Complete disagreement means flagging

And now we have people doxxing others for wrongthink. Being harassed, threatened, intimidated, etc. People get their doors bashed in by police in the UK and Germany for wrong think.

We’ve nearly come full circle.

The flagged one are the ones that I look for the most :smiling_imp:

So you are saying because someone didn’t agree with you and that you post wasn’t buried, that flagging for dislike isn’t a thing?

Kinda. That’s the part that confused me.

Do or Do not, there is no try.

I don’t know, that quote confuses me cause don’t jedi deal in absolutes too? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Maybe you should reread what I actually typed instead of just blabbering. I said the blame falls on Blizzard for allowing posters to abuse the report mechanic without fear of punishment.

I understood what you were saying.

You’re still blaming the customers, you’re just using a roundabout way of saying it. Maybe you don’t see it that way. In my opinion, they don’t need to be punished, because it’s not their fault Blizzard made such a ridiculous system.

Blabber blabber.

Star Wars is a land of absolutes, if Episode 9 is of any indication.

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you’re missing the point.

it creates an excessive workload, for no reason.

…while posts which require URGENT attention, are left to wait in line to get seen to, because people are choosing to report posts which aren’t against the CoC.

…which is one of the issues.
There are so many reports, that unless there is a GLARING issue with the post, it doesn’t get actioned.
Posts which SHOULD be getting actioned, are being skimmed and given the OK… due to the sheer amount of reports which need to be sifted through.

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Who else is the one pushing the report button? lol? get real.

Should we also not blame people for stealing because it’s not their fault the stores put items on the shelves. What about not blaming the arsonist just because homes are made of flammable materials. Come on. lol

Give credit where credit is due.

Blizzard doesn’t punish people for abusing the mechanic and people know this, which is why they continue to abuse the mechanic.

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Like most ad-hominem or heavily blunt political innuendo.

Did you know you can flag posts without a subscription? These forums are run very poorly. You can blame the ones clicking the buttons all you want, but Blizzard’s incompetence is always the root of the problem.


The problem is that the mods don’t do anything about it, which makes it happen more as people get bolder with it.


No, because I don’t go around flagging everything in sight.

I believe in personal responsibility and believe that people should be held accountable for their own actions, you don’t believe in the same. You seem to believe that it’s okay to throw blame elsewhere instead of holding someone responsible for their own actions. I don’t see this conversation going anywhere. I won’t be responding to you anymore here. Have a good day.

This is correct. I don’t do it, but yes.

if that’s the case, it’s a MAJOR flaw with the software.

this is not a public forum.
anyone who wants to report anything, should be able to be held accountable.

I would like there to be a dislike button along with the like button. Maybe that way there would be less flagging? Idk I wasn’t around when we had the dislike button so maybe it doesn’t help but it seems like it would.

I would never flag a post just because I didn’t agree with someone else’s opinion. This is a discussion forum, people shouldn’t be utilizing flags for regular game discussions. It should mainly be used for spam, trolling and other things.

That’s great, but doesn’t really apply to this situation. Your solution is to control people’s behaviour through punishment. If you punish with temporary bans, it won’t do anything because that is no real consequence. If you permanently ban people from the forums for abusing flags, less people would do it eventually because there would be less people using the forums.

That does not appeal to Blizzard as a business. I believe they updated the forums because they want more traffic.

I was that person.

You told me that because a group of people did not flag your thread, that I personally did not disagree with it.