Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

hey im farming lost ark on my first monitor while watching this unfold i just need popcorn

Thanks to you and the server I am able to share memes with my family and vise versa. I am not very meme proficent.

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I want no business on the council at this point as I’ve stated multiple times

Especially given who they’re letting in

You certainly have no business being on it

And many people with the good will and range that should be on it aren’t


Bruh, I never realized you were Rhielle :skull: No wonder I usually like your posts

more offen then not things are not what they seem and this here reminds me on what some tried to do to my self some years back

i need to be on the council because i will set them straight about making legion raids soloable 1 shots

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Well boys, I’ve really done it tonight. 0% chance I go near drama again


YAY! <3



its not worth it

This thread has left me with more questions than answers.

Can anyone give a TL;DR backstory?

  1. Exploring Kalimdor came out and was criticized for racial stereotypes.

  2. Maizou gave his opinions about them, and claimed there was nothing racist in it.

  3. I’m a Story Forum regular who has been discussing this stuff for a bit.

  4. When Maizou got on the Council, I linked his opinions about the book. Baalsamael tweeted about it.


Has it occured to you a guild mate is actually disgusted with your takes now that they saw them


I’m implying that equating

“I don’t care about sexual orientation in a fictionalized fantasy universe. Not every thing has to be inclusive. It’s a game, not real life.”


“Flat out anti-lgbt-representation.”

 Is a grand canyon sized leap only someone completely disconnected from what constitutes the center of acceptable discourse would make. I.e., an extremist.


 because things must get twisted around and the truth is not what is told.

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Thanks for the summary.

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But there’s straight relationships represented in WoW already. Saying that’s ‘the default’ and things ‘don’t have to be inclusive’ is more than a little bit frustrating. It’s the “not everything has to be inclusive it’s not real life” bit that I personally have issues with.

If there’s one relationship type present, then it shouldn’t be a big deal to have others. There shouldn’t be an argument against it, really. It’s okay to not care, but the fact of the matter is, we explicitly see relationships represented, and as of now, it’s one type in the mainstream cast.

There’s a difference between “I don’t care” and “Not everything has to be inclusive this isn’t real life”. It’s saying that everywhere else it’s fine to not have certain relationships depicted except for this particular one (straight) because it isn’t real life which
 isn’t logical to begin with, if you think deeply about it, because again–if there’s one type of relationship, there should be others.


Hmmmmm, so they apparently added new CC posters while nobody was looking :face_with_monocle:

Just now noticing tbh, I hadn’t visted the CC forum in like a week since it’s been so dead/inactive. Anyways, I’m pleasantly surprised that Maizou got picked and I think that’s a good pick for a casual.

As for the alleged claims, meh, I haven’t looked into it yet but at first glance it looks like just the usual out-of-context “witchhunt” by some SJW with too much time on their hands :yawning_face:

The whole “let’s launch a witchhunt on Twitter!” guilty-until-proven-innocent thing is sooo played out, I just yawn whenever one of these suddenly pops up since it’s almost always either a) out-of-context or b) just BS/never even happened


Just for context, who are the good people you would suggest?

I get you Falynn, but expressing “Hey, maybe let’s not take an existing character and make him gay out of the blue” is a pretty average, reasonable take. So is the take that such relationships shouldn’t feel forced in the game’s narrative, otherwise it just feels like Blizzard going down a checklist.

These ideas don’t de facto make someone anti-lgbt-representation.

Heck, I totally ship Anduin x Wrathion. If Jaina was able to get with Kaleckgos there should be no reason for them not to. But anyone else than Wrathion? Would just feel weird and forced.