Community Council won't change ANYTHING

we’ve had the secret forum… devs got mad and ignored it eventually and every beta since WoD. I want this to change… i really do… but forgive me for being cynical.

Look at the disaster the MVP program is. How will this be any different?


Hey there, I’m doing my best to be more active on the forums than I historically have been, since I’ve been chosen for this council. I’m also more Classic based than Retail, but of course, there’s a lot of topics that TBCC and Retail players can commiserate on.

I have a lot of very…passionate takes on Blizzard and what they’ve done/haven’t done, but if I- or any one of the CC members- comes into the CC forums swinging, they’re just going to have a bad time. Why waste the opportunity you have to talk to the devs for a brief moment of “gotcha!”

CC is about being constructive. There’s many ways of eloquently saying “I disagree and here’s why,” instead of jumping right to poo-flinging. I’m really hoping to get my input in, and have it not be an echo chamber. I disagree with a lot about the state of the game, and I even made that very clear on my application. Honestly, I was extremely surprised that I even got chosen, but I’m doing my best. :stuck_out_tongue:


You won’t though. I’ve posted things 1,000 times worse than anything that has been posted on the council forums and I have never been banned, warned, or censured in any way.

Restricting the feedback to 100 easily cowed fans unwilling to express themselves is counter-productive. That’s not your problem though, it’s Blizzard’s.


No, it’s 100 people.

100 people is still quite a lot of people to get a varied amount of opinions from. It also creates a controlled environment where communication is easier to give, and feedback easier to receive.

And you’re doing the exact same thing the OP is doing, not even giving the Council a chance to work before you declare it worthless.

You have a council member here posting that they are afraid to give legitimate feedback lest they be censured. Of course it’s worthless.


100% agree think people jumping to conclusions instantly

So far, of the people who have introduced themselves, I haven’t seen anyone who represents my interests and I consider myself a pretty regular, average player aside from the nerd stuff - solo grinds of PvE content, LFR and queued content, retro raid collecting, RP. So I’m a little :face_with_raised_eyebrow: at all the raiders that have spoken up so far, proportionately.

Then again, the RP community can be a little eeeeeeehhhh sometimes, and I’m not sure that I’d want to be that crab climbing up the side of the bucket to wave over the edge and go “hey there, I represent roleplayers!” Like, for example, for the laypeople among us, the guy introducing himself as a huge fan of the lore would get about half the community’s eye twitching. People who introduce themselves as “huge fans of the lore” can sometimes be what we call “lore elitists”, people who like, police and mock other roleplayers if they feel like what they’re playing doesn’t adhere strongly enough to established lore.

It’s more prevalent in some communities and on some servers than others, but my initial reaction just reminded me of why potentially being on the Community Council like, “Hey, I’m here to speak for the RPers” is a little like turning up and being like “I speak for the Americas!” and you’re from Barbados and the US is like, “Hey, I’M America!” And Canada is like, “No, WE are America!” and Mexico is like “Dude.” And South America is like, “DUDE.”

It’s a lot like that, actually.


I mean yeah, I definitely hear what you’re saying, but I’m going to say whatever I’m going to say as non-toxic but firm as possible, while still getting the point of what I’m saying out of the way.

There’s a difference between “[chain of expletives here] you ruined my Classic server and boosts are bad [chain of expletives here]” and “I absolutely feel like the way you handled transfers and the store in TBC was inexcusable etc”

I’m definitely not cowing to the devs, but if I was a dev, I’d be a lot more likely to take a person who said the latter more serious than the former. I think they’ve made a lot of terrible choices, but they are still adults that deserve to at least be talked to like adults.


I don’t disagree with that. Treating the devs like human beings is one of my pet peeves (especially the C-Dev and story team devs deserve a lot more respect than they are given by the community).

I just don’t think selecting 100 people who are unwilling to give feedback to the intensity that the community as a whole is giving it is productive. I think it’s Blizzard being very cowardly.

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Honestly, I fit a lot- basically entirely- of what your play style is whenever I do play retail, even though I raid in Classic and have raided in retail in the past, but the past two expansions I’ve been the same as you; casual LFR, various collecting from old content (I’m about to craft my Dragonstrike for transmog on my next blacksmithing cooldown woot), some RP thrown in the mix.
And I definitely understand what you mean by “RPer sludge” :stuck_out_tongue:

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Did anyone actually expect Activision to allow truly dissenting voices to have a public forum? Laughably naïve.


Seems to me everyones talking about classic over there and pvp


Sorry, I’ll be blunt.

Blizzard has dropped the story ball badly this expansion, how do they propose to fix this going forward? Ideas include not hiding the potentially there story notes and nods from the zones anymore, for starters.

I can also see bad luck protection items and gear tokens that can be exchanged like they could in the past being a good thing.

Blizzard’s apparently utterly unwillingness to try and even talk to the players at all could be approached from both sides better? Maybe putting up a fair and honest, “Here’s what the dev’s would like to see from players as far as constructive criticism and other feedback goes, and we will return to our forums.” I don’t know what that looks like, however it’s a thought.

Meh, I just guess it’s that with Blizzard’s track record, it’s no wonder fans are already casting shade and shadow at the CC, it’s not exactly in Blizzard’s known wheelhouse to listen without backhanding the players when they finally do listen and implement an idea with added and unrequested features…s

Same same

A quick glance thru the “introductions” thread reveals most of the chosen players so far come from a high-end Mythic raiding/CE background… these are not really representative of the “average” casual that mostly floats between LFR thru Heroic, maybe kills the first 2-3 bosses in Mythic.

The “average” casual rarely kills the final boss on Mythic difficulty, and they generally don’t push CE.


Again to be clear to everyone, this random GD thread has has more activity in the last 20 minutes than the entire council forum in the last 14 hours.


Feels like the community council folks are going to find out why the blues and greens vanish so quickly off GD~ Must be fun to participate when you become an instant target.

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I agree with that. The story is a decent part of what really turned me off of Shadowlands.

Really what I want is a dedicated subforum/thread for the CC folk to interact with the general populace of the forum for the purpose of further passing along feelings and ideas to the CC forums, because we all know General Discussion is a mess and a half.


They didn’t bother hiding whose a council member either.

They’re just posters with targets on their backs.

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Pretty sure they are working to post well thought out ideas instead of like me just things off the top of my head with bad grammar

That would be cool.

I wish you could post a proposal as such.