correct, but let’s be real, these addons are going to make the first two raids an even bigger joke.

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Nope. But that doesn’t affect mouseover. If incoming heals are shown, they need to be removed to fix the Raid UI.

Yes and no.

There are 1.12 addons (HealComm) that show incoming heals, but only if the incoming heal is coming from someone that has the addon. I think there are also more basic addons that simply show a bar and tell you that X healer is healing Y target, without visual indicators on the frames.

How is clicking a raid frame to autocast a predetermined spell (Clique+Luna) any different than clicking decursive buttons?

Are or were (back in 2006)?

I wouldn’t be surprised if those more rudimentary addons were there in 2006, but the addon I was describing prior to my edit was definitely not created back then.

There was an addon that attempted that functionality as early as as Vanilla, I remember experimenting with it. But it required the other healers to have it too. Could be reproduced in Classic.

That said, it is something I specifically watched for in instance runs. Incoming Heals is not part of the stock UI from what I see, haven’t dug into the API.

Decursive selects the spell and target, with no decision making from the player. You simply spam a box on the screen.

Mouseover requires you to both select the target and select the spell to be cast. There’s a vast gulf of difference between them, and Blizzard approves of the mousover method.

Mouseover did exist but it was through addons rather than macros.

If they broke the functionality just to be authentic it would be retarded.

I did. It’s been explicitly removed, as has incoming heal absorb and damage absorb indicators.

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This is not true.

There was a LUA variable called “mouseover” which contained the name of the unit you were moused over. This would regularly be used in macros with /script TargetUnit(mouseover).

First, which version of Decursive?

The original decursive was literally a button mash.

  1. You tell it to run
  2. It scans the raid memberlist, finds something you can remove.
  3. Selects the relevant ability to target a person it selects
  4. Casts the spell.

If you can explain to me this is similar to player looking at a raid frame, noticing someone needs a debuff removed they can handle, selecting the spell themselves, and casting on the chosen person themselves, then I’m all ears.

If current (mouseover) API is allowed then Clique/Luna will definitely be used just like they are used in 1.12 on private servers. This means people click a raid frame and a heal goes off.

You don’t know how 1.12 works with the current meta.

Yes. And that spell is selected based on which mouse button you hit, and the target is selected by which person you tapped on the raid frame.

I know exactly how Clique works and my statement holds completely true.