Completing a dungeon really required for Kyrian campaign?

IKR, imagine an online MMORPG world where you might sometimes have to do a dungeon with people. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE

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I did the campaign with my main.

Now, I have to do with alts, none of whom are my best or most familiar classes. I get to subject other players to what will be admittedly subpar playing on my part. Hope you guys enjoy carrying me.

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hey! dungeons are a multplayer feature u can queue as 2 do with other players hope this helps

OP got this done over six months ago and moved on.

MMO = “Massively multiplayer online”, not “Forced group content or else”.

And “Suck it up” is also a really bad argument if you’re trying to convince people that the community isn’t toxic.


Uh. Why did we necro this?

Regardless, dungeons are a normal part of any game where other people are involved. The campaign requiring a dungeon is not the end of the world. It wasn’t then. It isn’t now.


Kyrian is the only campaign that has a dungeon requirement. I did it x3 Once on a clothie, leather and mail. Will not be doing plate as I don’t play plate wearers.


You know you probably could have queued for the dungeon and completed the quest in the time it took you to write this…just sayin

I’m not happy that people like you play this game.

People who complain about having to do one dungeon? Are you serious?

I’ll answer this: Yes. I actually quit playing when Legion was new because dungeons were required to advance. Up until then I was a solo player with occasional play with friends/guildies. Never did a dungeon, never needed to, didn’t want to, because I never knew when RL would call me away suddenly.

I totally understand that dungeons and raids are part of the game. But that isn’t what appealed to me in all the years I’ve played. One of the reasons WoW was the success it was, I firmly believe, is that it had something for so many types of play and player.

If say, I play a tank (because I liked not dying over quickly killing), I can get to max level without ever setting foot in a dungeon and have. But going into a dungeon for the first time with never having done one before?

  • You won’t know what to expect in the dungeon.
  • You will not understand group tactics.
  • You will not know or understand roles and your role in the dungeon.
  • There is a very high probability that you will be given grief for your ignorance.

The frustration could be quite high and quickly discourage a player who does not have thick skin.

I got very lucky and learned a bit about dungeons with a good guild but that was a recent thing and I still avoid dungeons in general because of the bad experiences I have had.

So please, remember that not everyone shares your point of view, your experiences and enjoys what you enjoy. This is a big game, a big world and there are all sorts of people.


Dungeons are very simple though. Especially on normal difficulty.

Just queue up in the group finder, and it finds one for you.

How are people this against dungeon queuing??

I think if you realized how easy it is to just do it, you wouldn’t of needed to make this post.

Oh no, carrying in a normal mode that can almost be solo’d by any class/spec in current.

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Not with the gear these alts have got. But I think you’ve got a great carrier attitude!

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I am not a fan of group content much any more so I can sympathize completely.

My advice is to queue up for a normal dungeon as damage and get it over it.

I have found people are not very tolerant of tanks that follow the “slow and steady wins the race” approach, so I go in as dps when I have to.

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My advice would be to pick single player games

The amount of people who play mmorpg’s and refuse to be slightly social or do content designed for groups is astonishing. Players knew what they were walking into when they bought a game in this genre.

Sorry,op ,you will have to do the dungeon because all the other campaign relies on it ,including the rid of the Jailors eye in the Maw and korthia wq on factions.

Not surprising but doesn’t need that kind of input.

What kind of input does it need if it doesn’t need blunt input? You’d rather me dance around the truth?

I haven’t seen you encourage anyone to socialize in a dungeon but more disassociate them . Do you realize this? Being blunt is a rude form of being ignorant. Let me give an example,I hurt my arm, I yell ouch,you come along and say,“Poor baby,are you hurt?”