Don’t change anything Blizzard, people don’t have to transmog everything they see, the Mechagnomes are unique and should come off the assembly line as is! thank you!
I would be fine if they went the Undead route and allows us to transmog Gloves and Boots but still leave the arms and legs exposed
Transmog is most of the point. My problem is this idealogy is very selfish. As you can also hide the appearance of items if you want. I can’t make them visible. If I can’t look good and comfortable in an outfit in a game/on a character then I’ll lose interest. Why classic doesn’t especially appeal to me. If I am playing my own character and not a premade I like to be able to wear what I think looks best. Maybe Mechagnomes just aren’t for me. Be the first allied race I’ve totally written off. Although I haven’t really played lightforged yet because lack of good class besides pally and I already have 2 pallys I like where they are.
They should’ve made the chest one of the newer, “turtle neck,” models.
I’ve seen that frequently on female characters a lot (your outfit) just wanna say it looks swell on you.
I see your point, but these Mechagnomes are special why cover up the arms, hands, legs, feet … just make a normal Gnome and do that stuff
Also the Lightforged are awesome … they look good in anything!
Like I said. When it comes to Lightforged. Isn’t about cosmetic it’s about class options.
Only issue i have with the transmog of the Junkergnomes is that it wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t a powerful racial race even with the nerf that occured, means more will want to play the go to race and it limits them for it.
Thank you!
I love rocking pink/red and this shirt really helps me to accomplish the look I was going for.
My favourite colors in real life are purple and pink.
Paladin class colour is pink which makes it even more complete <3
My favourite colour is kind of a fuschia. But otherwise purple, or fel green.
except that thats the point of the race that they have these things other wise its just a gnome
I didn’t ask for them to be removed. I asked to be able to wear clothes. Could say the whole point of Pandaren, or Worgen is to be feral beasts and thus they need to be naked and armour is 100% invisible on them. Not even weapons they just use their claws. That’s pretty ridiculous scenario.
My wife loves those colors, too!
Pink (fuchsia) and Green!
but why would i put plate armor on a metal arm? or risk a flowing robe getting caught in a my elbow gear? i understand that its going to look terrible like trying to put our gear on naga or sethrak its just not going to look right. but with your example you can tell that a worgen is in fact a worgen just by looking at it regardless of gear.
a mech gnome and a reg gnome in say the battle gear of wrath would be identical
I don’t think this would be possible. The mechanical limbs are different proportions than regular gnome limbs. They are longer and the joints in the legs are oriented differently to the point that they require an entirely different run animation from regular gnomes.
Mixing flesh and mechanical limbs on the same body just wouldn’t work. You would end up with one limb longer than the other and run into animation problems.
The whole point of mechagnomes is that you want to see their mecha bits.
It is like a druid where you spend most of your time in some animal form or another. The transmog is the skin itself.
If you are looking for mogs, then gnormals are probably what you are looking for.
That happens sometimes. But the point is choice. There is no way to tell the difference between Lightforged, and Regular Draenei in full armor. Mag’har and regular orc. Dark Iron and Regular Dwarf.
true i concede that point that most of the AR’s are lazy reskins that should have been cosmetic options like hair styles
Except on a druid I can shift in and out at will. And out of combat I’m usually out unless I want to dance or something. Also legion helped a lot with more customisation.
I’ve done Heritage of the Mag’har.
You get all 3 colors.