Concubines in black temple raid

They removed NPCs literally named after one of the worst instigators of the harassment at Blizzard.

That was it, and that was all they needed to do.

Heck, I’d have been happy with just a name change.


I have seen Malfurion’s nipples and I am NOT okay.

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Make everyone wear hooded robes. No more complaining then.

Please no…
I will legitimately be so mad if they decided to remove/change that.
I loved that part of the raid.

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cosby suite


Go back to the kitchen and make us men some food and make sure you are topless and wearing high heels and a thong

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The more woke they make the game the less people will play it. Hollywood and other entertainment entities are learning that lesson.


delete any thing in WOW game that is for iladan he DUM

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Your name matches your comment so well.

Retconned Illidan yes… Original Illidan no… Lets not sit here and pretend Illidan of Legion is what his original “character” intent was in BC.

Don’t know what WC you were playing then if you think Illidan was anything less than an anti-hero that saved Azeroth.

No. With AOE caps it removed fun and small profit of BT runs. YOu actually steer clear of them so not farmed anymore.

YOu see once that 6th, then 7th then 10th Harem member has you CC’d…hard dump the run is advised. YOu probably aren’t coming out of stun lock.

Oh you’re using TBC Illidan, and complaining about retcons? Illidan was retconned into a villain for TBC to be a loot pinata because cool rule applied after everyone yelled about wanting his warglaives.

Please revisit your lore.

Actually I always wondered despite the large harem of lovers and concubines… how come Kaelthas and Illidan don’t have any children? Surely out of the 5000000, one of them will result in a pregnancy? I guess fel really did a number on their reproductive system.

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think your reading a little too much into those mobs lady. i mean, they’re literally in the section before all the succubi, pretty sure they’re just there to show the increase in demonic activity.

like, how having that powerful/many succubi around, tends to attract people willing to endulge in such activities, or something.


And again, nevermind the use of male concubines in Nighthold. We’re only going to point out the harem in BT because it fits the narrative.


Nah, they just need to change half the concubines to males. Then it will no longer be sexist. :heart:

As seems to be typical with your posting, you make passive aggressive demands and try to bully Blizzard into compliance, instead of actually being honest about it. Why can’t you just flat out say what you really think and just demand them be removed?

Could it be because you know unless you try to engage in intimidation, you’d be ignored?
Or is it because you know an empty threat ala “Do this or I quit!” has no teeth?

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Nope… False. The only retcon is turning Illidan into an “anti-hero”… Just like they are doing to Sylvanas.


Revisit your lore. You have no idea what you’re talking about.