Concubines in black temple raid

I’ve always thought that the whole idea was completely in bad taste.

Not because of them being concubines, but because the idea of women wearing very little attacking you with their fists, requiring you to then kill them all is disgusting.

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Really all Blizzard needs to do is take 50% of the concubines and make them male. And while it should be easy, given what I heard about the code base, it wouldn’t surprise me if doing so would end up breaking the game elsewhere, which is why Blizzard takes their time when making these kinds of fixes.

I’m pretty sure the concubines aren’t all his. They’re likely all there for his followers too as this person says:

This means we need male concubines in that room too for gender equality. :heart:

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This one is actually explainable… I don’t believe Illidan himself ever used the Den of Mortal delights… he was still pining over Tyrande…

This is what Spellbound attendants are for… they’re the Chippendale dancers…

I actually believe you cant leash the child pets…

The metal pet leash toy works on Uuna


Oh my… /Takei

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They were funny tough. Dating gnome and such

It’s kinda distasteful back then and borderline offensive now.


Even though the senior Blizzard members are kinda creepy with their sexual advances, it really ain’t fair for the rest of the players to suffer the result of their actions.

Like my NL Warlock has a sexy succubus mog and if you remove that I’d pretty much won’t be happy.

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This is why Illidan was and still is a terrible character.

Will they? Possibly. Should they? Of course not! It is OK to have depravity in your games. Depravity is part of life. Illidan was living the life of a king and looking through history kings had their versions of the ‘Den of Mortal Delights’. I strongly support any sort of content in WoW if it makes sense for the story/lore.


The more I read the forums the more tempting private servers become.

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Broken quests, hacky emulation, literal pay to win, run by shady Eastern Euros. Have fun with that.

No, I don’t think it’s some kind of inside joke.

Or they could just trade out some of the female concubines for male concubines.

You can get banned for talking about private server.

Gasp oh no, ban me from a dying game

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I agree. I am also against people who abuse and kill pets. If you do this, it should be an automatic ban.