Complete disagreement means flagging

Not en masse.

blizzard have never had any issue banning people from the forum.

accounts have a little leeway when it comes to forum time vs game time, so maybe that’s what you’re thinking of.

absolutely… there used to be zero tolerance here.
in fact… once upon a time, we’d all be nuked for daring to discuss moderation. :zipper_mouth_face:

(but if mods weren’t inundated with false reports, this thread wouldn’t have lasted long enough for us to continue posting in it… so there’s that)

You CAN disagree and not flag. It’s rare (it seems) But it happens.

I disagree with many of the mvps… I don’t flag them

I could when i was unsubbed. Just another wonky thing with this forum. Some can…some can’t

Best thing would be to revert the forum’s functionality to what it was back in WotLK, when it was just a plain old bog standard forum without likes, dislikes, or auto-hiding. Likes can’t be unpaired for dislikes because people feel entitled to a dislike button beside their like button, so they use flags as dislikes. Flagged posts automatically getting hidden further encourages this behavior.

General Discussion (2008)

yeah… because:

when your game time runs out, the forum doesn’t update with the expiration immediately… you can continue to post and flag until it does its random check to see if your account is active or not.

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Nah I know what you’re talking about. You can still post during that time too. I’m talking about when that “leeway time” runs out and you can no longer post. You can still flag and like posts.

someone check on an account which has been inactive for a couple of months.
i only have one :stuck_out_tongue:

(i need to go to bed, this thread will probably be gone by the time i wake up) :sleeping:

That hasn’t been my experience at all. Before they caught on and fixed it, I was able to keep posting months after my sub expired. But the last several times as soon as my time runs out, I’m done. This last time within an hour of my sub running out I tried to comment and it immediately deleted my comment and my privileges were gone.

So… is he saying he flags every thing?

This is why the dislike button needs to be brought back. Imagine how much time Blizzard coudl saving reviewing flagged posts if they would do this. I had a post about a month ago got me suspended from bullying about a month and a half ago. I guess I can’t go into details but I did not bully anyone it was just an option about a certain type of player who owns a ton of accounts who can push one button and control them all (including flagging on the forums apparently).

By the time I actually got a hold of CS to take care of it the suspension was up and they refused to take any further action on my behalf… meh whatevers.

Again they need to bring back the dislike button.

That is also true. I had that and refreshed my sub.

I used to never flag people. These past few days have definitely changed my mind on the matter though. I encourage everyone to do the same.

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I could still do it after being unsubbed 3 months and being logged out so i had log back on.

Because… These forums are broken trash.

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you can post and flag while not being subscribed - I have done it. when you stop paying them it takes awhile before you lose the ability and if you rarely post on here then it may take months to catch up to people.