Concept for a new class: Void Knight


Intellect and ranged weaponsssssss

Melee Tank spec to be loyal to WC3. Ranged otherwise.

And It wouldn’t have similar themes to any other class.

Knew this would happen at some point.

Tinker could work but I’d rather just have a caster that uses magic.

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Also. I’m just suggesting a class that would both be ranged, and not tread on existing archetypes.

That is simultaneously loyal to Warcraft 3.

We’re running out of Magic users to draw on though.
Blood Mage = Fire Mage
Pit Lord = Warlock
Archmage = Frost Mage
Dark Ranger = Priest.
Shadow Hunter and Farseer are both Shaman.
Priestess of the Moon is somewhat represented in both Druid and Priest

Most of the Magic archetypes from WC3 are already in WoW. Tinkers aren’t. that’s really my point.

I ABSOLUTELY Agree the next class needs a ranged spec. But there aren’t really any “Magic Users” left.

This seems cool to me. I think the name you’re looking for is a “Cleric,” which would be halfway between a Priest and a Paladin, which is almost where the Shaman is at. The Shaman dips its toes into being a support class with totems, but doesn’t embrace that aspect of gameplay enough.

“Cleric” should absolutely be a class. Right in there between a priest and a Paladin.

From a Roleplaying perspective, Priests are all about channeling the magic of Light and Shadow through spells. From a gameplay perspective, they are a pure spellcasting class that uses their spells for damage and healing, with some of their passive talents allowing them to support their allies with buffs.

From a Roleplaying perspective, Paladins are all about getting up in your grill and delivering justice. Even when wielding the Light to heal, they tend to rely on brute force rather than complex spellwork.
From a Gameplay perspective, they’re straightforward. Prot focuses on holding their ground and keeping themselves and others safe. Ret focuses on hitting hard and helping their friends hit hard. Holy focuses on keeping others alive while not having to worry about their own safety as much as other, squishier healers.

We’re missing a middle ground here.

A Melee class that can focus on being a battlefield LEADER, leaning more heavily into buffs and debuffs to create windows of opportunity for their allies, while being up close in the second rank, hitting hard right alongside their tanks and melee DPS counterparts.

By taking certain specific parts of a Priest, Paladin, and Shaman, you can create a class that’s all about support, leadership, and enabling greatness.

The Ultimate Battlefield General, of sorts.

I see this class as having 2 specs:

War: A melee DPS class that focuses on mixing and matching a variety of martial techniques with different types of holy magic. This makes them adaptable and able empower allies, or throw enemies off balance.

Devotion: A mid-range healer class that wreathes enemies or allies in holy light, providing a variety of buffs and debuffs that empower the cleric over the course of the fight to grant greater and greater benefits to their allies.

2 specs isn’t diverse enough, it’ll lead to the problem DH has where there’s only one way of playing DPS. Specs were suggested above. However:

This class is specifically about the void, holy magic is out of the question. Using void magic to heal though wasn’t considered, and that is a cool thought.

The rest of your post is good, I didn’t think about RP much either.

The Devotion spec could easily be about debuffing enemies with VOID magic to allow allies to leech healing and buffs out of the enemy’s life-force. Either way, a melee support class that can offer buffs the same way Shaman used to be able to with their totems could be pretty fun.

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It wasn’t in Warcraft 3, and will most likely not be added if it wasn’t in Warcraft 3. Because Blizzard has based every class in this game off of Wc3 for 15 years

This game, Last time I Checked is called “World of Warcraft”
So Every class should come directly from the World that the Warcraft games established.

So paladins can already use shadow btw, to claim otherwise is not accurate:

Twilight magic might not be void magic, but it is a combination of shadow and holy. That is what you call a precedent.

There is nothing really preventing a Void Knight class other than the desire on Blizzard’s part. But I think their “rule of cool” applies here more than ever.

isnt dk pretty much the opposite of paladins?

This is where class skins would come in handy.
They wouldn’t actually need to do anything to the class but make it look like void, though it would be fun they can’t balance the classes they have. We could have things like necromancers as warlocks, and whatever else cool things you can imagine.

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Got to be honest, this just sounds exactly like a DK but you’re slapping Mail armor onto it just because the game kind of needs a third Mail class, not because it makes sense.

Where’s the Ranged love?
DK = melee
Monk = melee
DH = melee

Since launch back in 2004 we have yet to see a new ranged class.

DKs don’t use void though. Completely different theme.

A theme isn’t enough to justify a new class.

It’s still the evil knight class.
Some games call it Dragon Knight, Dark Knight, Black Knight, what have you.

Why make a new class that fulfills the same class fantasy when the existing one could be better.

Because it would look and feel completely different. A Void Knight would be about gravity attacks, black holes, crushing, imploding, etc. Death Knights are about diseases and undead.

They might both be “evil knights” but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for both. We have both druids and shamans after all.

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Never want a new class after what they did to my warlock with demon hunters.

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Know from Blizzard’s perspective, they are likely going to call them Hell Knights due to it sound far more Catchier than Void Knights.

Throughout fantasy, Hell Knights are portrayed as Death Knights on steroids. While Death Knight have power over the grave, the other sort of have power over Souls, the Underworld, as well the Infinite Shadow.

Classes like druids are the opposites of DKs.


It’s based on the fact that the only of the six energies in WoW that doesn’t have its own dedicated class is shadow. Shadow has one spec dedicated to it and one other spec that can dabble in it. All of the other 5 have at least one class dedicated to them.

Specs were suggested earlier in the thread. It’s worth reading those before saying this will never work and is stupid or it’s just a purple paladin or just another DK.

Light = Paladin / Priest
Life = Druid, Monk, Shaman
Order = Mage, Druid
Disorder = Warlock
Death = Death Knights
Shadow = Priest, Subtlety Rogue, even parts of Warlock

Am I Missing something here?


Death Knights Literally have power over souls, the Shadowlands, and can manipulate Shadow magic… So I have no Idea where you’re drawing the Idea for “Hell Knights”

Blizzard doesn’t just draw from Generic Fantasy. They draw from the Warcraft games.

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Warlocks have a spell called shadow bolt but I very much doubt it’s actually shadow energy. Subtley rogues use no magic. They just have a spell called shadow blades. Priest has one spec for light, one for shadow, and one for both. Thing is, specs, not