Complete disagreement means flagging

Not necessarily disagree completely. Just a “Disagree Lite”. And that’s OK.

I disagreed completely. You told me I did not personally disagree completely because a group of people had not come along and flagged your thread.

I wish i could post pictures but i was flagged for calling an authoritarian an authoritarian. Blizz restored the post from being buried but still pretty obvious where these people are coming from.

Pretty much. That’s how it is around here. One of my other characters had that happen to them when disagreement was rife.

Do you disagree with my statement then?

Reward and punishment is literally how all societies control behavior around the world. This is how life works. Welcome to the real world. lol

In this case, the reward for not breaking rules is the continued privilege of posting on the forum, the reward for breaking the rules is not being allowed the privilege of posting on the forum.

I cannot believe that this even needs to be said.

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Actually… no. I agree with your sentiment. Different strokes for different folks.

I didn’t ask about my sentiment.

This is my statement.

“I disagree with you completely concerning the thread”.

Do you agree with my statement that I disagree with you or not? You have said multiple times that my statement is wrong, based on your thread not being flagged. This can only make me believe you disagree with my statement.

But since my statement is also not flagged, that would mean you actually agree with it.

See how this doesnt make sense?

As far as I’m concerned the only topics that should be flagged and buried are the ones that bring real world politics and current events into the forums. None of that has anything to do with the game.

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That is very confusing.

I see, thank you. No sarcasm.

I’ve seen and had game opinions get flagged. I agree with you on that.

Again, combined with the temporary ban punishment… this is meaningless to the people abusing the system.


You do know that eventually you actually get a permanent ban here, right? Like actually never allowed to post again. This is why many people post on different accounts.

Anyways, I already said I wouldn’t be responding back to you and broke my word. Have a great day now.

I run other forums and have since forums became a thing.
This is literally the WORST moderation / flagging set up Ive seen since the internet was created, lol.
Its lazy and pretty much begging for childish flag abusers to do their thing.

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You summed it up quite nicely.

heh…wait til you use a four letter word for ‘hades’ thats already on this forum over 200,000 times and they REFUSE to restore your post saying it breaks the rules while they ignore the OTHER 200k+ times its been used and NOT removed, lol
The bias is strong with this one…

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someone said earlier that the flagging system can be accessed without an account.

…not sure if that’s correct, but if that’s the case, banning won’t stop people from abusing it.

edit: nevermind, i just went to check.
you can’t flag without being logged in.
someone is telling porkies.

edit again: i misread, they said you don’t need an active sub.
i’m going to go ahead and disagree here, because i recall seeing a really bad post while i didn’t have game time, and had no option to report it.

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I already mentioned permanent bans. I believe it doesn’t appeal to Blizzard.

It doesn’t really matter what you believe, Blizzard does, in fact, permanently ban people from the forum.

You can test it next time your sub runs out.