Arena rating. It forces a meta. It forces players to play X,Y,Z or be ostracized from content.
Timers in Dungeons. It forces a meta. It forces players to play X,Y,Z or be ostracized from content.
Remove rating. Go back to the system that rewards dedication and fun over meta slaving.
Remove timers on M+ Keys.
You can still have competitive tournaments, and Esport events. But, there is no logical reason to force it into the actual game design that the masses experience. It has completely eroded everyones enjoyment of class/spec expression. You are no longer allowed to play what you want to play in a MMORPG. Rather you are forced to play whatever class/spec is S tier for the current patch. That, or be shunned, since you will impede timers/rating by not being the “best” spec available.
It’s not that the content exists, it’s that it’s the primary focus of balance. LoL esports are played on previous patches. Pros know exactly what the balance will be at the time of the tourney. They can practice around it. But it let’s LoL tune faster, so that the rest of us can have a better live experience.
WoW does it reverse. They wait until after the event is over to balance. And then balance in a tentative way to not upset the meta because they don’t want players to regret the time they have invested.
And I understand. It would be awful if Limit or the AWC/ MDI team’s spent weeks/ months on characters and strategy only for a fix to come through that would make those strats unusable.
You are right though. I wish they’d spend more time balancing the game around the middle 80%, instead of the top and bottom 10%.
You can stop at the rating and Mythic level that you feel is most appropriate for you
You don’t have to bring down the ceiling because you can’t get off the ground
Esports don’t belong in this game. It wasn’t designed to be one.
putting a timer on something doesn’t make it an esport
i disagree with this one.
speedrunning has almost become a culture in GAMING. not just wow. regardless of whether or not blizz had a timer - players would be speedrunning (competetively) dungeons/raids with some sort of addon timer. also, speedruns always have a leaderboard, so there would be a ranking system too…
believe it or not - (cuz i know it’s hard to believe) - millions of gamers in the world are in love with speedrunning content for fun.
i don’t get why people that don’t like ____ activity want it to be removed from millions of other hands…you’re in the minority you know? 
I’ve wondered for awhile now if this is actually true as I don’t play that way? Truly ostracized? Can’t form your own groups? Not sure how it works.
Wow, that’s not going to happen. I understand the ilevel vs. actual player competence might be undermined here. But, aren’t those the players that truly enjoy being timed?
I’ve read a lot about long waits due to spec, so I agree with a about 1/3 of your post. Throwing the baby out with the bath water isn’t the solution.
As far as I can see things get fixed that aren’t broken, others overcorrected, and not fixing in a constructive manner the stuff you’re talking about.
The gaslight is right on time, YoU iS JuSt BaD!!
Just ignore all the data that only favors the meta and why people is quitting. This the most unbalanced and tuned Mplus season yet. Crap all over the floor ,and awful key weeks, I have not ran it much at all.
That right there is what we in the business call “brutally honest”…
Diddy Kong racing was totally an esport
This seems like an easy way to do it~ Unless they stop doing PTRs it’s not like people won’t know the meta ahead of time on live already.
Original Mario had a timer on the levels.
I knew it was an esport when I was 8 playing my NES!!!
Um, yeah? I’m talking about the game’s esports competitions.
Side scrollin’ is so toxic.
Every class/spec can time 15s
Above 15s have never once been balanced and the people pushing them usually Mera chasing anyway
I’m confused as to what system you want in place for pvp?
Also… I hate to break this to you but, there will always be a meta. Meta exists in all things. Stop being afraid or mad at “The Meta” because its just a part of life.
Ever been in a job where they want you to perform a task in a certain way, because its more efficient? that’s “Meta”.
What you didn’t know was instead of playing the levels normally you should have been doing this optimal route:
8 year old you was disgustingly inefficient.
god that player is a true professional gamer lol
i’m impressed!
It’s TAS’d but still satisfying, for sure.