Complete disagreement means flagging

Just the way you answered me by saying “LOOL” at the start could be seen as an insult for some people, so I could understand why you get flagged. Like I said it’s also a matter of perception, for you it might be ok for others it might be rude.


If that’s the case then it’s time to start exhausting my daily limit too.

At the end it’s up to moderators to uphold if it’s a good report or not, so you’re free to do so. I think the only thing that’s a big no-no is reporting the same post with multiple alts, known as report bombing.

i didn’t even know this was a thing.

i saw someone mention it yesterday, and was wondering exactly how much flagging a person would need to be doing in order for the system to tell them to stop.

…ironically, it was from one of the biggest trolls around.

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I used my daily limit maybe once or twice, but it’s often just the same poster in a thread that will soon get 404 basicly asking to get banned.

lol yeah, I’ve actually seen people complain about not having enough reports each day. I’ve seen people say they always reach their daily limit. It’s insane. This is a video game forum. If someone reaches their daily limit then it’s probably time to step away from this video game forum and figure out what the deal is. This isn’t that serious. lol

about the only things i report, are threats of self-harm, and gross vulgarity.

i wouldn’t even contemplate reporting someone because i disagree with them.

i have more suitable, and more adult options available to me.
i can respond and give my opinion, or i can simply click away.


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There is a daily limit for liking posts too. There may even be a daily limit for creating threads and who knows what else since they seem to put limits on things for no known reason.

that also absolutely nothing comes out of. There’s no visible repercussion of abusing the flagging system but there’s also no visible outcome of actually using the system legitimately.

The forum posters that regularly resort to personal attacks on people that disagree with them continue undeterred.

It’s a problem when you allow people to agree or disagree with something online. Just like with up and downvotes. It’s a dumb system either way because people won’t use it the way as intended.

There are a lot of people, even on this forum, that will specifically look for certain posters to upvote them or just downvote/flag their posts whenever they appear.

Just think about it next time you “vote” for something on a forum like this, reddit or youtube… WHY are you doing. Is it because you like or dislike what they wrote, is it because you disagree/agree, maybe you got something against that person, what is your reason?


the visible outcome, is seeing the posts/threads get removed, and knowing the person was given a little break to think about their posting habits.

Actually it wasn’t flagged. That would be why I was confused.

Yeah, blame the customers. That’s a great trend to set.

To be fair flagging doesn’t remove the comment unless if the mods deem it to be unfit for these forums and if not it is returned to normal, nothing wrong with flagging especially when it is inappropriate.

the issue we’re discussing, is the quantity of posts which are being flagged for no valid reason.

these people are time-wasters, putting stress on a system which exists for a reason other than what they’re using it for, and they should be penalized for it.

I had a thread I made yesterday mass flagged and then restored soon after. People just don’t care about the actual rules in place.

I wonder if the people mass flagging posts that don’t deserve it get banned?

As someone who always gets flagged, the flagging system is fine. If there’s nothing wrong with your post it’ll get restored in a few hours anyway.

If you DO get silenced after getting flagged… try to follow the rules next time.

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I’d like to see them add a dislike button. Not the one we had before that had other things tied to it. Just a simple one that shows how many people disliked your post. Exactly the same as the like button does now. Like/dislike buttons serve to show what the community thinks of an idea without having to wade through hundreds of posts.

The problem before was that the dislike button was linked to the squelch “feature”. Giving us forum dwellers a way to censor other posts is a bad idea.

I’m sure some people would still abuse the report button, but Blizzard would have a lot more room to give forum vacations and such for that once people have a reasonable way to indicate their displeasure without having to type out a long post.

the specific point I was replying to was flagging for insults, which I confirm rarely gets removed. You are apparently allowed to counter a reasoned argument with a personal attack as a reasonable response according to the forum moderation in practice.

I’d like for them to remove the like button more than for them to add the dislike button back. I feel people makes a lot of posts just to gather likes and dislikes just reinforce echo chambers.

We don’t censor other people, we report them then the mod choose if theres a real consequence.

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