Concern with Mechagnomes

The fact that they can’t wear sleeves, or pant legs. It really bothers me. It’s the Undead exposed bone things but WAY worse. I like Mechagnomes. But as being a huge transmog fan I really can’t stand having my transmogs butchered like that. Essentially making them unplayable for me. Please tell me this is intended to be rectified and they won’t ship like this?

I’d also love an option to be full robot. But doubt that’s happening. Idk the core body being normal gnome while all the appendages are mechanized and the head can be optionally half mechanized is kind of awkward. But it seems you’re having issues allowing armour to be worn on the mechanical parts for some reason so if we could be MORE mechanical we’d have even less transmog options. It’s quite frustrating tbph.

The second one probably won’t happen. But in the very least make transmog work on them somehow.

Edit: 1 more thing. Mechagnomes need 1 new class.


I agree completely.

Honestly I don’t know what blizzard was thinking. I really hope it’s not intended.

Mechagnomes where you can’t wear gear over their mechanical parts???


The Heritage armor is pretty much that, but it appears to only be available in the golden color.

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It might be an early PTR build, if they’re still working on making the limbs come out right. Hard to tell at this point.


So I decided to test this and became very sad.

When you check out the armor on another race nothing had been done for legs or arms. Which suggests them not having gear showing up there is very intended.

I hope I’m wrong. But fearful that I am right.


For all the customizable options mechgnomes have, I think letting people have 1 flesh arm and 1 flesh leg would’ve been nice. Pants, sleeves, etc. would be visible on those parts and still keep the mechgnome identifiable as being mech (if that’s the issue with pants/sleeves). Plus anti-symmetry is neat.


There shouldn’t be any design issue with putting gear over the mech parts. I just can’t see it.

I don’t disagree, but I’m assuming that’s along the lines of what ActiBlizz’s reasoning is.

A mechagnome who wants full mechanization? I thought we killed you all in the dungeon!


The problem wasn’t wanting to be full robot. But forcing everyone to be full robot.


Ah, I thought it was more to do with the “gnome” part providing personality/emotion/creativity/etc that mechanization couldn’t.

I have grossly misinterpreted the entire zone of Mechagon.

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This isn’t terrible but like I still want to be able to wear pants blizzard, pls… LET THE GNOMES WEAR PANTS!!!

First nightborne, then kul’tirans, now mechagnomes. Scuffed races, “work in progress” but released.

If you’re gonna make a new race, go all the way.


But not all of them. Vulpera, Zandalari, Dark Irons, Mag’har are all aesthetically excellent.


Yes, they are. Which is why they’re most played races, while the ones I mentioned are barely ever played.


I love Nightborn lore wise but it’s quite clear their models aren’t finished. They don’t have the same feel as the NPC versions.


The only race where they only look good in their heritage armour.

Have you seen how utterly stupid they look with those spindly legs, human body and big shoulder pads?


Not even in heritage armor, since you can see the back of the neck under helmet. They couldn’t even do that properly smh.

Basically copy pasted npc models and just threw it at us, as Vulpera counterpart, while working on Vulpera tails, totems and all.


Should have gotten paladins with their light accumulators at least. Limiting the game’s first playable cyborgs to mostly cloth and leather just feels bad.


I don’t know, I kind of like the uniqueness of having the mechanical parts exposed. Honestly, I was leery of mechagnomes at first, but I checked out wowhead’s dressing room and I really liked the hybrid options. If not having pant legs and gloves are really that big of a deal, then stay as a normal gnome :slight_smile: