Community council

No it wouldn’t be better.

It would just be a popularity contest at that point.

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I’m really in the middle. I feel like it would have been cool if players could have elected like…10 of people going on the council, just so they felt heard and invested and could BE heard and invested, in some of those streamers’ streams.

I also think it would have been REALLY cool if the council members themselves had an invite or two that they could pass out to players they know could lend helpful perspectives.

Dude stop making threads specifically to attack an individual


If you read my post i said Blizzard could vet the process still. Meaning they would hold elections

Rofl, someone is still salty because that one clown got suspended.

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EDIT: Removing As Per Thallia’s Request in Reply #85.

The thread was about Electing the community to CC. Not about maizou. I have no idea why they showed up

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I feel like you keep starting these threads just because you have a personal beef with her.


Your 3rd post into the thread is directly attacking them specifically


This isn’t about baalsmael like i said i couldn’t care less. I am geninuely curious why its called a community council yet the community doesn’t decide who goes on it?

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You made no mention of that in your OP. You should edit your ORIGINAL POST and add that to it if that’s what you are truly asking for.

Regardless, the answer is still no. Vetting or not, at the end of the day, it would just be a popularity contest, which is the last thing we need.


For the dorito dust colored text lmao


At the end of the day, we have the CC we have. A lot of things could go wrong with CC, but so far nothing really bad has happened. So I think we should just chill out for now until something negative actually occurs. Right now we are just making up theories. Let’s give the current batch a shot.

I don’t always engage in this type of activity, but when I do, it’s in discord chat and with people I’ve been roleplaying with for over six months minimum.

I’m not at all surprised after how they treated me.

People would stop attacking the CC and being displeased with it if it hadn’t…

Been Covered in strife, We all remember that particular discord problem

Brought up actually useful things instead of trying to bring back bad things from the old days

Actually accepted that the community has a better way of doing things with no downsides.

An example of the last two is

CC: ReeEeeEeeee We want Master loot back
People: Master Looter is rife with problems and is easily abused here is the entire history of it being abused
CC: That’s just like your opinion man it never got abused
People: Brings plenty forward that were either involved in it or had it happen too
CC: Master looter is just better, All of these people are Liars it never got used like that.
People: We have a better choice, Personal loot with no trading restrictions, This solves all the problems and does what ML did without the issue of ML being abusable
People: So the community council just sucks tbh we want replacements.


I just don’t understand why anyone would care who is on the community council.

As long as they play the game, abide by the rules, and leave thorough feedback, I think they are fine to have on the community council.

Whether I agree with everything they say or not should not really be a factor, IMO.


A person with the common decency to move their illicit degeneracy to discord.

I remember back in Cata-WoD people weren’t so respectful, the degeneracy that took place on these forums was terrible.

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Why do you think people engage in that kind of RP?

Because they can’t get anything in the real world.

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It’s almost like you insulted my post about the color pink because you personally don’t think it’s important. Gee, I wonder why I posted.

Also, I included a link to my post history when I applied. They know it. They’ve read it. Those posts that your leader tries to say proves I’m racist still exist on these forums and have been cleared of flagging multiple times. Because in context, they are fine. It’s only when taken out of context they sound racist. But this could be true for 99% of people. It’s easy to take things out of context.

I can look in your post history or his and do the same if I wanted, but I don’t, because manipulating things to make someone look bad when they aren’t is a horrible thing to do.

Anyway, I’m not talking about this anymore. I’m simply reporting any posts that attack me from now on. You are welcome to disagree with my posts, you are entitled to your opinion. Like such, I’m not reporting anything in here, because you’re just expressing your opinion. But any personal attacks or comments on me, I will report. I’m tired of engaging with you, baal, and the twitter brigade who do nothing but attack me and anyone else on the CC.

As for why people join the CC @Deathfang: I applied because I feel the player type I am aren’t heard by Blizzard. People whose content involves LFR, outdoor questing, pet battles, etc.

We just kinda… exist, and get pushed to the side to make room for raiders, M+ers, high level PvPers, and I wanted our voices to be heard.

I also wanted someone who will take feedback from the community and present it to the devs. Which is something I have done. That is not stopping me from giving my own feedback though.

Personally, I wish I could turn off the text color. I post on these forums far too much and it draws way too much attention and derails conversations more than it helps.