Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

I am not on the council, so I dont have a say and this is just my opinion. For the second time now, we have out of context screenshots (or screenshots literally just framed in the wrong way) about something someone said floating around on Twitter gaining traction as needing to he removed from the council.

This person is a forum regular and a pretty decent person from what I’ve read. Hope Blizzard doesn’t cave this time.

EDIT: I am not shameless enough to change what I wrote already, but forum mods, to quote thy beloved, “Burn it!


It’s clear it’ll not be anonymous.
Frankly they have tried this time and time again. Anonymous and not…

How about them actually listening when they should to avoid future issues or perhaps getting better suited developers and leaders.

This is insane how incompetent this team is looking.


Nope, everything I posted was true lol. You just agree with the garbage that was said, for example, that there are no racial issues in Exploring Kalimdor.


I think this could be a good change in some ways, but I like that you can see what most CC members do with their characters so you can know where they’re coming from. Another good change would be the ability to like specific paragraphs within posts.

Are you the Twitter guy talking about them?

And I dont agree; I think the book needed to be pushed back out and changed, but running a Twitter smear campaign against a forum user for sharing opinions is mega cringe.


No, I’m his friend, and I’m the one who posted that stuff in the story forums. He tweeted about them himself.

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Running a Twitter smear campaign is cringe, sorry


There’s literally nothing wrong in either of those tweets.


Where is he mocking PoC? If he doesn’t think something was racist and you do, try and have a conversation. A Twitter smear campaign is how you further radicalize people. Not get them to see eye to eye with you on a subject.

I agree that the book has some problematic stuff for the lack of better terms, but yall are being unbelievably petty.

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Imho,they should just stop coming here.

The entire point to the community council is to have people who are, as you say, forum regulars be publicized as people who have direct contact, or more influence in discussions with Blizzard. Having them be anonymous would quite literally accomplish nothing and make it seem like the community council is even more of a token gesture with zero actual proof behind it.

Bluster, for example, is a community council member. And I am thrilled that they’re on it. Knowing that Bluster is there gives me hope. If I had no idea it was Bluster, and it was all anonymous, then I wouldn’t care at all. But their presence there means I can now have investment.


you must be new to twitter and the culture in general . people have not been able to hold conversations or see eye to eye in nigh a decade + now. everything is in parties now and divided. and if you hold a differing opinion you may as well just hide under a rock forever.


Except there very much is, and I explained in detail in the story forum and apart from you and baal, everyone calmed down and finally understood they were indeed taken out of context. You know, the two people who posted them out of context.

You also conveniently ignore the fact multiple people threatened to doxx me on that Twitter thread until I had a friend report them to Twitter for me since I don’t have an account.


Me too! I am a big fan :+1: also Mirasol, that night elf guy, and two other people I’ve seen on there. I think they’re doing fabulous. Hopefully you would get on it too Shadina because, although we don’t agree on everything, I think you are very well-written and you consider things from many angles. You are very professional and respectful in all the posts I have seen from you and I respect that because I know how hard it can be to do around here.

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Why are you bringing up this old re-hashed news again, OP? The dust on that particular debacle has already settled. Let it stay dead please.

Edit: Apparently I am out of the loop. There must be some new drama happening. IDK. I don’t pay attention to social media.

Literally who said that?

I was looking at that Twitter thread all day. Didn’t see a single person say that. Must’ve disappeared quickly.


It’s not old. Maizou got on the Council. I linked his opinions in the Story Forum today. It got all over Twitter.

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What? I must have been out of the loop then. I was only aware of that guy who was on the CC that said something racist or whatever and he got booted off the CC.

Settled where? Checked everywhere and the people still running their name through the dirt on Twitter still have their tweet up getting likes from the red shirt guy, which will surely stem to the rest of the people there.

Thats not settled. They’re allegedly being threatened with be doxxed. That’s not settled.

No one said that save the person blindly defending them from jump…

I still find it troubling that they don’t stand in solidarity with other minorities on issues.

Also the fact Blizzard doesn’t better look into members, the bare minimum checking their forum posts.