this is great. I mainly talked about MT cuz of how much my wife loved it. I think its cool but still kinda boring content wise as its just not something totally new
Yeah, it’s mixed reviews. There are still people who do like it, just lots of heat right now because of the last minute changes after PTR. lol
We have to give them time, the council, not blizzard. Some of the posts alarm/concern me already but its only a day old. I would suggest they need some forum regulars added as well. They know the games pulse more than a specific group that might only know about 1 part of the game.
I was the first to respond to the intro thread. Honestly I didn’t really know how much to include. I’ve made some edits to mine. Not sure if mine was one of the concerns, but hopefully now it isn’t
That looks good! Honestly this is going to take time to get rolling anyway but as long as people are open to different ideas and perspectives I have a feeling negativity should die out with time. Although there will always be some trolls out there. At the end of the day everyone just wants to see WoW improve and be a place where everyone can have fun with whatever they enjoy!
Not sure if any of you on CC have thought of a potential direct discord as well for people to send suggestions or even discuss other things like what they love about the game currently. Although that would probably grow really quick and need a lot of mods depending on the type of people joining. I’ve always helped a lot of people directly in game but now there is a CC I’m going to try to be active on the forums and see how things are going.
I think enough of us are in the public discords (class discords etc) that are already moderated to bring ideas up. While I don’t hate the idea I think it may just be easier to have forum posts like these that we can review and bring ideas to.
The problem with a suggestion discord, as you say, is not being able to moderate it.
I’m sure people will find a way to reach us with their suggestions, whether it be dms, twitter, in game, forums, or another way.
Yeah, I’m assuming anyone on the CC who is using their main will get a fair amount of dms while online lol.
Haven’t gotten any yet, but time will tell
What’s really funny was the last applicant to introduce themselves was a community manager…
I’m assuming they don’t count towards the 100 members getting added, but are a part of the system so wanted to introduce themselves too. We’ll see if I’m wrong but I doubt it since they are technically a Blizz employee and not just a player.
My understanding is that this is correct
It feels a little awkward that the other council members jump in to each others threads. I’m harboring a bit of resentment at the other players particularly for jumping in Bluster’s thread.
Bluster went straight for the throat on the gearing issue. Bravely sourcing the Devblog for the 5.2 reasoning and changes, as well as, Revlol’s post. I feel that thread should have been left untouched by others, forcing Blizztard to reply. I fear now the thread will have handpicked comments by Blizztard from the others in order to deflect and evade the original post by Bluster and the very real issue of gear tied to rating, which has and is causing many players to leave the game - which can be evidenced by the Random Battleground queue times reaching toward the 10min mark.
I’m not looking for direct immediate answers. The point of a debate is to digest and think on what comment, information, or opinion is presented. I’m just not looking for Blizztard to exclude that major post and handpick one of those comments to comment on whilst deftly evading that original post.
I don’t know. I’ve been around a while and don’t think Blizzard is going to take anything a “council” has to say with much weight at all. Unless of course they are appointing people to their… I mean “The Council”. Blizzard is going to do exactly what they intend to do. It doesn’t bother me any because if I don’t like their service (the game) I leave.
The whole point is to discuss different views and opinions though, that is the whole point of a “council”. I don’t think they’ll ignore any of the members but go through everything so it is fair. Because lets be honest, a single person can’t really speak for everyone. They’ll definitely go though the post, otherwise it would defeat the purpose of letting each of them create their posts as well.
Hey Letholas, I got a heads up warning for you that I’m not sure you are aware of if you want to hit me up in game.(Privacy related thing I noticed while posting lol)
In my opinion, it is a bit disorienting and disorganized. Perhaps I pictured it differently? Oh well, I suppose we can both agree that we hope it works out for the betterment of the community and game as a whole.
are you online atm?
I am, I can try messaging you if the game is saying I’m offline lol
yeah its not going through. my stormrage toon is called Mahatmagumby
I said the day it was announced that it would be nothing but a farce.