Completely off the wall suggestion

I realize #nochange is the main concern this post is 100% brainstorming than suggestion really.

Let’s just say blizzards plan is to reset servers to make them FRESH so it isn’t a static state forever. Please keep in mind this is a hypothetical so let’s just imagine for a second.

What if… they made a system with the server reset that works like this. They make some sort of character ‘save state’ before the release of each ‘stage’ of WoW. So let’s say it is classic stage 1 and you just leveled your character and you full cleared MC and you are in full t1 gear. The release for stage 2 is coming out in 2 weeks. You are able to ‘save’ your character the way they were and this data is saved. Now you raid all the content in this area and before stage 3 you can do the same for your character at this specific point for stage 2.

Fast forward 3 years or so classic gets reset. At stage one everyone’s characters are removed or at the very least sent back to level one with nothing so everyone is on equal footing. Now you can either choose to level something else if you want or maybe level the same class but a different spec possibly. Now stage 2 hits and you are given the option to bring back all the characters that were ‘saved’ in their stage 1 version on the first track of classic. So now this brings back your characters who were full t1 geared so that character isn’t behind by any means and can also run the current content with the gear you had them at before.

So even if you were full BWL geared in stage 3 or so during the first go around, if you quit and come back you will have the option of bringing back your character back to the same point they were during this stage and allows others to catch up or experience wow classic over again but at the same time doesn’t completely destroy your progress.

Just a thought dump on it as you wish.

yeah some people like the whole seasonal/restart thing but i sure as heck don’t.


Fair enough, but lets just say they were planning on resetting… would this work better for you knowing that once stage 2 comes out you get your full t1 rogue back and can run through BWL again in that gear and progress? I guess it’s better than completely deleting all progress and never letting you have it back just in case this is their plan.

Me either. Imagine you get to the game late and are almost 60 then the game resets. You cant let some people start over and others not. Making new servers ruins existing servers population and when you eventually make new new servers the first new ones get vacated and that pop suffers. This isn’t gonna work like pservers. You have 10 character slots. That’s a ton of content.

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I don’t ever want to lose access to any character I’ve built up. My server rep lies in that character. My hard work and countless hours are in that character.


Keep in mind when the servers reset for stage one, everyone gets reset and starts at level 1. The save state for the characters wouldn’t come into play until stage 2

yeah you crazy. I have given alot of thought of doing classic WoW like long Diablo 3 seasons, but thinking like that has what lead WoW to be an achievement based game instead of a community based game.

Maybe down the road there will be room for that if classic gets over the 13 million mark.

I don’t want to get reset ever for any reason.


That’s not what this thread is about. I am not suggesting they reset… I am saying in a hypothetical world where blizzard resets…what if they insert actual topic here. Maybe you got confused on what this thread was about.

So this thread is pointless… what if hypothetically the sun blew up?


You realize that 90% of the threads on this forum is hypothetical correct? Sharding is hypothetical. Guilds banks. Loot trading. Basically nothing is set in stone yet completely so everything we discuss on here is hypothetical considering blizzard could change everything about classic if they want to.

Stay on topic or don’t post please =D thank you!

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

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It means exactly what I think it means

of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis.

Everything on here is simply just that.

Ill post what i want and you can’t stop me.

Guild banks won’t be in classic. Those posts are a waste of space.

Loot trading will be in classic but we don’t know to what extent. Those posts are mostly a waste of space as its just people whining mostly. There are a few ok ones though.

Sharding will most likely be in classic. Blizzard hasn’t confirmed to what extent.

Those are not hypothetical topics 90% of the time. People are speaking seriously about them and not far fetched things that will never happen and haven’t even been discussed by blizzard.

Again, I don’t think hypothetical means what you think it means.

So you mean those threads are involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory?

So you mean those threads are involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory?

So you mean those thread are involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory

I don’t think YOU know what a hypothetical is my friend. Just because they are talking about something blizzard whispered may be possible still doesn’t make it any less of a hypothetical. Take sharding for example here are the main points of discussion:

How long?
What levels?
Will they stop using it after launch?
Will they even use it?
What could they use in substitute?

All of which are involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory. Which is a hypothetical.

Again, you clearly have no idea what it means.

I think you like wasting time with things that will never happen.

You know you are on the classic forums right? The place most of the things talked about on here is stuff that will never happen.

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I like arguing about fake stuff. So here goes.

Classic does “wildly” well, and TBC isn’t far behind.

Which is what I honestly hope happens. This is my perfect world right here!

I believe this guy is 100% correct. I don’t think a server rest will ever ever happen. When you think about it, it just doesn’t make sense. You assume that everyone will start classic day 1 and everyone will hit 60 within a couple of months of each other. The community progresses and gears roughly together and guilds down raids in the same time frame.

The reality is, that’s not going to happen. What if someone starts playing Classic a couple weeks before a hypothetical reset? For an average player, it’s going to take much much much longer than a couple weeks to hit level 60.

So they get to level 34 and their character goes back down to level 1? I know most people in this situation would just quit.

And another problem with OP hypothetical, you just start dividing the population more and more between each “stage”. There is never a chance for server communities to grow because some people will be here in the next stage, while others will move on. Where does it end? If I’m understanding your hypothetical correctly, by stage 10, people will be scattered out over 10 stages and unable to play with each other? It just doesn’t make sense.

Lastly, this guy is right: our content is 10 character slots. The thing is, Classic is different than retail. On retail, Blizz gives us new content every few months or so. This will not be the case in Classic. They can’t give us new content, because then that wouldn’t be Classic anymore.

What I’m trying to say, is that we will see a lot of player created content. That comes in the forms of alts. Player created content means: “Guild MC runs, but no geared mains allowed”, wPvP, etc.

In the end, two things that will absolutely wipe out Classic: splitting up communities and resetting progress. I know with your proposed reset system, you’re not technically resetting progress, but you are splitting up communities, which will be unhealthy for the game.

I know you’re not suggesting “what if resets happen” but you’re proposing “let’s say resets are happening, here’s how what I think they could do”. I just don’t see your proposed system as being feasible because I just don’t think any form of a server reset will ever happen.