Complete disagreement means flagging

Just a matter of time, myself. Trying to keep the negativity low.

people could do something weird like… use their words.

what purpose does it serve to send a message to a moderator, simply because someone chooses to false-flag because they disagree with something?

…do people think the moderators care if they disagree with an opinion, if what they’re reporting isn’t against the CoC?

You just pretty much proved Yesuna’s point. Most of those anger posts were just virtue signaling and they are still playing. I’m sure your couple months of not handing over 15 dollars hurt them tremendously.

Clicking a button that says bad things will happen is easier than using words.

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Which is the sad part.

Not really, just should’ve been easy to predict. The majority always take the path of least resistance. Especially on a forum where your own opinion could already have been articulated by someone else. They get a like and you get a flag.

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I agree, actually.

I rarely flag. After i flagged a high elf thread that was being spammed i got silenced, so i rarely if ever flag. Plus i don’t care if people have opinions. People need to learn that just cause i disagree with you doesn’t mean i hate you.

Bringing back downvote is also not a viable solution because in old forums too much dislike too would hide the post similar to flagging.

Perhaps…its best not to give the community such options due to a section of them abusing it.

That’s exactly why I don’t believe it’s being done. If it was being done people would be raging en masse. It’s simply not happening.

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No, the blame goes fully to Blizzard who won’t punish people for abusing the system. The blame isn’t about the removal of the dislike button, the issue is that everyone knows Blizzard isn’t going to do anything about abusing the feature.

I’d be all for them adding a dislike button that doesn’t actually do anything except open a little pop-up window that says “You’ve disliked this post.”

No visible or recorded tally of the number of dislikes a particular post has received. Just the pop-up message that decays after a few seconds.

there’s a MASSIVE difference between a thumb which does nothing, and reporting posts which don’t violate the CoC.

post hidden?
big deal… you can still view it.

there’s absolutely zero benefit in flagging posts for moderation, if the post violates nothing.
all it does, is create a longer wait for moderation of topics/posts which require urgent attention.


good point

This topic comes back often.
People flagging you might not have the same understanding of what you wrote.
Trying to be more constructive can help you not getting flag.
Trying to be more respectful can help you not getting flag.

As far as your other thread go, I do feel using the term forced grouping in a mmo is maybe what go you flagged. It kinda sound trollish. But if anything moderators seems quicker on the unflag than before, so in the end it doesn’t matter as long as your post gets unflag.


People flag for disagreements. You know this as well as the rest of us.

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People flag in disagreements because most often they start insulting each others.

True. What opinion you are going to say and how you are going to say it are both different thing. The way people present their thoughts can also trigger others even if they make a valid point.

If only account-sharing wasn’t against the ToS I’d let you log into my account and see all the fun stuff I’ve been flagged for. I don’t recall many times ever actually insulting anyone.

How can you be so sure people actually report because they disagree with something?

I would guess the majority of people use flagging the way it was intended. When you click that flag button these is no disagree option, you have to select something else.

And reporting for insults is a legit use of flagging.

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