Whenever I’m leveling an alt or randomly in a qued dungeon, if there is a gnome or junker gnome in the party, I will vote to kick them for “being a derp”. It rarely works unless they are doing something wrong like pulling for the tank. But whenever they were completely innocent and still got kicked for no real reason, I can’t help but laugh at their misfortune.
What are some messed up things you’ve done in WoW?
The fact that you think getting kicked out of a dungeon group in WoW is a misfortune says a lot about your immaturity. I wouldn’t brag about that, Champ.
I blocked a vote to kick. I run with four friends but one couldn’t make it. We were on alts and grabbed a random for some WotLK dungeons. We got a tauren unholy DK who was pretty bad and they wanted to kick him right before the last boss. I blocked it figuring he was new to DK, we were almost done, and I’m a softy about that stuff. I still catch some hell got feeding strays
I hate the complaining about highelves so much that I went to thunder isle and killed the highelves in the alliance camp as well as killed Vereesa repeatedly. Very Cathartic.
During the BfA pre-event I focused on my Rogue and would hide near where Alliance goons were camping Horde players that appeared after completing the Teldrassil burning cinematic and would nuke them. They would get bored and start dueling each other so as revenge as soon as the duel ended I would shadowstrike them and flee. It was glorious.
I still till this day carry around Kael’thas’ emerald orb quest item. Why? Because I loved his character before it was butchered for an expansion dungeon/raid.
I have BE characters but I secretly adore and enjoy playing my Orc Shaman the most. Ever since they could stand up straight, he has become my lovely green hero.