It is supposed to be a wide mix of people from all factions and playstyles. So US and EU who are in any category of content or lore/rp. Most of them seem to have an interest in everything with 1-2 major topics they really care about and dive into
Reminds me of that bogus TBC “deep dive” video where they pretend to be excited about the Fel Reaver
How can you not be excited to re-live repressed memories the first time around in Hellfire Peninsula? There you are, minding your own business when you hear the eerie and mechanic Fel Reaver call, the ground shakes, and BAM! One-shot. D:
I was under the assumption that the community council would be something different where the developers would directly engage with the council members in a public setting. So far there hasn’t been any posts, but that can obviously change.
Right now I just scratch my head on why they would go through the process of making a closed off forum section when they could just read the general discussion (or make a suggestions section) to accomplish really the same goal. If they actually hired moderators and enforced their forum rules you would eliminate a large portion of the people who just fill the forum with useless content.
Also, afaik I don’t see any actual special requirements on the quality of postings the council members need to make. They should - at minimum - provide constructive feedback with suggestions. You can already tell which people are putting effort in and others who are just posting there because they happened to get selected.
We need to lift up people who are positive about the game as negativity is too rampant right now.
Why can’t I post on the Community Council forum?
Only 100 people are selected to be able to speak on those forums. It is just open for the public to view for transparency.
That’s lame.
I completely disagree. Group content is the only reason i play mmos… i think solo play is boring. I hate doing quests and i hate doing daily chores, aka world quests. I love getting together with people and chatting on discord and coordinating fights and strategies. I love the teamwork in this game.
And you claim yourself to be alone most people.
Very funny, but that is the kind of funny that is funny only once, so I will ignore you.
There’s more engagement from this 1 thread alone compared to ALL activity on the CC forums.
Highest post was a blue post and had 24 replies, lots of stimulating discussions going on over there i see
If i wanted to play solo I’d hop on skyrim, only reason my entire guild and myself are still playing only because of group content.
That is why I said most people, not everyone.
There are people who like to keep doing things with other players, but many only do the strict minimum required.
Remember what’s important about having access to the CC is to flog a discord that people can join to have the ability to talk directly to CC users while also having them beg for likes on the forums so they can feel fulfilled
I don’t claim to be most people. i was just disagreeing with you, i seriously doubt most people who play mmos, hate doing group content. i mean, the whole point of mmos is … group content…
and we are trying to point out to you… that you are wrong. MOST people do mmo for group content… i mean… Massively Multi-player Online… wasn’t your first clue???
No that’s why they shouldn’t actually. Id rather rather the Council choose less vain and more humble people. Seems like no power has already gone to your head. Id hate to see you with more of it tbh.
…it’s not like they have much else to lose at this point.
MT is abit of a flop.
First mistake. Thinking you speak for everyone. You dont. Its actually been very 50/50. The people that dislike it are just louder and more repetitive in their complaints.
People in legion would get gear to actually outgear it. Making it more trivial. Now its its totally skill/timing based with it scaling. Was that the right call to make it scale? IDK. What I do know is its 50/50 on people who like it and hate it. Thats not a flop
So long as Blizzard stays on their high horse they don’t speak for everyone either.
When was it the last time they admit they screwed up?
Must’ve been years now.
Next to FF14 it didn’t exactly save the game.
Just another defib pulse to make the body twitch on the surgeons table.