Community Council won't change ANYTHING

So just like the last time it was created and abandoned?

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I doubt even a community council can give Blizzard constructive feedback. The core of these forums (Being all of us) is just too rotten. Too many differencing opinions, too much willingness to fight each other; we don’t deserve to be heard.

This entire board might as well be a meme. We can’t agree on anything, and the only post worthwhile are the troll ones. I’ll take a forced chuckle over the pitchfork and torches rioting we do any day.

I don’t think the majority of us in the forums are really that bad. It’s just the ones that like to fuel the flames are loud and those of us that try hard to make suggestions get drowned out by those people .

Another thing is those of us that are looking for positive changes in the game play experience often feel like we are ignored because Blizz sees a response from those that defend all of their decisions and ignore the 20 or so people going this is a problem and see the 1 or 2 going it is ok and go with what the 1 or 2 say and go no problem here.


I mean, there seems to be a fairly unified opinion that MoP was peak class design. There is some worthwhile feedback, all the whining is just from 4 expansions now of being unheard. Nobody even looks at these forums, they prefer Twitter apparently.

To “project” something we’d have to be seen to begin with. Supposedly this is the idea behind the council, to consolidate the changes the players want to see in a few threads rather than across a far vaster forum.

I’ve lived on the forums for about week now and the majority of the posts are pure vitriol. This is the image we project as a whole.

Positive changes are highly subjective, especially given how many changes have occurred throughout the years. Even then, with how these forums are full of such anger and malice, why would they listen to any of us?

The game is not hard to balance and make it playable. What WoW suffers from are ideas which costs too much time and have been done for the MAU.

We didn’t need three to four scaling adjustments within five years. These people were only salty because several players leveled solo in old dungeons/raids to get an extreme EXP boost. We didn’t need to remove the World Quest Finder from Legion but they did it anyway, because it encouraged fast play throughs. They sabotaged (not changed, the word is indeed “sabotaged”) the system four (!) times because an add-on still accessed it. We also didn’t need to make world quests less lucrative (Mark of Honors, pvp) but they did it anyway - and also nerfed the Honor income dramatically. This is the kind of people we pay to make the game.

Ion and his people could have their time of the life if they stop fighting the community and embrace what the majority of players sees as fun.


I think it would be more awkward if it’s just a onesided echochamber where everyone just posts “YES SIR SO TRUE SO MUCH THIS” instead of actually having a discussion.

I can’t comment on your example in particular because I dislike pvp after wod and only do it for specific items like the pvp badge.

I would expect blizzard themselves to eventually bring up topics to the table or at least bring up suggestions by some of the members because for now it’s write whatever as long as it’s wow related. We’ll see I guess.


I saw someone post on their main and it was Renown 51. Someone who doesn’t even play the game was selected as representing people who play the game everyday. I couldn’t help but laugh.

If i understood it correctly you had issue with someone from the council liking the current mage tower. I rebuted this because i responded to that post and im not a fan of the current balance design of the mage tower at all or the amount of time its up or not etc njada njada.

i didnt see your post.
when i looked, the main post and the few replies that were there were saying it shouldn’t be nerfed.


None needed.

Just keep in mind that not everybody sides with Blizzard. Something i had stated in my application (i will however also not blindly flame them for the sake of flaming) and on the eu general forum its known that im not a huge fan of Blizzards design philosophy right now or that of the lead dev.


Can just be an alt. I post on an US account as well. This says absolutely nothing about the user.

It is so funny that people “on the council” think the “apologetic attitude” they present do not hurt their argument against the fact that the council is a tool from Blizzard to tell you what they want players to hear in a way they will think it is more reasonable.

Sad to break it to you, but when you do that, council member, you are simply fulfilling that role.


yeah you get spammed hard by people who think they deserve it more

Agreed. I’ve already boycotted that subsection by putting it on mute.

It’s not hard to see why to be honest. It’s good to see that these people at least have some level of common sense. Our new favorite gnome princess is actually the only one of the council I root for because we’re both from the same region and server, I know exactly how the user feels and why they want those things.

Its open? they selected people? where is it? i can’t even find it…

A subforum, next to the General Discussion forum.

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That was lost opportunity to make the community heard actually.

I remember once in High School when they were to elect the “Hall Monitors”, which would be students appointed to “watch” other students. Essentially the same role this Community Council, which in my native language is a word that in time became a synonym of “snitch” (Bedel).

When our turn ( the classes from A to C of that specific grade) was to elect the monitors, no one actually submitted candidacy, and no one manifested the interest to participate.

That was when someone from the Secretary of Education sent a representative to ask from the School management why such thing would happen. And that was when we had the opportunity to tell someone “actually important” that teachers were slacking on their jobs, and some of the staff was taking the food destined to school lunches home.

Basically, in a “lesser scale”, what you are endorsing is that you are completely ok with them dictating who can say what to them. And you are ok also with their “anointed” to come here and dictate what you should think of them and of Blizzard.

If you are council member, and you are here telling people what they should think about the council, about you, or about Blizzard, you are already a testament that what people are saying is true.