Confess your WoW sins

I admit ,since we’re going to sl ,that i shouldn’t have kill those bunnies while trying to level up.I couldn’t help it. And all the lovely ladies I didn’t show up on date nights.

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  1. I crashed the Vindicaar into a random paladin
  2. I released N’zoth
  3. I invaded Silvermoon
  4. I sneezed into the Sun-well
  5. I danced on a mailbox in Stormwind
  6. at Nola’s behest I killed turtles
  7. slaughtered dozens of Nightborne
  8. deceived the Trolls into worshipping me as a Loa by accident…
  9. accidentally joined a Paladin training institution for the Scarlet Crusade

I’m a double agent who lures “uwu”-speaking vulpera towards locations where they can be effortlessly slaughtered by a waiting Alliance comrade.
Sorry not sorry.


I walk around SW looking at RP profiles and whisper the person about things they have that don’t follow the lore.


I created a Lightforged Draenei Dk…


I’m really guilty of this one.


There’s jerks, and then there’s you.


Also in terms of wow sins…you seriously think imma tell a bunch of strangers in a public forum stuff I’ve done in-game that’s none of their business, then wait for them to lash out at me for it?


People already lash out at you for playing a vulpera, don’t worry hun, it’s nothing new.

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One time a dude was nagging me non stop asking for gold, I opened the trade window and gave him 1 copper;

I mind-controlled a leveling player in hellfire Peninsula and made him jump off from outland’s edge.


I’ll randomly log onto my horde Mage that I have sitting in darkshire and slaughter each and every gnome/junker gnome, while waving a friendly hello to everyone else.

Whenever someone asks where something is, instead of the meme of saying in Silithus, I’ll reply with, up yours.

All I can think of that I do is mail odd grey items to friends that say something funny on them. :woman_shrugging:

Some times I do fd when someone comes tags the mobs I’m working on, and then just zips off [to grab their own]…and let them all drop onto that person, but really-they seemed to want them and I’m just being polite in that case.


I think I speak for most if not all priests when I say, that I use ‘Leap of Faith’ for … what would be perceived as evil than good. :sweat_smile:


Leap of Faith has killed me many a times…


This ain’t a sin, that’s divine retribution :joy:


Ganking lowbies in Ashenvale at the Horde flight master in Ashenvale in Classic.

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Is that really a sin though?

Retribution is not a sin.

But then again, everything is a matter of perspective, so it’s a sin to someone. Likely the victim :stuck_out_tongue:

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The horde is never the victim.

The horde is the victim. They are the victim of arrogance and narcissism. :slight_smile: