Community council

I feel like it would of been better if the community picked who would be on the council. :slight_smile:


Nah, I don’t really care. I don’t really think it would be better or worse either way.

Honestly, I don’t know why anyone would want to be on the CC. I prefer to get paid for my labor.


Elitism my friend.


It probably be the same if we choose wisely.

Now look. I know you all wanted me to be on the council but I just don’t have the time for that nonesense. That’s why I created my AI daughter known as Mirasol.


Letholas and mirasol I think deserve to be on the council. I had a recent chat with letholas he’s chill

So we could have people with 100k posts that ERP with eachother in “hug” threads get nominated? Sounds worse than what we have now.


Could be worst we could have someone talking about the color pink oh wait…. Edit/ seems blizzard priority is on the color pink.

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I feel like the active community council members are great and talking about things they and portions of the community like them are passionate about. That said there’s a huge body of members who arent saying ANYTHING, I don’t even think half the invited players have introduced themselves.

Same with the devs. There’s a couple who have posted multiple times but most havent more than said 'hi" in the 'say hi" thread.

Yeah it seems to me the community really should of elected who be on the council and then blizzard vets that person meaning checking over their post history.

I would not want to be around when people were lobbying for votes to get on the council, and trying to undermine rivals to keep them off. It would be unbearable.


I don’t really think there would be any good way to put together a group like the one they did.

Honestly whole idea of a council is just stupid and gives way to more elitism

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Thanks for proving why Blizzard chooses and not the community.

Things that are important to you are not important to everyone. I for one think the lack of pink in this game is important to address.

The entire point of the CC is for a wide variety of playstyles and viewpoints. If the community chose them, we’d get a council filled with streamers and mythic raiders.

EDIT: And if you think this ISN’T true, I will gladly google and find the bajillion threads people had DEMANDING Asmongold and Preach be put on the council.


Someone is salty. What do you think you would be picked by the community if it was community elected


I personally like Maizou. She is one of the only CC members that regularly talks with the rest of the community. I feel like that is exactly what we would want out of a representative if we had to vote. I may not agree with everything she says, but the communication is refreshing.


You say that yet i have seen how they act in discord.


I don’t go to public discords, tis a silly place.


(post deleted by author)

Well then thats why you probably don’t know/

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