Community council

Some of the Council obviously read threads directed at them. (they do it even more when you link a relevant topic they’re already discussing)

I feel like everyone’s real problem here is “not feeling like they’re being heard/represented by the council/devs”.

You can feel free to ask them stuff and weigh in on topics they’re discussing and tag them by linking all the time, I do.

It could have all been explained by the devs how to contact council members or get their attention, but if nothing else their in game characters exist and you could just mail them.

It’s like…calling your representative in actual politics. Just do it, maybe?

I think its because it feels like Blizzard is more likely to listen to them than to us.

I personally feel like Blizzard does what it wants no matter who is posting.


I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, elect me to the community senate and i’ll bring an age of darkness that makes akus future look like a tea party.


The who?


But how does it compare to the darkness in my heart? :pleading_face:

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If you spend the time to write a thesis on why AI bots are needed to expand the player base into getting dungeon+raid content done, that’s the kind of people Blizzard wants on the council.

I don’t really blame them, the data seems to show that solo play is the future of MMOs, as ironic as that is. Lost Ark, for example, the biggest recent mmo, has fully soloable dungeons. I have tried it, and I have to admit, it’s pretty awesome.

Heck, Blizzard itself attributed part of vanilla’s success to having more available solo options back in the day.


Could you imagine if Talonel made the council :man_facepalming:


I’d like more solo content. But dungeons are kinda a meh for me. Blizzard doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to making things soloable for dps, healers, and tanks at the same time.

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Gotta love it when they dodge it don’t you?

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I think the way classes are handled AND the general gameplay needs an overhaul. I think enemies take too long to down, rotations are too large, and tanks and healers dont do enough damage. I think those are all areas that other MMOs are succeeding in where WoW isn’t. If you fixed those issues, solo dungeons could be a really good time. I would certainly play them.

The general gameplay feels oddly slow for how fast the rotations are, am I alone on that?

Whenever my character needs to run anywhere, I feel like I am moving through water.


yes, Twitch Council…


Oh come on now, Atleast a Twitch Council responds to being called out usually involving stupid reaction videos or bathtub streams.


wow bathtub raiding meta…

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Wasn’t this topic brought up once before and shot down?

Pretty sure it’s a guy lol

But anyways, me too. Maizou is definitely one of fhe more regular posters around here that you actually see posting regularly. More recently I found his Mage Tower complain threads amusing :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

…other than Mirasol (only other active poster I recognize in there), the same can’t really be said for the rest of the CC members. For like 90% of them I’ve never seen them posting around here/never heard of them. Now, I get that some of them are from the EU forums so their absence from these forums is understandable - but I’m more talking about the NA ones which a lot of us forum’ers have never heard of.

Since we’re on this topic of “nominating” players, I think Humanitydh is another GD’er that would be a great choice for filling a Community Council seat. Not only does he give good suggestions re: M+ and the overall game, but I actually see him inside the game here and there and I have also seen him appear (…many times) “in the background” of some of the streamers I regularly watch. He’s been around the block and is just a well-rounded pick imo

I just call people based on their avatar because it’s the only thing I have to go on.

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'Twas a good chat as well!

You weren’t even there, you aren’t even in the server anymore and you need to stop dragging that place into this petty argument you have with otjers. I’m sick and tired of being dragged into your drama and personal issues.
