Competitive elements have ruined the game

Most. You mean one? Like oh no. Shocker one. SWG had instanced content. It was out around the same time. WoW didn’t change that lol. Get over yourself.

Why would this change? Wow’s been bleeding subs for over a decade now, while other MMO’s who don’t do M+ speedy stuff grow. People want to play ashes of creation. Does that have Speedy M+? No. Is anybody asking for it? No.

A far cry from what? Instanced content? Thats what it is. Instanced content. Lol.

lmfao. So because for 1 year WoW didn’t have raids, or as many Dungeons. (It had some at launch.) That means M+ which has been in for years (During blizzard’s decline in subs.) is the new future?

I can’t tell if you’re just ignorant, or trolling. I hope its the second one. I refuse to believe somebody is so hyper focused on being right on a forum that they lie about history you can find with google in under a minute.

Also. WoW launched with 17 dungeons and 2 raids. But go on keep lying lmfao.

wowwiki-archive.fandom. com/wiki/Timeline_(World_of_Warcraft)

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It is. Its a one time speed run. Where the winner is forever in history for something that can’t be repeated.

Never said it wasn’t. Nice straw man though.

I like most of that stuff and I’m not into the competitive parts. I just like a reasonable challenge.

The only parts I dislike are the extreme meta focus and that is FULLY the community’s fault.

This is pretty much why people don’t want the timer, or don’t care about M+. Play meta or don’t play is whats been pushed otherwise you won’t make times, or the odds of not making time from any mistake goes way up.

You’re right, however you did sidestep it initially which is why I was suspicious. This is my point though, because there is a speed component to raiding as well. The only reason there isn’t really a speed component in pvp is that there’s no hard cap on rating afaik so the goal isn’t to get to X rating the fastest, but to exceed everyone else’s rating. Mythic + is more speed based content than anything else to be sure, but I feel like for most players the goal is to access and complete higher keys rather than beat another random 5 man on a clock.

I couldn’t agree more with this.

This game also wasn’t designed for Death Knights or Blood Elves but they were added. Things change with time, this is something that happens with everything in life.

What does make an esport? The timer is only part of what “makes it an esport”.

You are more than welcome to start your own groups and invite whatever comp you deem fit.


Theres not though. Thats a really dumb point to try to make. A one time thing. VS every single time you do it content? Does this mean leveling is speed running because people hit the world first cap once per xpack? lol.

Yes nobody cares about the speed running part. Thats the point. Nobody cares. You just said it right there. They don’t care about beating others. THey want the gear. WHich just happens to have a timer.

You’re literally making my point for me without even realizing it. My argument is not that raiding is speedrunning, nor is leveling speedrunning. It is that none of these things are real speedrunning. They are all ‘races’ to a certain degree which indicates they are speed related.

Again, this is exactly my point - it’s like you are arguing my point by using my point.

No? You’re point was its not speed running because the keys get harder.

In case you forgot. Then you tried to say that MDI wasn’t speed running Because.

Which makes 0 sense. I get it. You think M+ isn’t speed running. However, in the real world. The one we all live in. It is. Thats the whole reason it exists. Thats the reason it keeps track of YOUR personal best. With what team YOU ran with. For EVERY dungeon you do. At the highest you can be. Beyond that. POints at MDI. The esport. Exists? Its about speeeeeeeed. Speeed running in dungeons. Speeed runs.

Idk how to make that anymore simple.

So no I’m not.

To you real speed running must be minecraft, and Super mario 64, or any other retro game. One day you’ll open your eyes and understand theres more than that lol.

Sounds like the anti-timer crowd has plenty of other choices of games to play and wow doesn’t need to try and be like every other game out there.


You can make the time as an off meta class.
The likelyhood of people wanting to bring you tanks to hellish levels if you’re not running with a preset group though, and even then.

(I’m needing to craft a legendary later for fury for my go once I get off my rear because they’d rather me play that over arms. Granted, I’m usually a fury main, so I’m not actually complaining.)

This is why I hate the concept of seasonal stuff being attached to anything with timers or mid to high tier difficulties. People always get screwed, even if it ain’t me.


I agree. As an a caster thats not Mage or boomkin. Its rough finding any groups. As a DPS in general if you’re not over il. Best of luck in groupfinder lol.

You ever wonder why there are multiple categories in a lot of speed run games? 100%, any %, glitchless? Do you then wonder why MDI consists of only top level keys, and not anything in the lower range?

Arguing real world politics while discussing a virtual online one, word.

Doesn’t need to be retro - but the reason people speed run games generally is because completing the game is too easy and they want to create a new challenge for themselves. Mythic + creates a new challenge for you when the key upgrades.

Warcraft logs also keeps track of every boss kill you ever record, the time it took you to kill the boss, and your relative DPS, HPS or TPS.

What is with you and just flat out making things up. Who said anything about politics? Nobody. Actual grape brain lmfao.

Maybe this is why you do. Most people do speed runs chasing a record. Its the highscores of modern games. I’m sure arcades are a great deal before your time lol.

And this matters why? Oh it doesn’t. We’ve got ourselves another pointless strawman.

Don’t worry scarecrow. One day you’ll make it down the yellow brick road and get a brain. Till then. Maybe try a bit harder when thinking of a constructive way to support your argument. With facts, and actual things.

The problem is pugging. If all the non meta folks got organized it’d never be an issue. (Plus running with friends is always more fun!)


If we could just do away with M+ timers and give the normal reward for timing it on completion, then I’d definitely be doing M+. As it is right now, I don’t want to have to deal with the anxiety and stress of preventing other people from getting items (and possibly getting berated for it) just because I make a mistake or two that costs us time.

I don’t understand why the time element needs to be a thing in-game. Keep it in the analytics for people to keep tabs with, but don’t let it be the reason for animosity for people.

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Point of fact, ad hominem arguments do not actually validate your opinions. Nor does ending sentences with lmfao.

The kid argument, a timeless classic. And where do you think the records came from originally? Speed runs originated with people wanting to push their limits with a game that was no longer challenging just to ‘beat’.

It matters in the context of your argument for why mythic plus tracking your completion times was reason enough to classify them as speed runs. Lots of things track your personal best times/scores. And as you pointed out earlier, those things are not considered speed runs.

They put the second item back in untimed, it’s just slightly lower ilevel. And if course you still get a vault, which is where the gear that matters from M+ is anyway.

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Games should never be balanced around mediocre or bad players ever.

It’s how you get trash things like pruning

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If the shoe fits bud.

Crying about other people calling you out on making things up. 10/10. Try cutting your teeth on kids in fortnite. You’re not doing very good here.

It doesn’t though. Its not giving any context. Its just another one of you random strawmans. You’re grasping at everything and anything you can do defend your bad take that M+ isn’t speed running. When theres a money awarding esport around it clearly showing it is. Learn to cope with being wrong.