Some folks are just like that OP. Don’t take it personally. There are a lot of players who have run some of these dungeons thousands of times and some of them just don’t have the patience. Just keep queueing up… you’ll find some good groups as you go too - its not all jerks.
I pug a lot of my tanks. I have day set aside for it. some days it very good and other it very bad. The bad days always seem to start om Friday nd end on Monday. I say avoid those days. never sure on why.
Second one it depends on server. there are some good ones and bad ones. depending on who side you on. Pick wrong server and the level of hostility/baiting can be very high. Other it actually pleasant. Take for example area 52. nice folks on both side. depending on day though it gets interesting. I imagine there a host of better example. but I am playing there on alliance side and it been fun.
Now you can have 30 mins deserter time to read those encounter & quests in wowhead.
Sorry to hear that. Being kicked for a couple of mistakes shouldn’t be the norm. The pug life is a really Toxic place in WoW sadly.
Most good players just stick to their guilds. I know it might be a chore but finding a good guild can make the game so much better.
The many replies tot his thread prove the OP right. The player base is garbage these days. Its all thats gonna be left when the crap dust called BFA settles.
nope it’s a temporary flag until a moderator reviews it. If a moderator agrees then it sticks
I was kicked from a Timewalking dungeon from some elitist POS for not being as “high” on the DPS charts when killing adds. I’m Affliction, mobs and adds aren’t single-target damage, and Affliction isn’t a “burn” DPS spec, it’s a slow and steady damage stream.
That’s “elitism”.
The WOW community has experienced more toxicity because the real world is growing more and more toxic. It’s very understandable that even in a video game we experience peoples anger and venting of emotions. This game after all is an escape and people treat it like it’s a therapy session to Express all of their built up emotions. It all takes place on the internet as well, where people have learned to do and say whatever they feel without consequence.
In all honesty, the community at large is not very toxic.
The random & anonymous nature of the LFG & LFR systems breed douchebaggery amongst people whom may otherwise not be so inclined.
There’s no real way to fix it without removing the system (which ain’t happening).
Your best bet is to group with friends or guild mates.
I was thinking the same thing for a new player, the op doesn’t sound so new. He certainly found his way to the forums to blame the community for his mess ups in a hurry. Looking at the title the op’s been through this more than once.
So, if you’re new, did you inform you’re dungeon group?
Did you say, “Does anyone else have this quest that I’m working on?”
You out a lot of blame on the rest of your group, but even when I was new years ago, I informed my groups that I was new. That I didn’t know certain mechanics, or the flow of the dungeon. That’s called being active in the party.
Now while I get that certain people can be unrelenting, and will kick for no other reason that to grief. There is something missing here.
You stopped to pick up the bow, but you never caught back up? Did you inform your group of your intentions?
As for the second time, almost everyone I’ve dealt with in the nearly 14 years of playing understands lag, and gives people a break over it.
I’m not sayin you didn’t talk to your group, but you didn’t post if you did.
A new player does have the responsibility to say something and not to just expect everyone in the party to see your level and assume you that you’re new.
I’ll say this though, for someone who has only been part of this game for two days, you’re screaming through dungeons.
Abusing NPCs doesn’t stroke the ol’ epeen the same way.
Aye, there’s the rub
I don’t buy that you’re “2 days new” to the game at all, with all the buzzwords you’re throwing around.
“Look at me I’m new, everyone pay attention to me! You’re all so TOXIC and insert other stupid SJW buzzword here.”
Pretty sad all you can do is come on the forums after two days to cry. Don’t you have anything better to do, like find a guild or play the game? The players aren’t the problem, there’s lots of great people in WoW.
Fun fact.
Real life transitions into the gaming community, but there’s no barbed wire fences to separate the good animals from the bad animals.
Yes…I just called all of us animals, because we’re not vegetables or minerals.
Although I have come across a couple of fruits and ran into a player who was denser than granite. But, on the whole, we’re all animals.
How far behind were you? Were you just not contributing at all while gathering these things?
From the other players’ perspective, you just pulled the boss in the dumbest way possible.
Because most of them rely on predatory tactics to sustain themselves (any given Korean MMO, Cryptic games, SWTOR…)
We all start somewhere, suck it up and get better or quit.
Come be a tank. You can walk into a boss and die and occassionally not be kicked!
I mean they’ve damn near made the game idiot proof, if they go any further they’ll have to put our characters on a rail and let us play dungeons and raids as a rail shooter.