Competitive elements have ruined the game

You provided the context.

So far the extent of your posts have been repeatedly using the phrase ‘strawman’ and ending each sentence with juvenile comments that do nothing but devalue your stance. I would suggest reflecting on that before you try arguing with anyone on any meaningful subject.

That’s the great thing about opinions. You are entitled to yours, and I don’t believe mythic + to be speedrunning, outside of niche stream content held on specific dates during a content patch.

Then don’t do it? Pretty simple concept.

Except one opinion is backed by real life money, and things the community and blizzard know to be true. Then theres yours. Based on stuffing your head in the sand and going la la la la la. /shrug

You basically have to beg to get into rated groups or pay in game for a carry. Blizzard ruined this game.

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I don’t think you know what the strawman fallacy actually is.

Actually I provided several counterpoints, which you conveniently chose to ignore while making snide remarks.

I should also point out that my argument has never been specifically about MDI, it’s been about mythic + content as a whole. I accept that MDI is marketed as a speed running competition. However, given that the mythic + season leaderboard sorts groups by key level first, and time second - via the score given - I feel comfortable saying my head is fully clear of the sand and I am not singing.

Hey man. I’m sorry you want to ignore facts and reason. Good on you bud. Keep doing your mental gymnastics.

Don’t be upset, no need to feel personally attacked when someone disagrees with you. It will be a hard life if you choose to live that way.

Good luck.

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gives you some Advil

For that brick wall you keep butting your head into.

Don’t project on me my man. If you’re upset thats on you. lmfao.

Why would you think I’m upset?

Sarcasm my fiend, sarcasm.

But you have to admit, M+ & PvP is very action gamey these days.

Low DMG = playing the class wrong = lack of skill
Death to avoidable dmg = lack of skill …

how’s that not skill based ?

Some players like the faster style. Some prefer the more rpgish/ almost turn based pacing of vanilla/ tbc.

I can’t argue with either.


So Fire mages are outperforming everyone, because everyone else is just playing their class wrong.

Okay, got it!

Wildstar says hi.

A better analogy would be that WoW used to be a game on the ground where all specs were welcome. Now, people are forced to go towards the ceiling or do very little in-game. People will simply leave if they are not wanted.

We have WoW Classic. It is a big success. Blizzard made history AGAIN!

So… why don’t we make a separate WoW called WoW Mythic+? Everybody wins. It has strictly competitive content with its own characters. It would fix the problem of retail class design & game design skewing towards competitive play, once and for all. And WoW Mythic+ wouldn’t have all that grindy & dull PvE stuff that high-skill players suffer through so they can get to the content that they enjoy.

People who don’t like challenges are what are ruining this game.

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“All specs are welcome” and “classic WoW” couldn’t be further from each other.

Classic is fun, I enjoy it, but it’s heavily meta focused as well and has massive class stacking and world buff cheesing at end game.

Players do this to themselves.


Yes, you are correct.

But I didn’t mean that WoW Classic was a place that was devoid of competitiveness. I meant that the creation of Classic means that WoW doesn’t have to try to please everybody at the same time in the same game. I don’t think that is possible. It is arguably the number-one reason behind why truly balancing the game becomes impossible.

What if we can have Retail start going care-bear (which many people want) and a Mythic version of WoW that goes adrenaline-rush competitive (which many other people want).


Isn’t that kinda what already exists with multiple difficulties?

We have care bear easy mode and face melting hardcore mode and quite a few in the middle.

Or does just the existence of other modes somehow detract from the experience of either side?


You realize this game was always a casual MMO right? This hard slant towards pushing the player base into M+, is in my opinion, destroying what’s left of the community.

I’ve never seen a more toxic system in a MMO than M+.

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The argument is that the game (and classes) are specifically designed for the competitive modes now. WoW changed once Mythic+ was introduced.

I feel like the people who love Mythic+ and those who hate Mythic+ & RaiderIO are 2 entirely different gaming crowds. Why lose either?

Both groups do a bunch of content that they don’t prefer in order to get to what they do prefer. Maybe we can all do content we prefer, period.

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