Confess your WoW sins

I put too much time in during legion. The Lord Jesus Christ is God and forgave me of my sins through His work on the Cross.

This is totally legit. If someone has been pretty cool while running the dungeon or raid then sure give them the item. But if they’ve been dead weight and hounding ppl for their items then I’m keeping the piece to scrap for the mats.

Bonus points if you can get everyone to roll for it and then give it to whoever rolls the lowest.

I raid pvp and dungeon with 0 addons 0 macros and mostly click my way through everything I memorize fights almost instantly.

I think about punting gnomes. But I never actually do it! Well almost never…

Never resist the urge to punt gnomes.

considering they get a 30 min deserter penalty, it is a misfortune

i undress my vulpera so i can look at his belly

Sometimes, I leave mythic plus groups when it becomes obvious they won’t be timed, unless it was advertised as a completion run.

Kicked out people from my guild for answering me back or being anything less than polite and showing good manners to me, they might get away with being b#$#hy in the real world, but when you enter my territory, if you aren’t basking in the glory of my presence you don’t belong. Sorry but I got no patience for far-left wing feminists, virtue signallers, and other nonsense.

Also, showed no mercy to any kind of betrayal, thinking you can create a guild behind my back and accept me to be okay with it, nope…not to sound like George Bush levels of cowboy politics, but you are either with me or against me. If you won’t let me remain in control, forget it. I’ve learned time and time again in life if you give power away to someone else, they will walk all over you sadly that’s how it is, nobody that doesn’t embrace Christian values can be trusted these days, I’ve learned that too many times now.

Truthfully though, I made sure that more gold could flow into the guild bank then anyone could take out…so when the disaster did strike as it inevitably would, those people who were stupid enough to donate thousands of gold to try and bribe me the joke would be on them, so the minute a betrayal occurred I would be able to use some of that gold to buy an achievement I wanted anyway.

With any luck now I’m clearer in my values, that will stop the undesirable people from the fringes of society from ever coming back into my personal space.

Other than that, I’ve done nothing wrong. Except support China for a time, until corona happened…that totally turned me on China to be honest.