Completely off the wall suggestion

Well I wasn’t asking if you guys thought it was feasible or if it was going to happen or not. I personally don’t want it to happen and I would prefer them to move onto tbc personally and leave all the servers stagnant. I asked what you thought about this system in the event that server resets became a reality. Yeah, I get it, you don’t think they will happen, I don’t either…Just imagine blizzard said tomorrow that it is going to happen. Which system would you prefer?

They say tomorrow “server resets are going to happen”. Ok. Is your system really a server reset if people can keep their gear, mounts, characters, etc.? I think the point of a server reset is so people are on equal footing and the whole community can, once again, restart Classic WoW from level 1.

If you know that you just have to wait for stage 3 in order to restore your stage 2 progress, where is the incentive to start over? I, and probably most people, would just quit until I could restore my character.

If you’re asking just which method I prefer… yours or just a hard reset… I guess yours? What’s the point of asking this though? If for any reason, I lose access to a character I leveled and geared, I would probably just quit though.

Preach. Plus level one hogger raids. Running of the gnomes. Its the community that makes classic.


In my scenario they do all start at level one, as there isn’t a save state pre-stage 1.

You could experience starting over with everyone again. Or if you wanted to roll an alt, now would be the best time to do it so you could raid with this character and get a feel for it so when stage 2 comes you could potentially have a healer and a dps to work with for example. Or you could reroll the same class if you really wanted to and possibly try a different spec. Or you could test out going horde this time around with your buds and if you don’t like it just switch back to your other toon.

Even though I personally would like to just move onto tbc, it is clear that a lot of people love the process of starting over people do freak out about fresh servers and such but this would just give you the option to sit out and not level again if you don’t want to.

I mean it is just BSing around man… If you asked me a year ago “Hey what do you think blizzard will talk about first, sharding classic or starting fresh servers down the line” I would have 100% said fresh servers… Just because p servers do this and people seem to enjoy it. It is just something to think about and bs about just in case they do have plans such as these, it’s not completely off base thinking that blizzard could do this.

If I want to start over… can’t I just roll an alt? Why does a server reset need to happen?

Again, why can’t I just roll an alt regularly? There will always be guilds running every raid tier, mainly because there is no such thing as “catch up gear” like they put in retail’s game today. (Tier 0.5 is kind of the exception here).

This is what’s wrong with your proposal. Giving people the option to sit out. So your two options are: wait for the next stage to restore your progress, or level a new character 1-60 (which might start becoming a chore for some people).

If their objective of a server reset is to keep things as fresh as they can, break up the stagnation, just do a hard reset? If people hold on to the fact that they can restore their character, they just have to wait a few months, it just seems like it would get people to quit, because they have to wait. It just seems needlessly complicated to make people wait.

I don’t understand the need for resetting things.

You understand that no one’s impressed with world firsts and such right? No one. No one anywhere cares that someone else got to 60 first or killed Rag first. No one.

If you’re bored, roll a new class. Play something else. There’s zero benefit to just resetting everything so people start all over again. This isn’t Diablo.


You are getting off track again. I am not advocating for server resets, what is so hard for you guys to understand this.

Again you are going off topic…again…I am not advocating for server resets. Just like if we were talking about sharding in classic I wouldn’t be advocating for it by saying “If they only shard the starting zones its ok” but I am declaring that IN THE EVENT IT HAPPENS, this is what I think would work.

No, I am saying that IN THE EVENT THAT IT HAPPENS you could still have your character at later stages of the game instead of it being gone forever.

This is the only relevant point you made here although I disagree. You think that in the case that everything gets deleted for good people would want to level again and not quit… but if they knew that they would get their character back then they would quit? Why wouldn’t they just level another character or just roll another warrior and do the exact same thing they would do if they deleted all the data? This doesn’t make much sense to me.

And I just want to clarify one more time just in case you go off topic again. I am not advocating or defending server resets in this scenario, I am not saying it will be a good or bad thing, I am not suggesting any of that. Please understand this.

Maybe this thread is a little too complicated of a thought for you guys… I am not advocating for a server reset. No where on here did I suggest this.

Resetting servers is a horrible idea for classic, IMO.

In the hypothetical world of resetting servers, though, if they reset one or more servers, than everyone choosing to play on those servers should have to start over.

Yes, that means no “shortcuts”.

Players on a reset server should be just waiting for stage two then “grabbing their ‘OP character’” from an earlier progression to bypass the need to gear up again.

Calm down man. You’re advocating a proposal that you hope never happens. That’s why this thread is really needless and confusing.

If I lose access to playing my character I’ve leveled and geared, I’m probably quitting. As I imagine most people would.

I don’t like your proposal. I don’t like any proposal that involves any type of server reset. I’m not going to sit here anymore and help create “the best of a bad situation” scenario. I’ll do that when they actually announce (doubtful) that server resets are on the table. I don’t want a server reset to happen. That’s really all I have to say about it.

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Thank you for staying on topic and giving me actual criticism. I definitely see the downside here. I think in the event that it happened that most players would still be up to progress and restart from ground zero because I don’t think (my personal opinion) that MOST people just play the game to have an epic player but play it for the experience so this is more or less just a reassurance that all your progress isn’t going down the drain.

I for sure see your side of the argument though.

I am calm I am just trying to explain this to you and it just isn’t sticking for some reason.

I don’t see how this is exactly needless as there are plenty of other threads exactly like this. We don’t know if blizzard will release TBC right? But there are people talking about how they would want it implemented in the case that they do happen to release TBC. People talk about what blizzards plan is for dying populations and what they will plan to do when that happens and talk about server mergers and such? This is exactly like those threads so I just don’t understand what is so hard to grasp here my dude.

And that is a wonderful thought, but it has nothing to do with my topic

Then just don’t comment on the thread my dude lol this is the point of forums is to just discuss topics. If someone made a thread that said “Whats the best way they could impliment sharding if they have to do it” I wouldn’t be a waste of a comment and say “NO SHARDING EVEN REMOTELY LOL”, I would contribute to the discussion and say “I don’t like sharding, but if it were in the game I wouldn’t want to see it anywhere past the starting areas or past the first week”.

60% of statistics are made up, here is an example friends.

Thanks for your contribution.

I could see if they did this for one server or two but not for most, Vanilla is to much of a time sink, and people face burn out. I know i did Lvling a warrior 1-60 like 6-11 times gets tedious on 1x.

Personally i’d rather just have them do a hardcore PVP server, you die from anything there goes everything. I mean if you want risk reward that’s way more fitting then just resets.

Your idea isn’t bad, it’s just more work for blizzard, on something most people don’t want or care for. People want a Static game or the majority seem to.

You’re calling most my posts irrelevant when really, they are relevant to your proposal. I’m not sure why I have to spell it out for you, but I guess I’ll do that ‘my dude’

As I stated in my first post: I understand what you’re saying. You’re not talking about wether server resets are a good idea. Just if they happened, here’s what they could do. As I stated here:

I have contributed, you just don’t like that I’m going against your proposal. Now,

Here is why what I said is relevant to your discussion. You say that the point of a server reset is to break up the stagnation. It lets everyone experience Classic fresh again, everyone starting from level 1.

I don’t see how you don’t see my point here as being relevant. Correct me if I’m wrong, but with your proposal:
We go through stage 1, 2, 3 'character saves; of the first cycle. then -Reset happens-
Option 1: Wait for stage 2 of the reset to get your stage 1 character progression back
Option 2: Level up a new character

So I will get my character back from before the reset, but I need to wait for Stage 2 to start (which I only get the stage 1 version of my character. I don’t get the stage 3 gear I had just before the reset).

Or, they do a hard reset which is:

Option 1: Level up a new character

Now, let’s say I leveled 4 characters to 60 in the first ‘cycle’ of Classic. The characters were all geared maybe my main has AQ gear and my 4th alt is just in MC gear.

Reset happens. I don’t have access to those characters, but I know I can just wait out the stages and all my characters, with their gear, will eventually be restored.

After leveling my main, and a few alts, gearing them, do I really have incentive to level up a fifth toon, and work on getting that geared? I know that four of my toons will be restored eventually, with good gear. Do I want to do it again when I know I’ll have them back?


A hard reset happens, and I won’t ever have access to my toons and their gear again. If I want to play Classic at max level, do I level up another toon and gear it, knowing that this will be my main toon from now on?

One idea (yours): Sure, it might incentivize people to level up a new character, gear it fresh, start in Scholo, Strat, work to MC, Onyxia, BWL, etc. You gear up with the community again. Also though, what if I just want to play max level now? Leveling is boring. I’ll just wait out the stages so my character and their gear is slowly restored. I’m not going to level another character when I know mine will come back eventually.

The other idea of a hard reset: Ok, I have no options other than to level up another character if I want to play at level 60 again.

Humans naturally choose the path of least resistance. If the point of a reset is for everyone to start over together, bring the community back down to level 1, wouldn’t it be better to do a hard reset? If I know my character, and their stage 1 gear, will be restored in a few months, don’t you think that just incentivizes me to just take a break from the game and wait for the stage 2 to start to get my old character back?

Sure, some people might actually level a new character, and do it like your system is supposed to work, but don’t you see that a lot of people might just choose the path of least resistance and wait for their level 60 character to come back? Then you’re kind of telling people to unsub for a few months and wait.

And that’s what I was saying. With your system, one ‘option’ is to sit out and wait for your character to be restored. The other option is, of course, level a new character:

Maybe option is the wrong word, but it promotes people to take a break from the game and wait for their level 60s to come back.

And all what I previously said connected to this, but you never connected it all:

and then responding:

They knew they were getting their character back, but they don’t have it at the moment. Here’s the thing, I think we are all going to love leveling the first time, maybe even the second on your opposite faction alt. Perhaps you can get through it the third time to get an alt to go along with your main faction. But the fourth time? Fifth? Leveling becomes a chore that people want to get through as quickly as possible.

Now if I really really want to play at level 60 again, I might just suck it up and level. But in the back of my mind, if I know I’ll get my level 60 characters back, I think I’ll just quit for a few months while I wait for my characters to be restored so I don’t have to level again.

And again, I releaize this part is offtopic:

A better solution to the stagnation of classic would be to open new servers instead of resetting old ones. That way, a community can start to grow, fresh, together, from level 1

There is nothing to spell out. My post is about a system put in place in the event of a certain situation happening, and all you have said is “I don’t think that event will happen”. That’s not the point of this thread. Period. We are imagining that it has already happened. Making you irrelevant.

Because that isn’t the topic of this thread.

No… there has been two posters on here who also are going against my proposal but they are on topic and listing reasons why they dislike the ACTUAL proposal and not the scenario. I know I am probably using too big of words for you here but that’s the best way I can explain that to you.

See now this is actually relevant critisism. And welcomed criticism too even though I don’t agree, which is what I was looking for to discuss with people.

I think that if people were to start back at level one and knowing they could get a warrior in 3-4 or how ever many months time I still think they would mostly level another character and go with the crowd again. They could rejoined in the guild they were in before and this time maybe level a Druid and just plan on using them as an herb gatherer if they didn’t have one before, so when stage two drops they will have there main and a good gathering alt. I am just assuming most people would go along with it because everyone on p servers seem to enjoy the fresh restart anyway even though I think it wouldn’t be great for classic overall.

You are literally cherrypicking at this point. Link the immediate next sentence:

I’m acknowledging that you’re not talking about the pros/cons of server reset. Just talking about ideas of your suggestion. I’m not sure why you chose to ignore that.

And now you’re condescending. I just listed out a few paragraphs on why your proposal isn’t good and you choose to say something like this. Good luck with whatever you’ve got going here

Ladies and gentlemen… the new whiskee.

I’d compare you to a poster as well if I knew someone as dumb as you yet I am at a loss

Wouldn’t it just be easier to say every few months, after Nax is on farm, to open a new server that starts on the first content bucket instead of having EVERY server restart because thats the type of gameplay SOME people enjoy?

Thank you for taking the time to share your idea but I personally don’t like it at all.

I’d have a continuous underlying fear of not making the next reset and having to start over and thus would make the game not fun, for me at least.

It’s bad enough grinding the once.

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