Community is just as Toxic as ever?

BS, Greyhide.

LoL is terrible, agreed, but FFXIV has the nicest player base I’ve ever played with in the modern internet age. The mods on FFXIV are suspension happy & will not brook bad behavior, AT ALL.


Well, given that we’ve only heard one side of it, I think most sensible people understand that this isn’t the whole story.

It’s usually not, but I’m willing to ask. Sure, nasty people exist but "he came up to me and pushed me for “NO REASON” stories always reek of sea dwellers.

Well, welcome to the game anyway, I guess. Sorry about the bad experience…I wish I could say that it was an outlier, but that’s kinda how it goes sometimes. That’s always something that’s held me back from recommending WoW to people IRL: you’d have to do it with some caveats about the community.

I’m sure that most online multiplayer games have the same behavioral issues, but it’s still a little embarrassing. I mean, just reading some of the replies in here is embarrassing. You’d hope that a 14-year old MMO in decline would be able to welcome new players into the fold, but the reality of the situation sets the table for people to say things like “new players shouldn’t do dungeons”, “if you made a mistake you deserved to be kicked”, “if you don’t already know all the dungeons you’re wasting everyone’s time”, etc. Regardless of whether or not those viewpoints are valid, they are widely held, which is unfortunate if you want more new people to play the game.

LOL it is funny when a FFXIV fanboy calls someone else a fanboy of a different game. Hypocrite much?

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What do you mean “toxic as ever” if you just started playing?


Op, sorry you had a bad experience pugging. Not all groups are turds, there are plenty of nice people in the game still, you just happened to run into some that were more concerned with saving a minute than with helping new players get used to the game.

Whenever I am in a group I try to be as kind to new, and old players as I possibly can, because you will run into a lot of the ‘push, push, rush, rush’. Just remind them that they were new once too, and that it is only a dungeon, not the Grand Prix.

You can do two things here:

  1. Act like you’re a victim of everyone else and continue to behave the same way.

  2. Acknowledge the reasons you were kicked and take steps to address those reasons.


I’m sorry you had a couple of bad pugs but don’t let it get to you. When I first joined wow it was the last few months of Wrath of the Lich King and I rolled a rouge. I was like kicked by defalt and I didn’t know why. I watched vids, read wowhead and asked advice on how to better my gameplay. It wasn’t till I learned about all the ninja looting done by the rouge class that I realized why I was met with extreme prejudice. Then I rolled a mage and things got better with 0% kick. Hunters at the time was also met with the same level of hostility but for deferent reasons. You might of just got unlucky with a group that still held old grudges.

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Where did they say this.

@OP: This poster’s approach is both common and popular here. If you’re wondering whether what you’ve already experienced ever changes – it does not.

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Every game is toxic, I actually prefer my toxic wow fam over other games. <3.

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Lol, hunters are still met with hostility. People don’t want to let go of the ‘huntard’ scapegoating. You would be amazed how many times I still hear tanks tell hunters to turn growl off their pets, when it is turned off immediately upon entering a dungeon. Upon defending themselves by pointing that out, hunters are often met with accusations of lying, claiming they must have turned it on. It is really pretty ridiculous.

It’s hit/miss when you’re doing randoms.

Find a guild with friendly players and run things with them. I bet you’ll have an entirely different experience.

Also, just ignore a majority of the hostilities you encounter. There is a LOT of negativity from other players in this game.

Who the hell said I was even playing FFXIV?


Am I getting it right?

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I was just thinking earlier today how you rarely hear anyone called a “noob” anymore, but it used to be the most common insult by far.

Yet you claimed they were nicer than WoW? Either you’re lying or trolling. :thinking:

yea it s why the forums are pretty much dead and every ones over at reddit.

The advantage of here is that you cannot downvote someone just because they have a different opinion than you or they took attention away from you.

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it’s a low level dungeon and heirloom gear doesn’t even have a repair cost. In my experience those hardest on legit noobs are the ones who stand in fire and can’t dispel things without being told to because they never read up on the mechanics of the fight like they should be doing as an end game player.

[quote=“Tradori-thunderlord, post:1, topic:40154”]
new to this game
[/quote] And already using a forum buzzword. Sorry, but don’t believe you are new to this game op.

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