Completely off the wall suggestion

“What if the moon blew up” is the plot of Seveneves (Neal Stephenson), which is a great book.

Not the same thing as the sun, but still, pretty neat.

Cool concept, I appreciate your time in putting it together!

But I feel it would be frustrating - all the effort wasted - the best thing about having alts is that your level 60 can fund them greens and make them Overpowered for their level.
Eventually the game will stagnate - the only reason people play Private server Vanilla is for nostalgia, not accuracy.
I can guarantee you that private server players haven’t been consistently playing Vanilla for 10 years.

I’d say if retains you for 3-4 years, and then you get sick of the stagnation. For most, at least.
I would like to see an alternate expansion release.
Maybe a new raid, or tier set on particular servers. Or an update to PvP on some servers and Not others. Such as Arenas.
Keeps No changers happy, fills blizzards pockets, and allows more contemporary players a more unique experience.

And free Server transfers - but with rewards for transferring to an unbalanced PvP realm.
Such as more honour, or gold for killing the opposing faction.

It isn’t Vanilla, but it would make it more interesting for sure.
Unlikely they’ll make server transfers free, though.

Would rather have a thread like this instead of the 50 threads spamming either #NoChanges or #TrollChanges.

No need to be snippy because some are running out of things to discuss, and hype, while they wait.

Lol snippy… yeah I’ll say what I want.

No this is one of the worst ideas I have heard. If they did something like this it would have to be a COMPLETELY separate server that one would have to willingly opt into (such abusurdity). This isn’t diablo it’s an MMO… you aren’t suppsoed to reset your character progression after all the hours of dedication you put into it.

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There should be one “fresh” style server just like there should be one “overtuned” server and one “permadeath” servee.

Thank you for being commentor #20 who doesn’t understand the point of the proposal.

And thanks for everyone who actually understood what I was saying it seems most don’t like the idea, point taken!

It really isn’t too complicated, you’re just backtracking as quickly as you can because a lot of people think your idea isn’t a very good one and what’s worse is you’re being smug about it where you really have no business being so.

You created a complicated “save” system so that the realms can be reset periodically. That’s what you stated in your OP. We read it just fine.


Where is the backtracking exactly? I even thanked people for their criticisms and came to the conclusion that people just don’t like the idea and I was okay with that. What I was talking about was people like you who weren’t getting the point of the post and saying “PFFT SERVER RESETS WHO WOULD WANT THAT?!?!? TERRIBLE IDEA”. I don’t mind if you don’t like my idea or have something to say about it, but when you are this ignorant I am going to call you out on it.

Yeah and this isn’t what you criticized in your first post now was it? You criticized the idea of server resets in general which wasn’t the point of this post.

BTW you want to know how I know you have the brain of a 5 year old?

Lol so yeah like I said, the post must have been too complicated for you to understand.

I don’t see how you’re calling people “ignorant”, when this quote alone supports their posts.

NO to removing my characters (IDC what the reason is).
NO to “resetting” them back to level one.

This isn’t even in Retail (nor was it, in Classic), so IDK why we’re even talking about this.


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Lol you are ignorant as well because I am not advocating for server resets my dude, read the OP.

I am making a hypothetical system in the event they server reset. I have explained this a million times.

They reset; I uninstall.

Regardless of the convoluted restore system and gated reprogression proposed.

Did I say server reset? Read my post, again:

EDIT: Which is in response to THIS quote, by YOU:

The concept isn’t hard to understand at all. Don’t assume people are “not getting it” because they don’t like the idea.
Personally I wouldn’t care for this.
It’d have to be confined to a server that people who like the idea could choose to play on.


I am talking about the people flaming me for thinking I am advocating for a server/character reset. The people who have not liked my idea and stated why they didn’t like my idea specifically I have had a nice back and forth with. It’s the people who clearly don’t understand what I am talking about and they say “LOL NO CHARACTER/SERVER RESET MY DUDE”.

Then explain what you mean by this quote, said by YOU, instead of calling us names:

That’s what I am talking about when I say server reset. I am talking about them removing/resetting them back to level one. That is what a server reset means in this context. I read your post you just aren’t comprehending.

Yes, I realize I said this now read this carefully. I said ‘lets imagine blizzard decided on fresh servers and reset the servers, this is my system’. So my system is the save state deal, blizzards would be the character reset. This topic clearly is too difficult for you to understand. If you don’t like my idea that’s fine, just understand what it actually is.

I just did but you aren’t getting it. Let me slow it down for you even though I explained this 100 times already.

Lets say it is 2025 alright? Blizzard decides, “We need to reset the servers and send everything back to square one to bring it back”. Now before you freak out in this scenario I am just asking you to imagine that this is blizzards plan… ok? Now when they make this plan I suggest, during stage one when everyone’s character is reset it should work like…insert actual suggestion here.

I wouldn’t call you names if you just asked the question instead of acting like you knew what this post was about.

Instead of being defensive because your idea IS horrible, try to avoid the personal attacks because it doesn’t help your cause, either.

You keep using the phrase “server reset” (which, no to that to). Your proposing a hypothetical, to which no one, wants, to begin with.

And asking us how we’ll “deal with that” by Character Removals or Resetting their levels, to which no one wants that either. The fact that you’re putting this asinine idea, into the air is ridiculous enough.

I do not accept this hypothetical “server reset” which may or may not tie in with my Characters being removed or reset back to level one.


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I am not defensive of my idea, everyone who actually criticized it I agreed with their stance and had a nice discussion with them. Nice try to be insulting but it didn’t work =D

Yeah and I am saying that in the case that this thing happens maybe we could make it a little better… Like let’s just say two years ago someone made a thread that said “lets say blizzard has to use sharding for classic, how should it look?” and that would be exactly what this thread would be similar to. Trying to make the best out of a bad situation that could happen.

My dude, I understand this… no one wants sharding either right? Well we discuss the best possible steps in how we can minimize the damage it would do right? No one wants loot trading right? But we discuss what best possible ways it could be implemented to reduce damage right? Server reset are not a good thing…but calling it an idea out of thin air is extremely ignorant. P servers have been using the FRESH server strategy for years now and P server players love it. I am not saying I do or I want it, but it has been proven to be something at least some people like. So just in case it does happen there may be a better way to deal with it. It may not be my idea, but I am just throwing out ideas here for fun.

But you clearly missed that point and are now raging like a child because you don’t understand whats happening.

Lol I am not asking you to accept it which is why I am calling you ignorant. I am saying that in the event that this happens we should …insert idea here. Now if you were to say, I hate your idea of how to deal with server resets, that would be fine with me! I would ask you what you think would be best.

But judging by your ignorance you would just say “LOL NO SERVER RESETS” which isn’t the point of this thread at all but your brain obviously can’t understand or deal with hypothetical situations.

You are being defensive and trying to hide behind the word “ignorant”, to bully those, who may or may not be “on par”, with your intellect which is the main reason, I chimed in. Being rude and disrespectful doesn’t get anyone to align with your cause. I haven’t been rude nor disrespectful, to you and even if I am “ignorant”, is not a good enough reason, to be a bully. All you have to do is explain yourself, cordially.

Because we (or at least I do) know Sharding is going to happen because it was mentioned to be a possibility (which let’s be real, means it WILL happen, but this thread isn’t about sharding). The mere fact, that you’re discussing a “hypothetical” server reset, would put the idea that you’re advocating for a “server reset” which NO to that.

I’d much rather deal with Sharding than a Server Reset. I’m not interested in making a terrible decision better because that would mean, to me, I advocate for the idea of “server reset”, and I don’t, and that’s what I’m trying to tell you.

Again, with the name calling. I haven’t done that to you, don’t do it, to me especially if you want people to understand what you’re saying. Calling them names isn’t the best way to grab their attention so relax.

Anyhoot, nobody wants those things, however they are not hypothetical scenarios to “make better”. There was no mention of “server reset”, until YOU put the idea out there, so NO to “Server Reset”, first of all.

And secondly, your suggestion to “make it better” is WORSE than the “server reset”, itself. I, definitely, don’t want my characters to be removed nor reset even with the “server reset”, in play, here.

You are asking my opinion, “in the case of a ‘server reset’”, and YOU suggested a Character removal OR reset, to which I, and others, DEFINITELY do not want!

Are we on the same page, or are you going to continue to hide behind your thread and bully those you think are “lesser than”?