Competitive elements have ruined the game

They have a point here But this is more of an issue with balance and the gearing system

We’d not have so many raiders suddenly make it to at least 1800/2100 at the drop of the hat if it was about experience or skill.

I know people who pvpd for the first time ever, and while they aren’t awful, if skill were the determining factor they wouldn’t be nearly as successful.

These are people who don’t even know warlock defensive gives kick immunity or holy priest CC immune stuff. No grasp on basic pvp elements. Don’t hoj a dps with a dispel around.


Not complaining about the race. just more the fact blizz cant change a few numbers or do anything worthwhile to make different specs perform at a level that is acceptable.

They have complete and total control over the meta. With a few keystrokes it could all change overnight but they watch as a few classes utterly dominate and then we get strange patch notes about a nerf for a class that was already on the bottom.

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I can go in with a group of mythic raider friends and we’ll stomp all over people. not because of skill - I’m pretty awful at pvp - but because of gear.

I’m not sure what the solution there is. but, why not bring back some kind of pvp stat that isn’t on raid gear?

heck, frankly, I’d love it if pvp gear wasn’t a viable way to gear for raid, so I didn’t have the pressure of feeling I need to do it in the early days of an exapansion.

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You know theres always been a meta right? TBC classic is going to be worst than anything the game has ever seen meta wise especially since people have been min maxing it on private servers for 10+ years

The problem isnt the competitive elements, the problem is that the playerbase as a whole evolved into “muh parses” slaves and thats a community choice that will persist. We are never going back to how “casual” wow used to feel

I love running into mythic groups and watching them sit long cc chains :smiling_imp:

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Arena Rating has been a thing since TBC.
Timers in dungeons since MoP.

If either of those had ruined the game, we wouldn’t still be here.
The game is what it is, and it’s not going to stop being that.

If you don’t like competition, maybe FFXIV would be more your speed.


No, I’ve been in a job where they wanted something done a certain way because “that’s the way we do it” and I called them stupid the entire time and consistently got reprimanded for it :slight_smile:

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yea my friends and I (none of which pvp at all) got to 1400ish super easily. then we started playing people a little more skilled and a little better organized and, well… it didn’t go so well for us :wink:

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Yeah its either balance all specializations(which seems to be an impossible task for them). Or create the option to opt into a commitment reward system for PvP, in the event that your spec is one of the currently unviable PvP specs.

Sure it would, we’re still still in the bad period :slight_smile:

How long was homosexuality a mental disorder?

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Better balancing and more frequent balancing would go a long way.


That would pretty much accomplish the same desired goal.
I just dont think Blizzard is capable of doing it.

Just seems easier to create a option to opt in or out of a commitment reward system in PvP, or a Rating system and choose whichever is more cohesive to the viability of your current spec.

I remember beating that game, then it was like, “oh yeah, well do it all backwards, oh yeah, and it we aren’t going to lower the difficulty at all, only make it harder.” I quit after the second zone.

I felt that all the way over here.

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This is a community problem too. A lot of people WANT to play the meta. They WANT to play the combination that gives the highest chance of success for the least amount of effort. They don’t care about playing what they want because what they want is always going to be what works best.

Enough people follow these esports champs and popular streamers that all it takes is one comment of “Yeah Resto isn’t that good this patch.” for a significant number of people to reroll out of whatever spec is under performing by 6%.

Plus all of the resources like Warcraft logs, Details, rio, and whatever else that make it so every mistake is instantly viewable by everyone in a group, leads to fights with incredibly high tuning that most players are just not capable of completing on certain classes / specs. So we have meta culture.

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They have this it’s called ilvl 197 honour gear.

If a team wins enough to settle their rating at a given level that is a combination of their gear and skill then that is where they end up.

Agreed it’s not skill, it’s gear too, but this is an MMO not a FPS. I’m not opposed to a PvP stat either.

The burst meta we are in actually helps allow for gear gaps to have less of an impact on who wins. In a burst meta you can punish a mistake or bad positioning and score a kill with a good opening.

Dampening meta you feel the gear issue even more, and you can’t capitalize on a mistake because nothing dies fast so the attrition shows gear disparity even more.

hell no o.o

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Play with friends, the way it was designed, and these are nonissues.

Don’t have friends to play with? Make some.

Can’t make friends or think you have too much anxiety to meet people online? Then deal with pugging, where all these problems arise.

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Blizzard turned an MMORPG into a FPS. WoW is really just a single-player game like Quake. You log in and queue up to fight and there are high-score boards and such.

Lets keep in mind the only thing keeping this game afloat is the debilitating anxiety its player base lives with.
Hence their fear of in game responsibility, socializing, and fear of attempting to learn a new, less bad game.


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