Community council


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CC is just GD with orange text. You can just troll there with more respect :rofl:


Letā€™s ask Anakinā€¦


Because ā€œSmoke and mirrors flim flam trust me itā€™s not a scamā€ didnā€™t test well with the focus groups.


I kinda agree with this. How can it be a community council if the community doesnā€™t pick it?

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Blizzard should look more at who their picking at least imo especially if things theyā€™ve said on their own forums are problematic

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Not even just pick it. The community canā€™t interact with it at all except liking posts or if they come out of their special area and talk to us.

ā€¦itā€™s a gated community council :rofl:


Jokes on you, Iā€™m paid in depression. Feel free to dock it. :smiley:

EDIT: Removed as per Rhielleā€™s Request.

ā€¦because itā€™s made up of members of the community and not Blizzard employees? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No, that was me. And Iā€™m still doing it. Fake it till you make it.


I prefer fake it til you Snake It.

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Still odd to bring that up while youā€™re on forums where the moderators accused me, a trans person, of being transphobic with one thread I made


Why does it matter whom Blizzard sticks in a windowless room and then ignores?

I mean, Iā€™ve been pretty vocal Iā€™m not a fan of how the CMs operate. But there isnā€™t a CM in this conversation, so not sure how thatā€™d help to bring up either. :stuck_out_tongue:

How exactly do you expect the community to know what thousands of people have done in this game to make them qualified?

Can I also ask a favor? Can we both go back and delete all of these messages about it? I respect you and I respect what you do on the Council.

Iā€™d also ask Zandrae to delete the quote, as well. None of this should be here and Farnath had no right to drag us into any of this.

Edit to add that it would be helpful to Maizou and others if the quoted material could be removed from this post, as well:

We donā€™t want others dragged down. If you do decide to edit your posts, Purple, Iā€™ll do the same so that the conversation can continue without all of the trashing that occurred.

Oh god no.