Compromised account

Did they notify you that the processing of the compromise has been completed? Sorry if I missed that in an earlier post.

If they are still working on the compromise, an update is not required. If for some reason they tell your husband that the game and account have been restored, but the game is still banned, then he can update the ticket requesting a look into the ban status.

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I am so happy, i am in tears. I did submit on it tho just to let them know my husband did all what was needed and only waiting for the ban to be lifted. LOL I was impatient from the adrenaline. Weird I can feel that way because of something like this. SOOOO HAPPYYY
he can play pre patch.


yes they replied by telling us all was restored and what to do next to get it secured. The ban was still there so I added a submit on the ticket

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Hehe, I can imagine the elation! Restoring the account isn’t so much a manual process anymore, but can still take a bit (I’ve seen something half an hour to an hour at worst). They’ll remove the ban once it’s done, and let your husband know it’s ready to go.

Well they said in an email they restored it and even my guild bank so its possible they just are waiting on the green light for security reasons so I submitted that all security is in place and they can verify

update: I did however noticed that my GB isnt restored so maybe they are indeed still on it

I’m so happy they’ve gotten to you guys and are actively working on it! This is great news to wake up to. ^^


Thats odd I still haven’t gotten a reply from any GM yet and its been 12 days and my account was compromised on 10/8

They reactivated the account, so I could change pasword, add phone number and authenticator. Now it needs to be unbaned but that shouldnt take that long. Its is in de recovery process and the account needed to be secured first too.

If you didn’t get to this yet then my only geuss or question would be, how did you post your ticket?
Some use a different account and I have the impression that you then don’t go through the primary hacked procedure. Meaning… the most important ticket is the one going from your hacked accounts emailadres. You arent able to see a ticket process cos your emailadres is unknown and without account BUT they see that immediatly or faster in rhe Q line…
Idk if i explained that right? If you send a ticket from another existing account you get in a normal Q i think.
Does that make sense? Maybe that is what happened cos those Queus are much longer.
It is a geuss but i had another open and the respons there hasnt happend eventhough it was around the same time.

I submitted a web ticket since the email was compromised. Later I forgot I had this old account (not active) so I used it to make a normal ticket through this bnet id. Second ticket is like 9 days old. I’m hoping they get to it soon. The one I submitted with this ID is US87337714. I just bought dragonflight epic too last month and got picked for beta and can’t even play it.

Yeah me too!!! It still is in ban but they told me on here that is not honna be for long.
I promissed myself to come here once in a while to give people some support like you guys gave me and I hope marthros gets help quick.

I dont know if it is the same but my original ticket, coming from the emailadres of the hacked account is the one they responded too. I never had a ticket number of that one seeing there wasnt an account anymore on that emailadres but today they respondet to that one and for the first time i saw my ticket and its number.

I googled account hacked blizzard and came to the page where i could just write what happened and give some info and submitted it.

I am sure there must be a good explenation and i will come check in for good news on your side.

Thanks :slight_smile: I submitted the exact same thing as you except my account gmail account works fine and wasn’t hacked. I use multifactor authentication on all my email accounts so it texts my cell phone if your trying to log in. But they changed my battlenet password and then changed the email on it so I couldn’t log back into it. Feel violated to say the least.

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They likely won’t restore it to the Guild Bank itself. When it happens they will likely mail it in-game to the Guild Leader or your husband (as his account was the one that removed the items.)


My husbands email wasn’t hacked either. We also have 2 step on everything.

I couldn’t get in to create a ticket either cos it always said no account by that email. Email unknown. They had also changed the wow account to another emailadres.

Still by searching help, i found a way to put in a ticket. There is a topic on hacked accounts with changed emailadres and there we chose an option that after answering some personal questions about my husbands account, we could send in a ticket with the emailadres where the account used to he on eventhough it was now an unknown adres…

Ooohhh ok… i havent seen my mailbox yet. That will be a long mailbox to empty (i am the gm) and for my husband (he got hacked) it will be hours of mailbox opening cos he has more stuff, he has 3 or 4 guild banks. He is a wow AH enthousiast :rofl:

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I think I have at least that many. At least two of my locks still have the mats to summon the dreadsteed in Dire Maul West. A number of characters still have their Evergrrn Pouch and some still have Un’goro soil and/or Packet of Tharledris Seeds. I did go through and remove all the Hallow’s Eve wands. Most of my main characters still have a full bank.

I used to have a lot of other stuff in my guild banks but I broke down and put most of it on the AH. I needed space to store battlepets. I now have entire guild banks with either level 1 or level 25 battle pets.


You guys are like twins then lol
Same as Leilleath on here, we were talking zbout it earlier.

I am more the Alt missions gold kind of person because I only sell a few items. I felt real bad for my husband because he does it really with passion.

When we do our big spring, now winter, cleaning before a new expac, I sell/throw most out and he sais he cleanes up but secretly just rearanges it.

On that note, I am happy that I made a level 10 on a US server to come to this forum because you guys are awesome and I want peoples to know that this has been a support group in any sense of the way. I almost will be going to bed so any blue note, green note, player who supports peoples in here deserves a gold medall and a big ty!
Special mention to Leilleath! You were my rock!


You need to put all the same items together. That way you don’t spend all day looking for that stack of something. Every once in a while I go through and organize my pet collection.

I have an EU account as well as my main NA accounts. No guild banks there yet. I’ve let it go dormant for a while until I get my main up to level 70 in Dragonflight. The pets are spread out over alts.

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I play mainly EU seeing I am from there but I love the mentallity on the forums here.


You are welcome to join us in the lounge thread, we always love to welcome new people to the fam. Funny thing is that my wife found this forum after her account was compromised way back in BC, thank the gods that she did because this forum is actually how we met. :slight_smile: