Complete disagreement means flagging

Society confuses disagreement with intolerance and intolerance with right/wrong.


Flagging is not a dislike button and is not suppose to be used like one, however people do so because there is a perceived idea that abusing the flag system will result in no consequences to the one flagging.

So people abuse the system to silence posts and threads they do not like, often time wasting valuable moderation time as they review a post or thread that is entirely benign and then unflag it. For threads people really hate this process will seemingly go back and forth until the thread is so heavily derailed by posts and locking that the mods perma-lock it. Its a really sick and twisted way a portion of the community controls posts and Blizzard really needs to crack down on it.

Honestly, I kinda wish some of the CM’s and Mods would get just a tiny bit draconian and drop the hammer hard on those abusing the flag system as well as make one of those posts along the lines of “We have just banned XXXX people found abusing the flag system.”

Really drive home that its not acceptable, ya know?


What days were those?

Maybe I’ve become a little more in sync with the hivemind without realizing it, but this is probably the most comfortable era I’ve ever had on boards when it comes to expressing my minority opinions on topics.

seems to me to be a phrase used when someone has really “out there” opinions.

Yeah the human race was so much more tolerant of outside opinions back in the day. Its not like people were murdered en masse because they didnt believe in the local deity enough. Or didnt show enough fear when crops failed.


This I completely agree with. You don’t even have to name and shame them, making them numbers does that.

Going back is a literal thing. I agree. We need to set a new precedent going forward so that people are more accepted and loved regardless of who they are on the outside, and even some parts inside. Love is love, but hate needs to go.

saw it done once… when someone was in a supreme rage and logging all their alts to flag EVERYTHING


Was it you?

Byucknah makes an excellent point in addressing that, I recommend giving it a read.

There are trigger words out there that instantly make me skeptical of the writer, but this isn’t one of them. i take it that it’s fallen out of fashion for you?

The flag system shouldn’t be used as a dislike, but whoever decided to get rid of the dislike button is the only one to blame.

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I agree that there should be a different means of disagreement than we do now, but Blizzard has an opinion on the dislike button.

Short of threatening me with covidmenigibola, I don’t flag.


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:fr: :white_flag:

How dare…

Hey that’s a wheel of time name.

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nah… i enjoy my TL3.

i had the “offended crew” gang up on me to try and shut me up once, but the action was reversed on review.

one of the mods was doing this when they were new, but they went totally overboard with it, and threads were being locked all over the place for no good reason.
there has to be a middle-ground, but we’re not there yet.

false flagging needs to be actioned more frequently, so threads/posts which need attention, are able to get it.

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I meant in terms of people abusing systems, Nobully. Not in terms of the threads themselves but in terms of the people abusing the flagging system and seemingly getting away with it.

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I don’t flag but I sure do get flagged. I wear all my flags like a badge of honor. Only down side is that I’ve been suspended so many times that I’m pretty sure that they have a picture of my character posted up somewhere at Blizzard.


i used to be a big fan of the dislike button, but the success of classic (a heavily downvoted topic over the years) has forced me to step back and begrudgingly reconsider whether it was actually healthy.