Completing a dungeon really required for Kyrian campaign?

Because this community really takes perceived imbalance issues to heart and I think you helping the covenant deal with the max level dungeon for their zone would just be a good narrative point since the leveling campaign covered going to the lower level one.

Like Ardenweald already setup the DOS run…without giving spoilers, the Winter Queen basically tells us we can go help Bwomsandi or not…she doesn’t care about his fate when instead of could have been “I don’t care about his fate but I don’t like the idea of an usurper in my realm…go deal with it”

Theater could have been "we want to establish that we are the best and strongest house so go beat up the house champions in theater of pain to establish dominance of the other houses) and Revendreth could have just been “we’ve been made aware of a Naruu being held captive…go free it”.

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Then the Kyrian one has to be completely redone because dealing with Devos literally sets up the rest of the Kyrian storyline.

Like I said, I think it is fine and would make narrative sense to require the max level dungeon for each covenant to be done as part of the campaign.

Also WoW now literally requires new players to do a dungeon to get off lowbie isle…and if you ever play FFXIV, you will quickly learn dungeons are required to advance the MSQ which literally blocks you from the game itself if you don’t progress that.


Go to looking for group. And queue specifically for that dungeon in either normal or heroic difficulty. Should be easy.

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The starter island “dungeon” is an instanced event that does not actually require a group, as it can be solo’ed with NPC assistance. (which I did several times during beta and twice on live, it didn’t group me with any actual players.)

Now if the story dungeon were to also provide the same level of NPC assistance then I would be okay with that. Perhaps a “solo story mode” like in SWToR.


Normal dungeons are basically just you and 4 NPCs, since no one talks, there’s almost never an issue, and its finished quickly. It’s super easy to complete this portion of the quest line. In fact, you could have finished in the time between both my posts.

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One would argue normal dungeons dont need the holy trinity to complete also and quite possibly will change in the future in favor of dynamic scaling by roles (like Torghast and that lowbie dungeon does).

Just saying, I am a big believer that more group content interspersed in the leveling would not be a bad thing. Nothing super hard but being intimidated by group content isnt very conducive to being a player in a MMO with an endgame that relies on it unless you want to do essentially nothing

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You mean like Venthyr who need to run Halls of Atonement to get one of the medallions from the Chamberlain, so they can complete the crown with 6 medallions in the campaign?

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It’s not part of the main campaign though, or reserved to venthyr. It’s a side reputation quest that can be entirely skipped. I myself, just did it a week ago cause I had skimmed through revendreth to get to covenant choice faster when I was 60 before the end of the zone.


Since it is in Sinfall, that only Venthyr can get to, and is only takes place after the parley meeting of their campaign (that the quest text specifically makes reference to), that only Venthyr can do or get to, it is indeed reserved entirely without question to Venthyr.

And as the 7th and last medallion to complete the crown Venthyr make for the Prince ( quest chain) is up in 9.1, getting the above while mayhap not have been necessary to do at that time, will very likely be required.

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Hmm i’ve had a quest to kill chamberlain and it gave rep to avowed just like that one but I’m kyrian. Redundant…

EXACTLY!!! That is what happened to me as well. The one faction that I ended choosing has to have a dungeon, out of the 4… I was able to clear it after dying at the end, just because the DPS player was so darn good that she carried the other 4 of us through and just exited without saying a word. Though I wouldn’t blame her…

Main story content should never be locked behind dungeons/raids, and should always be completable solo.


not a solo quest op. You will have to group up :slight_smile: gl.

I agree but only if the dungeon is say mythic only. If a dungeon has a normal / heroic difficulty then it shouldn’t if it fits into the narrative. That was part of the reason why we have random dungeon and random raid (LFR) queues.

Just suck it up. WoW is an MMORPG, part of that is doing group content.

There are 2 quests for HoA. One is universal and the other is Venthyr only. The one that is universal just requires you to kill lord Chamberlain. Getting the medallion of pride from him is only for the venthyr quest. is the universal one is the venthyr only one

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Um, nope. Some of us are solo players.

I’ll “suck it up” by not bothering with Kyrian.


Damien is my 4th 60, I guess he’ll stall at farming Korithia for gear and WQs for soulbinds. I have another disc priest and I’ll choose more wisely next time.

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imagine being so terrible at the game you have to freak out and post on the forums when the game makes you complete one dungeon on normal.

imagine being that horrific at anything

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I’ve run hundreds of dungeons in game, healed quite a few. I’ve only ever solo queued healing random BGs to the 9k HKs mark, do you really think I’m afraid of a dungeon or maybe there’s a reason beyond your simplified view of my motivations.


Totally agree. I don’t like Dungeons. Forcing players who are doing solo content, i.e. the covenant campaign, into a dungeon is super annoying.


I don’t either like it but to do the Korthia quests in full you will have to complete the ascension and I have two just waiting to do that.