Complete disagreement means flagging

Yesterday, I had someone say “I disagree completely with this.”.

If I remembered right, the forum meta was “If a group hates an opinion, it’s flagged to be buried.”

My thread wasn’t flagged to be buried. I was told this was a twisted point of view.

Sadly, this is reality for quite a few opinions on both sides of a given topic.


Are…are you complaining because you weren’t flagged?

Ask, and ye shall receive.



Eh. I’m open for discussion on it.

I’m just confused, is all.

The thread in question was my thread on group size being made flexible, 1-40 people, for all content.

If you are curious: I think there should be a group size slider for all content

Who cares people still open it to look

Yeah. More often than not, I do that just to see what the opinion was before it got flagged and buried.

It’s almost a boon to the poster to have it be flagged, as it’s sure to garner attention

I yearn for the days when opinions were allowed to exist that went outside the hivemind.

Now people are so soft they have to bury something that makes them even SLIGHTLY uncomfortable or experience cognitive dissonance.

The human race is doomed.


I don’t usually flag posts. If someone will be hurt by something, then I flag right away. That’s about it, though!


Blizzard stated that they would action people who abuse the flagging system, I have a hard time believing it’s being done.


On both sides, yeah.

For example. Billy Joel posts a thread on making flying as it was Pre-Pathfinder for BFA and Shadowlands. Flagged and buried.

On the other side of the coin, Timmy Toughie makes a thread on removing queues. Flagged and buried.

I notice it on the other sides of those topics, too.

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Yeah, it’s a problem when the topic is clearly WoW related, but people flag it because they disagree.

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Thank you for keeping us safe wise forum cop.


The reason the thread was made was the level of disagreement by someone was made vague and confusing.

I know Sith deal in absolutes. But my thread wasn’t dealt as an absolute, just a casual disagreement.

I had a post get buried and then unburied, lots of people flagged it but even more hearted it.

It was one of those dearly beloved ‘F-you’ to Blizzard posts, from when the Hearthstone-China thing was full swing.

Of course it earned a flag, but so many people were passionate and upset, the flags were burned and the post held strong, until it was deleted weeks later.

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My DH made a thread like that on a similar vein. I don’t post on that toon anymore, but still play him.

You sure showed them. The amount of pretend hate on this company and game is hilariously amazing. If someone despises this company and game so much, as many claim, then hit them where it hurts - with the unsub forever button.


I mean, the negative PR did get a lot of attention, lol. Lots of strife within the company, many just walked out.

Also, I did unsub around that October around the drama, just got back because I’m stuck inside due to quarantine.

Everything past 8.1 is new to me.

I’m of the mindset that it’s better to stick around something and make it change for the better, than just outright abandoning it.

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Yep, that can and has worked for people. And who knows? If the game changes to their liking, they can come back.

Azshara drowns some sailors, gets her butt handed to her, and suddenly backstabs a freed N’zoth who takes over Vale/Uldum. Wrathion aids us in dealing with N’zoth.

It’s rather sad that all happens in a few patches rather than taking place over an expansion.


I agree. Sylvie’s SOO should have been the 8.2 content, and there would be a SOS (Siege of Stormwind) patch to top off the faction war, and they’d still keep the “Sylvie kills elder Saurfang” thing.

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