Completely off the wall suggestion

Look man, if you expect me to NOT call you names you have to at least comprehend at a 10 year old level. I am not suggesting character removal or reset. I am suggesting save states in the event that blizzard chooses to do character removal or reset for server resets, because that is what a server reset is. If you can’t understand this simple concept you have no business of being the internet or having an opinion IMO.

I think OPs suggestion is terrible because I wouldn’t want people just waiting for their characters to just come back so they don’t play but I dont get why your struggling understanding what OP is saying


I’m asking you not to call me names because I respected you this long, to figure out what you’re trying to say. You need to be patient with others who may be “slow” at understanding what’s going on. Again, just because they’re “slow” doesn’t give you the right to bash them. Get over yourself!

I’m (and others are) still right, that you’re advocating / entertaining the idea of a “server reset” to which, even with your “save state” ties in with the removal/reset of their characters, to which we say NO!

You aren’t right because you aren’t bashing OPs idea you are bashing the idea of server resets which isnt OPs idea in this scenario

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Thank you! But yeah I have been told multiple times its a bad idea and I see it’s flaws now just a thought though.

Which the OP is, in a sense, on the down low, advocating / entertaining the idea of a “server reset”.

No I am not I even said multiple times I wasn’t you just aren’t understand what I am saying because you are slow.

dude no hes not lol

You are by bringing it up (or at least, entertaining the thought 'cause it was never mentioned). At which point, I’d probably quit the game.

That’s outstanding, but once again that’s not the point of this thread jesus christ don’t ask not to be called names if you are going to drool all over a thread with nonsense.

When people discuss the possibility of TBC servers and what they think they should do to release them does your brain just Alt-F4?

Leave it a static vanilla server, no extras added, no progression to tbc and later expacs. If you get bored in vanilla with it being static after you fully gear you can roll an alt or play retail.

Years down the road classic servers will be like twinks with everyone in the best gear and it will be glorious.

Again, my learning pace doesn’t give you the right to call me names nor make fun of me. Have patience and try to understand why those thinking a certain way are thinking that way.

And TBC server discussion doesn’t advocate / entertain the idea of resetting servers and/or removing / resetting one’s character. Please don’t put that idea out there.

I understand you’re trying to save them with your “save state”, however you’re putting the idea into Blizz’s head, for a reset, and you know how well they take our “suggestions”.

Yeah but some people are 100% against classic going anywhere other than vanilla… just like some people are 100% against servers resetting. Both are plausible systems blizzards may use. I can see you didn’t make that connection either…

This all started because you came in here saying “DON’T CALL PEOPLE IGNORANT WHEN YOU SAY STUFF LIKE THIS” and post a completely ignorant point attempting to ‘get me’. Well you only have proven yourself ignorant in your time in this post I would just walk away from this one as it is clearly over your head.

Again, those topics of discussion don’t advocate nor entertain the idea of “server reset” nor “character removal / reset” making those posts against that legit, therefore you have no reason (there’s no reason, ever) to be calling people names. NONE, whatsoever.

Now, explain, to me, what I’m “ignorant” about, or are you just tossing that around because you have no argument?

It is asinine to entertain the thought, of the possibility, of a “Server Reset” that will remove / reset one’s character.

The answer is still NO!

So, what am I not understanding? 'Cause you’re doing nothing now but name calling.

^^^Poster above is so far gone I would just stop talking to him Ehma. I honest to god think he may just be touched.

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I am done don’t worry, it is like talking to a 5 year old

Again, name calling doesn’t prove any point. What am I still missing? Explain it, to me. And you can do it without any name calling.


Because you have nothing but ad hominems.

He explained it to you multiple times and other posters in this thread.

He then gave you an example of something to compare the thought of what his post was about by talking about future possibilities blizzard might implement and how there is discussion about them. Showing you the heart of his topic isn’t about the thing that might happen, but what they should if they decide to go through with a certain system. But then you said

This shows you can’t even understand analogies and that he wasn’t comparing the character reset but the ‘new’ system they could use in classic.

You are just stuck on server reset = bad even though it has been explained to you idk how many times that this isn’t what the thread is about. You just aren’t getting it

Actually, just you two, not other posters. And no, it hasn’t been explained. It’s been nothing but attacks and poor analogies. I understand, the OP wants to implement a “save system”, at the same time, the OP is entertaining the idea of a “server reset” (which I’m not for it and have a right to express that)/ “character removal / reset” (which I’m not understanding if that’s happening on Blizz’s end or the OP’s “save system”, either way regardless of the reason, “No, to Character Removal / Reset”).

The thread itself is entertaining the idea of a “server reset” (hence, I say “no”), and there’s no denying that. Yet, I (and other posters) kept getting personally attacked, for no reason.

I don’t think there is any way to make a “server reset better”. The OP can try, though. I’m just against entertaining the thought and / or idea of a “server reset”, even for Retail (which I don’t even play, anymore).

Plus, this isn’t even a Classic Discussion. And if it is, it wasn’t in Vanilla. So why is this even a topic of discussion?

EDIT: And I already acknowledge that I don’t understand so instead of being a bully (not you, the OP) about it, explain it without being hostile.

And the two of you are so stuck on me being “so ignorant”, you’re not reading what I’m actually saying and only poking at the little things I’ve said.