Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

I would imagine their personal lives are sad and they devote all of their time and energy into this game.


I’ve seen you posting for YEARS at this point. You’d be a good person to have on the council. You seem very grounded in your posts and it would be great to see you with a target on your back. <3

Personally, I interpreted this comment as "A character’s sexual orientation shouldn’t be their primary character trait. " This isn’t anti-LGBTQ+, though the wording of “I don’t care” can be read harsher than intended.

If the a character’s story is overcoming challenges presented by this orientation, that’s fine. But it’s a bit weird to make a character LGBQT+ to fill a bingo card, I dislike that.

Zari (@/ShdwHntrClub) for starters. Dude has the range, cares about all players from any demographic having some sort of visible self evident representation in-game, wants to improve how lore handles everyone’s culture, add much needed depth, and universalize and open the floodgates on customization, and he’s a writer who wants to go work for Blizzard hopefully

Dude deserves the opportunity

Here’s what I want to see: new major NPCs, all with varied backstories and representations that make sense with the storylines. Lots of 'em. All over the place. Because it’ll be awesome and epic and give us new characters and new front and center stories and more representation for all.

It’s a fantasy game and anything can happen. Look at the old book by Clive Barker. A shapeshifter who was both male and female. Totally awesome storyline, very good backstory. I’d love to see stuff like that. It was creative back then when such things weren’t mainstream.


Yeah I see, I just wish that person worded things differently, personally. Wording it like that puts me off a tad. I would love to see more relationships develop, especially as slow burn stuff. We don’t really know Anduin’s orientation though, but then again I don’t follow him myself because he’s really not super interesting to me (sorry folks who like Anduin).

I can see how it can be twisted for sure but at the same time, I wish it was worded a bit differently is all. I wish he worded it in that way then rather than “not everything has to be inclusive, it isn’t real life”.

As for me, I just hope to see more CC members who, again, really want to make positive changes for the RP/customization aspect of the game, and I’ve seen a few but I wish there were more, along with representation in general in all aspects.

Do people ship Anduin and Jaina? That seems a bit off to me, I dunno

Yeah honestly this is what I’d love to see. Sadly I have no real attachment to anyone at all now, and that might just be because the lore is something I really am not enjoying. All new characters with intricate stories that really blossom would be super great.

I’m sorry, but after viewing the screenshots, I have to ask

in what context do you think the things you have said would be okay?


Zandrae is another person who comes to mind, he put together the LGBTQ+ megathread on the forums and have a range of interests in the game like defending Blood Elves, but also being sensitive to important issues.


We do know though that he likes dwarf and draenei women from content in previous book, I suppose he could be bi though, idk, up to the writers

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some positive vibe music

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To me, yes, that is poorly worded, but I assume not everyone puts ranks in Diplomacy. When I see these takes, I tend to read them as the inevitable pushback against a lot of mainstream studios including representation in ways that define characters, like going off a checklist, for the past several years.

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Yeah I don’t like the checklist thing, I’d love to see more fleshed out characters who really take the time to develop relationships and such and just get us to fall in love with them. I really don’t have a good example for WoW
 hm but I know FFXIV (yes I know people will want to rip my head off for bringing it up) does a good job with getting me to like the characters a lot. (though they mess up at times for sure).

Oh okay I see, yeah I don’t read those books admittedly so didn’t know, but that makes sense.

I’m a Story Forum lore nerd. I’m very good at those. Here you are.

Yesterday we were all like “la-dee-dah, the token lore CC member made some posts. Why text color change? Maybe method of including new people bad? Yellow-Orange vs Green good/bad?”

And then, suddenly
 A link. This link can be summed up as such:

“If you think something’s racist, then you’re the real racist!!”

This did not go well.

Someone summoned the author (Maize, whatever the real name is because autocorrect turned it into Maize once and that’s all I see now).

The author defended themselves. “It’s not questionable, maybe you’re racist!”

This too did not go over well.

Screenshots were shared. Author looks bad. “SS are out of context!! I was only going to brigade a discord with my friends pretending to be racists!! It’s totally fine!! Discord is homophobic!!”

It was not fine.

More back and forth. Things look bad for author. “I will not back down from anything I ever posted in forever!! I AM MY POSTS!!!”

And then

And then

A twitter happened.

And then another screenshot joins the battle. And maybe a discord isn’t a homophobic after all. Thallia, Queen of the Discord, Breaker of False Narratives, Mother of Murlocs enters the fray, with deadly armament. Maize has fled the battle.

Alynsa gets on the train home. This thread happens. Alynsa also missed Thallia’s post until now. Alynsa and Thallia become besties forever.

An innocent velf DK with a neat transmog sees a Twitter (I think) and lacking proper background information, assumes a dogpile. “Dogpiles are bad. I shall raise my fist to defend the underdog!!”

Innocent velf DK sees maybe the innocent isn’t so innocent after all. “Think I’ll just
 Stand over here for a bit
 Why’s my fist in the air? Err
 Had to punch the moon. It worked well.”

Meanwhile, Maize maybe kinda sorta showcases why the innocent wasn’t so innocent. Tides turn. Innocent velf DK meets a lovely belf hunter named Alynsa and now they are besties forever.

I think that sums it all up.

By reading this, we are now besties forever.

Hello new bestie!!


Forum drama is pretty intense. Story forum drama is what they use for soap opera scripts.


I think its an unfair measure of adding representation.

I wouldn’t say Tyrande and Malfurion is a well done romance either, but if they threw in an LGBTQ+ romance that wasn’t the best the first thing people who didn’t want that representation in the first place say is “its just a check list! they didn’t even do a good job”

The issue is blizzard writing not getting the gears running on adding representation.


I read all of this in an internal dramatic narrator voice
Well done


True, that’s a great point, that can be used against representation too, which is a problem.

Also UGH agreed, I can’t stand that ship, Tyrande x Malfurion. They need to do way better with romance in general (and none of that ‘THERE SHOULDNT BE ROMANCE IN MY WAR GAME’ nonsense, there can be multiple stories told.)

I also would hope to see these relationships build out in game like we see with straight ships as opposed to in those books

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I agree with this. I am slowly working on my third novel world (partly because I don’t have the money or audience for the first two and partly because the audience I do have likes the content for what I am working on, not that important writer suffering stuff)

Anyways I have been trying to turn some very weird subjects into something more wonderful and use it to express some fun ideas and stuff I have had to deal with.

Use size changing and transformation as a medium to talk about more difficult subjects. My world is very, very slowly building as it is one of the most expansive worlds, I have tried with many different types of fantasy races and such that operate on their own rules and customs.

I am actualy going to get to work on the third chapter next week and I can’t wait to delve back into the size changing and other types of maddness.

Right and I don’t think wanting more from Blizzards writing / characters / stories is the same conversation as adding representation because it gets used to stomp on adding representation.

Adding representation has to start somewhere.


Not gonna lie: I read that in Morgan Freeman’s voice.


That’s fair. I think it should be in both areas, like I’d love to see stories with more bi men/women & such that are well done but that’s because I’m
 BIas. (not exclusive to some book outside of the game

So showing up more in general (with less complex stories) but also having good narrative stories as well for all relationship types.

With having well-written stories not being any sort of gatekeep, I mean, but rather an ‘in addition to’.

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