Concubines in black temple raid

lol you have no idea what you’re even pretending to know what you’re talking about in regards to my “posting history”.

You are either confusing me with someone else or you’re just flat out lying. lol


I’m probably the biggest “white knight” around here. Anyways, nice try, champ.

Illidan was hardly a anti hero in og lore.
He was a power hungry elf who joined the legion for a power boost, realized it wasn’t for him, then helped expel them. Wanted the well of eternity to stay and created a second one so that mages could exist, since it was the source of arcane magic for the elves.

Got sent to jail for 10k years, unable to die of age due to the immortality given by the tree, agreed to push back the legion one last time then abandon his people. Consumed the skull of guldan and pushed them out of felwood, got contacted by Kj, made a deal to join the legion as a higher up, used draenei as cannon fodder instead of elves, summoned the naga, was willing to melt northrend in order to kill the Lich king and join the legion.

Then went insane after he lost to Arthas, confirmed in classic WoW from a questline by malfurion and again by the crimson sigil questline where he claims he didn’t lose to arthas.

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Do I need to correct you on a case by case basis or just give you the cliff notes?

You get Cliff Notes:

Illidan was selfishly wanting to impress Tyrande and his brother, creating an inferiority complex in him. He sought power to suppress this and hopefully win Tyrandes heart. Then as the Legion threat stepped up, it became his secondary purpose behind impressing Tyrande and Malfurion.

The short of it: All the things he did he did to stop the Legion in order to impress Tyrande first, save his people second. and without him the Legion would have succeeded at Hyjal.

Stereotypical trope of anti-hero.

The second paragraph of yours is some weird head canon for sure. Not sure what WC you were playing.

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Impressing Tyrande was not wc3 lore, that’s retconned lore.

He wanted Tyrande but never once tried to steal her heart in wc3, she was taken already

It’s the lore.

Cite reference for this. I semm to recall Malfurion "banishing* him. Which of course is silly because Illidan was clearly more powerful than Tyrande and Malfurion combined at the time, but still, that’s how it happened. Illidan didn’t not leave of his own.

He was banished after he absorbed the skull and became a full demon, he already planned on leaving after helping repel the demons from what would become felwood after Tyrande asked him for help because he knew he would be imprisoned again.

And why did he absorb the skull?

Cite reference please.

Or better yet, let all your points stand and still explain to me how any of this makes him a villain?

He allowed me to get my warglaives transmog so he’s a hero in my book.

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The are cool, ngl.

If they’re Illidan’s concubines wouldn’t that imply then that Illidan is bi or something?
Pretty sure he’s not.

He was willing to melt icecrown glacier to destroy the lich king and join the legion.

He willingly transformed into a half demon by consuming the skulls power instead of destroying it, he sacrificed kaels elves to the scourge to buy time for him to beat arthas to icecrown to destroy the Lich king to join the Legion and in my own headcanon he would of donned the helm himself.

Had he destroyed it he obviously would not have been powerful enough to defeat the Legion.

In the same way that in any war casualties are created to win the overall war effort?

This proves you are entirely biased and not willing to accept anything other than your perception. However, you are right to have your own perception. That is the joy of reading: you get what you want out of it.

That said, pushing your own perception as empirical fact is not within your right. And this is why we disagree.

The only part of that in my headcanon is the donning of the helmet. Are you unable to read?

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And now here come the personal attacks.

We’re done here.

Because you are too caught up in your own opinion to have a legitimate conversation and turn to fanfiction and retcons of the character. Snowflake fake lore nerds like you are the ones who argued that archimonde wasn’t pulling the strings in WoD.

I was wondering when Illidan harem was going to come up :laughing:

I’m pretty sure it was not Illidan’s idea so much as his less savory allies. At least they were equal opportunity, there’s a couple male Gnomes in there.

Tiny hands can get in tight places

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