I think i’ve said it before… but when a party member gets Mind controlled i try reallly really hard to kill them. (like use biggest Damage CD) in my defense, i see a red name, it means kill it. U.U
I love you. I do the same thing, and then when they get upset I tell them it’s their fault for getting Mc’d.
It seems like you are very confused about what you kick people about.
I know I would kick you out my group!
Ganking Draeneis and let my raptor pet to eat them, she likes goat meat ^^
I’m not confused. Gnomes are jags. All of them! So ironically high and mighty. I’m innocent and speak only the truth, I swear it!
That is so bad…
… and even more hilarious!
I cannot even imagine the WTF!
I follow this worgen to the goldshire inn every night.
But never to sleep.
Does dancing in the path of glory as a green orc count as a sin?
i kill bellf’s on my dk if they look at me funny…
Shirt or no shirt?
no shirt with sunglasses
ah, okay then.
No its not a sin.
Back when it was still possible (BC/Wrath) when I mained a Priest, I would often make the trip down to Elwynn to do some seriously questionable things.
No, not Goldshire.
I would Mind Control Hogger and buff him with Power Word: Fortitude and the like.
I was once tempted by the waggle and gave in.
You too?
Beaupeep got me… multiple times…
Get ganked in like hellfire or smth by a 120 get on my lock and get excited Todo some pvp and kick some butt and then the 120 is just gone I have a habit of ganking some lower levels as to not waste my time comming there
I was on a really bad battleground losing streak I lost like 7 in a row and was so angry I took my Rogue and ganked lowbies in duskwood to vent my anger.
I follow these people to goldshire inn every night.
Usually to sleep, I get tired easily.
I always tell people its my first dungeon so they dont expect as much from me
…those ppl there are partly what turned me to the horde lol
You… you MONSTER.
I approve.