Confirmation on mouseovers in classic?

I can assure you it’s not mindless. Reducing the number of clicks or button presses to perform the same action is a sign of efficiency, and frees you’re brain up to make crucial split second decisions in the face of danger

That’s quite often the sign of a very bad healer. Unless you have been assigned one target and only one target to heal, not doing your job of healing the raid is just being a bad healer.


Then pick the correct target in the first place. See what I mean? It forces the healer to predict damage and commit to a choice like they’re supposed to.

As someone planning to roll a priest though, by all means, put @mouseover into the game. I’ll be mouseover dispelling everyone in BGs, mouseover SW:P rogues, mouseover mana burn, mouseover PW:S targets being focused, meanwhile keeping my healing target. Mouseover mind soothe, mouseover renew. It’s disgusting.

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Yep. Despite all these people going on about how focus wasn’t in Vanilla, the mouseover scripting from Vanilla that was converted to a unit ID, doesn’t make them blink an eye.

You’ll be able to do it like Retail.

It’s not disgusting, it’s smart. You can cast on the right target more accurately. It takes less time. It makes you a better player.


In Vanilla we had mouseover via scripting

/run c=CastSpellByName s="SPELLNAME" m="mouseover" if UnitExists(m) and UnitReaction(m,"player")>4 then TargetUnit(m) c(s) TargetLastTarget() else c(s) end

Please don’t repeat falsehoods just because you don’t like something.


When I healed in vanilla CTRaid had an option for healers where the lowest health raid members appear in the middle of your screen and you just click them. That also ruined the game. Decursive ruined the game. The point is to not ruin the game.

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Dont worry, that won’t come to classic. That’s not what mouseovers are. When blizzard broke Decursive, what they really broke was the ability for addons to make decisions for the players. A mouseover macro does no such thing. It simply allows you to cast a spell while the mouse is hovering over a targets unit frame or name plate. You still have to move your mouse to the specific target you want to heal.

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Do a better job of reading my comments. Or maybe just take a break from the forums for a bit?

I vaguely remember those and how cool it was when I got them working!

I have no earthly idea what you are talking about then. A mouseover macro and Decursive/CTR have about as much in common as an apple and an orange.


You’re whining about Decursive, I get it. That has nothing to do with Mouseover however. Just like the focus detractors, you’re conflating “all evil scripting” with “anything that wasn’t blatantly obvious in Vanilla”.

Mouseover is simply an alternate manual targetting solution. It removes two clicks. It doesn’t take the element of choice away, it doesn’t do any decision making, and it doesn’t allow you to “easymode” the game.

Healbot and Decursive are not coming back and nothing anyone can say would make Blizzard do that.

The mouseover unit ID has made its way to classic, because we are using the Retail API. It was possible in Vanilla, and good healers knew how to use the macros. It is how Vanilla was, for anyone with a decent level of skill and knowledge. Just because you didn’t do it, doesn’t mean your experience gets to dictate what happens for the rest of us.

And its not against Blizzard’s wishes or desires, because when they secured the system in TBC, they made it easier to use, not harder.


I was talking to the Forum Lord Eloraell. I get why you want mouseover utility, I’m just against it. This is talking as someone with 50 mouseover macros over my healing career. If it makes it to Classic then no big deal, I’ll just exploit it.

Oooh, how do I enable titles in the Forums?


Can I be a Forum Squire?


Yes, you simply specify the rank you desire to cast rather than the name w/out the rank attached. If you add the spell via the spellbook it includes the rank. So you have to delete the rank information in order to have it automatically default to highest rank(if a higher rank becomes available, otherwise you’re having to edit the macro each time you learn a new rank).

Lagspike is correct, the macros existed in Vanilla, they just were more difficult to create at the time as you had to create a script or use an addon to do it(the scripting part) for you.

For example, Clique was offering all of that mouse-over functionality in 1.12 and only had to adjust its methods/frame calls when Blzizard shifted to secure frames and disabled certain scripting(in favor of the retail API) in TBC.

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Decursive and CTRaid lowest-health-healing has to do with mouseover in my opinion because none were intended to be part of the vanilla gameplay and all of them break the game in some way.

I don’t see anything positive coming from it. I’m hearing about healing efficiency and speed and I don’t know how those are inherently good things. They’re just convenient things. They’re more convenient for some classes than others. If a shaman can ranged mouseover frost shock, or an affliction lock can mouseover dot an entire AV raid without changing targets, that’s gonna be different than what a melee class can do with mouseovers.

But hey, if you want it in the game I’ll promise to exploit it.

Which is itself funny, because those restrictions would be a #change from what could be done in 1.12 but hey, hypocrites aren’t known for their consistency. Nochanges except the changes they want.

I remember a few sites by the end of Vanilla had addons that would record all the details about your character, create a saved variables file that you would in turn upload to them, and they’d generate a character profile for you. In large part, the potential exploits(mostly of the unwary) that presented is likely a large factor in why the Armory exists outside of game and is maintained by Blizzard.

No. Mouseover doesn’t.

Like I said, you’re bundling all the evil of the world together with things you don’t personally like, and claiming its all the same thing.

You know the best thing about this statement? Its irrelevant. Because YOU don’t get to decide what existed in Vanilla and what didn’t. You haven’t justified any reason to remove a Vanilla feature, you’ve simply waxed lyrical about a fantasy world that never existed.

Mouseovers existed in Vanilla, and were not considered bad by Blizzard, as proven by their re-implementation in TBC. Your fantasy world can be achieved by you simply not using them. But since you’re going to, it doesn’t matter.

Mouseover is a completely different element to Decursive and Healbot, and Blizzard has documented repeatedly why that’s the case. If you can’t see that, that’s a problem of perception, not existence.

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Here’s where you part ways with most of us.

CT_Raid displaying the (1 to 5) lowest health raid members was “making a decision for the player” in that they could pick a specific frame and just keep clicking on it to (allegedly) do their job. That was bad, as the player didn’t need to pay attention to much of anything else.

Mouseover macros on the other hand? You have to choose whose frame to click on, and you have up to 40 choices on that matter. You have no addon selecting players for you. You must choose for yourself.

Get this through your head. A Mouse over macro doesn’t make a choice in the current API, the player does. That is the desired gameplay Blizzard is going for, and it is what they’re providing.