Community council

I’ve heard nothing but problems with the “WoW forum discord”.

I’d love to see some tea posted in here.

this is such a bad metric for judging someone’s worth on the council

i have seen community council members ingame that you haven’t seen. you not seeing them personally doesn’t mean anything

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Then you’ve heard about some other Discord. Not ours.

And I’m sick of it being brought into these personal issues from people who aren’t even in it.

Agreed would of voted for only the people who support worgen tails

No it was definitely yours.

And I specifically remember Rhielle being brought up multiple times over the last 2-3 years.


Server isn’t even that old . Don’t even think its reached the 1 year mark yet.

Because people always tell the truth when they’re harassing someone, eh? :roll_eyes:

Stop dragging down a server you know nothing about.

It hasn’t.

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If the same people are in the server (the person named in this thread) does it matter?

Seems like you’re trying to hide something.


Nothing to hide, little mage. You should join up and see. They run that place themselves. I just make sure it stays comfy and respectful.

I think all of the drama just proves that the CC was a terribad idea. like really? slap fights and drama over some lgbt stuff in a DISCORD that doesnt even have anything to do with WoW?


Nah, I’m in there too. It’s just a chill place. Anyone spreading drama about it here is undoubtedly the one who tried to bring it there and failed.


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I mean it’s fun for the forums. I personally enjoy watching woke people attack other woke people for not being woke enough.


Hahahahahaha. I had forgotten about that guy :rofl:. What a friggin train wreck :crazy_face:

Wasn’t he pretending he had been? Someone mentioned it the other day as the reason he gave for disappearing for a while.

He did but some of us checked and called him out on it .

If the council fails us can we fire them?

No, but we can dock their pay.

Jokes on you. My AI construct, Mirasol doesn’t have any need for mortal possessions.

Dock their pay

I thought you said :duck: their pay

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Impossible, ducks aren’t real.

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