Community council

The CC is like a Prom Queen title from Highschool. The majority couldn’t care about their opinions because it doesn’t reflect their own.


Ok that came off snarkier than I intended. I know you have been an MVP for years now. I know you know how the MVP thing works.

That still doesn’t change my opinion that this entire program feels redundant.


Could they? Sure. Would they? No. That was not the point of the program. The point of the program was about forum interactions between players. It was not intended to be a path to the Devs for feedback.

Now, all that said they did a one time MVP round table meetup in Irvine in 2018. Some of the quest designers and such volunteered to talk to us over lunch. That was interesting. We mostly spent time with the CMs discussing things like poor Blizzard communications overall. We also got to meet with one of the Forum Support Agents to learn more about the relevant topics and get answers to policy and procedure questions.

Of course you are free to feel that way. I think several people do. There has been a “secret” forum for a long time that gave selected people from high end guilds, PvP, etc a means to talk to Blizz directly. That was not part of the MVP program, but it has been around for years. That was not transparent and most people feel Blizzard ignored most of the feedback they got via that platform.

So what is different about the CC vs the “secret forums”? I suppose the answer is transparency and the fact that many in the new program are not “elite” high end players. They from a far broader spectrum of interests, such as RP, Transmog, etc.

I don’t know if the other secret forums still exist or not, but maybe between the two Blizz gets actionable info they can work with?

I don’t understand why someone has to submit an application for the cool kid’s forum for a dev to read their feedback. Goes back to my stance that Blizzard has decided that your opinion is more valuable than mine (for example. I don’t give feedback often.)

What is the point of that? Why are they so afraid or their own website?


Sound like someone is jealous they weren’t accepted

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I don’t think they are. However, the choices they make about how they interact and communicate have left a lot of folks scratching their heads in confusion over the years. WHY don’t they use the forums, Twitter, etc. more often? Why resort to highly scripted and infrequent communications? The MVPs asked all those questions and more. Why were/are the greens the ones doing a bulk of the direct player interactions vs Blizz? (CS and TS forums are the exception where the Forum Support Agents are very active).

I do know some of the answers to those questions, but wonder if the benefits of careful scripted communications outweigh the negatives.

I will say there have been recent improvements.

  • The Monthly news roundup
  • Rapid Hotfix notes
  • Replying to threads about hot topics with info on patches/fixes
  • Even the CC experiment is a step in the right direction with more open communications everyone can read

Also keep in mind, it is the job of the CMs to collect feedback from the forums, twitter, reddit, fan sites/Wowhead, etc and organize it into Dev feedback. They DO read the forums and many changes have come from that feedback. It does not take green or orange text to make that happen.


I like to think that it’s just easier and less controversial to take a passive response. I don’t know that anyone in the CC nor individual devs could impartially provide responses. There are so many passionate people attacking and supporting every decision and content element in the game.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

The drama in this thread alone…

I mean we had all that with our older CMs. Then Blizzard replaced them with the ones we have or had in the past year or so and it feels like they barely poke their heads in the forums and if they do it’s just to copy paste something.

No… just… no…
Can we also stop thinking this CC thing is some savior and bastion of last hope.
It’s the same crap they did before. Just a new word attached.

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Asmongold doesn’t need to be on the community council. He has more power than the whole council combined and already streams his opinions to thousands of viewers


How do you expect the council to represent the community if they aren’t picked BY the community and instead picked by Blizzard who could just be picking yes men and women (and probably are.) I do NOT trust Blizzard to pick people.


The council is a PR stunt. They dont listen to them and the ones they do approve of are just yes men.


Who are picked by blizzard and not the community? Dude try reading up on how it works. :man_facepalming:


It is what it is. Let it go, guys. Lower your expectations enough and you will not be disappointed.


The people who are “popular” are already streamers or high end guild leaders. Those are the folks with the clout to solicit votes. They already have direct feedback methods to Blizz and have for years.

What Blizz wanted was a sampling of the much wider community. They wanted some who RP, some who PvP, some who pet battle, some who transmog, etc. People who are active in guilds, RP communities, discords, etc. Not just the forums which are a tiny tiny sub set of the larger game population. The only real requirement is an ability to communicate effectively and not break the rules. Over time those on the current council will rotate out, and new folks rotate in. Blizz does not even have it full yet and will continue to add as needed to keep things active.

You can be as negative as you want, just do it without swearing, insulting, or threatening people. Not too hard to do. I don’t know why people think that criticism has to be as offensive as possible to be labeled criticism.


Thanks for proving you are just a drama queen like you always were.


They represent the type of content Blizz wants feedback about, based off of the data Blizz has from them that we don’t. They don’t represent everyone. This isn’t a democracy. There’s no way to vote from thousands.

The fact that people actually believe this makes sense boggles the mind.

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Tbh, I’ve never seen Maizou post anything remotely “racist” or offensive on here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

…but then again I don’t really hang out on the cesspool of twitter or spend time digging thru different discord servers looking for “dirt” on people (I just don’t care). And no, out-of-context quotes don’t really qualify as “proof” in my book, my standards are a bit higher than random hearsay/3rd party tweets.

I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but at first glance/surface-level observations the whole thing just looks like petty jealousy from that one Warlock poster that got banned.

Maizou lands a spot on the Community Council… cue the jealous Warlock immediately launching a “witch-hunt” on the same exact day. Like, it’s sooo obvious that petty jealousy/butt-hurt was the root of the entire thing :laughing:

/observations from a 3rd party non-involved observer


I feel like it would be better if people would learn to type “would have” and “should have” as is proper.

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