yep, found it. and i’m not surprised, but there is NO response from blizzard devs at all, to any of the threads i read… so what was even the point? They just created another exclusive forum for a selected group of people to be ignored just like the rest of us?
The posting process for them is bit more complicated. They write their opinion as a draft, after that it will get revalued from a manager and how the phrasing should be (double meanings) - and at last, it will be released as the most thoughtful, most non-offensive posting you will ever see.
Link to your data. And what is “refuse”? You invited somebody you knew didn’t want to play with you and they said “no”?
If the majority of players don’t want to do group content and blizzard wants the game to succeed, they need to find out what those players want and deliver it to them as content in the game. Winging it on gut feelings and wild guesses based on prejudices is why the game is in the mess it is now.
Purging the game of the majority of players would not be profitable. Your gut feeling that “most people have done one key” should lead to “people who are not willing to do all group content all the time should be ignored by developers” actually makes no business sense.
The reality is there will probably be the same discussions going on only probably slightly more polite. How well player opinion is represented by these individuals is yet to be seen. I see in most threads discussing this topic players saying that casuals/solo players should have no place on the council or in any discussion and should be ignored. That’s kind of what has happened up until now. Can it change? Will devs actually be willing to modify future plans based on a player forum?
The new forum has at least 2 streamers on it already, doesn’t it?
aint nobody got time for that… my sub is ending in 2 months, i haven’t logged on in 2 weeks because the game is just terribly empty and i can’t even write a custom text for my groups anymore. like that straw just broke my back. Unless i’m promised some real changes, asap, i’m done with this game. i love the game, but i hate the ever increasing hinderances to my game play that blizzard keeps introducing.
I fully expect that if anything comes out of this, the timescale will be years. It’s very doubtful it can influence anything planned for 10.0. The fact that they seem to be concentrating on players who are happy with the game suggests they still don’t have any interest in finding out why the majority have left, which is something they could do real research on.
There is a fantastic article in EVE Online Knowledge Base about why people play MMOs alone, and what is actually a very reasonable assumption that is an advantage to any MMORPG to consider that demographic.
When you look at a “sane” reason as to why LFG became what it is, and why all the steps of assembling a social group were removed from the formation of instance runs, you would realize it is a patch work to avoid actually making the game more friendly to a increasing population that dont want to engage in the social contract required to accomplish group activities.
The idea that LFG now removes the responsibility and accountability of groups doing content is EXACTLY the kind of thing done in the name of bringing people who DO NOT want to do group activities to do them. It is a way of letting you group up and do the stuff you are REQUIRED TO DO, in a way you dont need to know or engage the people you are playing with. It is EXACTLY what would be done in order to nudge people to do group content when they dont want to.
If the majority of the people were to actually seek to socialize and do group activities, you would not need that, even for convenience.
Other games solved this problem by introducing NPC group content. Some other games changed it by restricting group activities to group interests. However there are no established MMORPGs today that do not have at least one process to mitigate the fact that most people do not want to do group content, however fine they are in playing a game that other people play.
I haven’t seen ANY council member come in and try to dictate how players should feel about the game or Blizzard at all. Yes they have mentioned things they PERSONALLY like, but they have mentioned things that need improvement and I’ve seen multiple posts by them saying they are unhappy with the current state of things and that is why they are happy to join the council. So you really are just being negative when we are a couple days in and not everyone has even gotten their invite yet.
I guess you need to see some more posts in other threads then.
I’ve been following the posts very heavily, actually. You got any links or quotes because clearly I must have missed something?
I’d like to add they have made discords and other places for the players to add them and voice their opinions and add suggestions to pass on to Blizz while stating they will post things that aren’t just their ideas.
*Edit - I also saw a post with some of them already receiving some hate mail. And yes I know that is going to be part of what happens when taking on a role like that, but people can also be better. If you are upset you didn’t make it you can always content them and discuss your thoughts as well and focus on the positives of trying to make the game better for everyone. And not everyone will agree all the time but that’s where finding a healthy middle ground will kick in. It will take time.
thats not true.
The developers, not the regular players.
Wait why not? Let it have a chance first, yes?
Do you hear the voices too?
How many people have you run into that have never done any group content?
It’s too early to see any results.
But I don’t know this concil is very interested in the wishes of the players rather than our own.
I, as a player, do not feel represented by this concil.
I don’t know them and I’ve never seen them or their alts and I can’t even imagine what criteria Blizzard used to choose them.
And I don’t know if they’re going to pay attention to themes that I consider important to the game as much as they seem to be giving to themes in theorycraft.
I hope my skepticism about this group proves wrong, or we’ll have another disappointment on our hands. Another brick to Blizzard’s wall of shame.
What issues do you want to see tackled? What realistic problems and solutions could you see being implemented?
They should have asked those who have been both critical and supportive. Instead they went with the fan boys and the council will not have the respect it needs to make any necessary changes.
It’s not so much the council, although the responses to the one thread created by Blizz is telling. The true test of the council forums will be how much Blizz interacts with them.
We need some post from Blizzard Devs (leaders from each area explaining their philosophies) just like the post about the UI update for customization that was done like a month ago by one dev.
Some topics:
Transmedia: We got Talanji story in game with really cool cinematics and then they continue on a book… we need questlines and scenarios with the book story.
Narrative FOMO: the pre expansions events are cool but the aspects attached to lore are removed, you can do Wrathgate but not the siege to undercity, you can’t trigger anymore the cinematic that Tyrande kills Nathanos because, he’s not available as world boss, you can’t experice the burning of teldrassil anymore.
Cosmetics Drops: If you check data from pages like data for azeroth and comments on wowhead and other pages, you’ll find people farming mounts for years, there’s not bad luck mechanics and they add mounts with really bad % drops that are not unique even on model. Compared with other games, there’s several discussions on the forums about “rarity”, however things should have a healthy limit, people level up 40-50 characters jut to pull a sloot machine on several rng drops taking on consideration weekly lockouts, daily, seasonal events. (Just look how anniversary mount changed from low drop to 100%, i did 72 attempts before that hotfix, a player with 1 character has the probability to never see this mount even if the boss returns each year) the game is not balance between 1 character and multiple alts in so many aspects. Also, for 9.1.5 they had to change the mechadone achievement due to the really bad rng attached to some achievements on the meta, however we don´t see any update on MoP world bosses, seasonal mounts or others that are worse for so many players to engage on those.
More Unique mount models in game, all the achievements around collecting mounts had been just recolors, this doesn´t show up a good progress also there´s recolors on meta achievements for raids that should be more unique.
Instead of requesting new specs or classes which will require more work from them and with the current amount of systems is a lot of work, a proposal on class skins, like Voild Elf “paladin” by using void effects but not being called paladin. ( [Keyboardturner] on Patreon created a concept for Paladins on all the races on which is the same class but not every race using light as power, also other class skins like Dark Ranger for Hunters …etc check the post done by her really great work with images, effects and lore)
Increase on honor gains or some revamp on the prestige system, if you check the data only 7% of the player base got reward for Honor level 100, also the rewards are distributed first each 10 levels, then at 100 these start to jump each 25 until 200, then every 50 levels, thene every 100 levels, they could add more rewards in between instead of doing an exponential graph and not updating it since BFA pre patch. this system is practically a participation system because is casual pvp but the gains are low compared to the rewards progression, more honor or more casual pvp gameplay that could provide it.
World Quest are not WORLD quest, these have been just expansion focus, they should create world quest around all azeroth, let us do stuff on azeroth providing a currency or rep that will reward some cosmetics and that can be updated each expansion.
Seasonal events, Even Blizzard games like Overwatch get updates each xmas, halloween…etc, WoW team has quest designers, however they don’t add new rewards and questlines for each seasonal event, they can add worldquest with thematics around those holidays and bring more rewards.
They should do a whole blue post about their idea of ALT, explaining why they add skips for some things and no other things, Covenant campaing skips are not available, Korthia dailies are unlocked by completing the campain otherwise you only have like 3 dailies intead of 5, Box of many things for thorgst isn’t account wide.
Too Many RNG, Korthia received updates during 9.1.5, however the dailies each day and for each character the reward is RNG, somedays i just skip dailies because these provide anima and i want relics or the other way around, why when we’re leveling there’s quest that you can choose between different items but then they add dailies with RNG rewards, let us choose our rewards.
Thread of Fate: If you want to level up doing dungeons there´s only 4 dungeons available, why don´t remove the limitation to the other dungeons? We should be able to do all the dungeons add that variety.
Why they keep adding systems like a lot of legendaries, conduits, corruptions when the meta gaming and the grinds limit the experimentation process, take legendaries for example, how many players have crafter the maw rat legendary effect? since 9.0 we’ve a cap of soul ash, that means that from the whole amount of legendaries effect, you could craft 1-2, adding the gold investment and other aspects, imagine players trying one legendary for pvp, for a specific arena (defending a base, capturing flag…etc), m+ and specific strategies , raids…etc why do you create a systems that enables a lot more the meta gaming, if i’ve a limit resource and the creation process is expensive, we’ll have a scenarios with legendary effect with 1% or less of the player base using it, if they can´t even balance how some talents are never used , why introduce more toys in the mix if the player can´t interact with them, its just a waster of Dev time.
Some topics.
A lot of it.
Not to mention a lore that values both factions. BfA and Sadoland obliterated the sense of identity that exists in the horde and alliance to the point where I get to see people asking me to beg groups in the horde. Which makes alliance just a decorative faction. Cosmetics.
Not a lore that lets the horde always be a bunch of minions who follow orders from some crazy warchief with no second thought.
I’ve read countless horde players complaining about this.
It’s not fun for them the way it’s been done.
And for alliance, something that doesn’t make our leaders look like idiots, just to promote easy laughs or facilitate the narrative.
Tyrande and Malfurion have been demoralized since Legion (Where are you my love). The way chosen to make nightbornes go to the horde was vexatious. Why would I, an alliance player make any effort to see the opposing faction get a boost of numbers and strength? What do I do with that tabard I got from the nightbornes? Equip on a scarecrow?
I feel like I’m experiencing Phyrrica victories.
In lore, we’ve won a lot of battles, but that’s never reflected in-game.
This makes the alliance look like a moloid faction and the horde itself mockingly points this out as one of the reasons the faction is bad at players, stories and races.
Doing good things and good perception for the 2 factions and not just the already inflated horde.
Junkgnomes paired with vulperas for the horde ( Really? ), purple blood elves (giving the allaince a debased version of something the horde already has has no effect) pretending to be High Elves and humans with eating disorders only increased the alienation in the alliance.
Alliance needs attention to become interesting in something. More racial customizations.
People also ask for less irrelevant racials of some ally races. Even the horde would prefer that some of their races undergo a rectification.
Although it is impossible to reverse what concerns PVP, raid and other High End activity related to the alliance. So at least it would be good for Blizzard to curb its impulses to make fun of the alliance, with obviously unfavorable decisions and give something flavor to the ally.
Or just answer the many requests of hopeless players and transform the alliance into a faction of mercenaries without identity, to go hand in hand with the horde begging groups, if giving attention, relevant development and valuing the two factions is something impossible.
Are we actually supposed to know who any of these community council members are? I’ve been playing WoW since 2007 and I have never heard of any of them.