Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

Literally and totally understandable. I was active in the afformentioned thread, and I missed quite a lot. It’s a boat load of information, replies, screen shots, counter replies and so forth to parse through even if you’ve gone through it already. It’s totally understandable if you just don’t.

The person in question didn’t say the bad words. Instead, they said if you see racist tropes in the game, you’re the real racist! I’m paraphrasing and boiling it down, of course. Their opinion as expressed was a bit more nuanced than that.

So there isn’t anything to report. It’s just a god-awful view on in-game representation, ignorant of the existence of racist tropes.

Regarding the doxxing; Maize had earlier claimed people in the Drama-Causing Thread that people in said thread had also threatened to doxx them. No such threat was made. No such threat was implied. Now they’re claiming mutliple Twitter-users made such a threat, someone contacted their GM, and who knows what else. It’s possible, but given past claims I’m highly skeptical.

There’s no hard feelings, FYI. You saw someone under attack and went to defend. There is nothing wrong with that.



not like forums being a cesspool is a new thing its been 18 years of this cesspool

Some of y’all need to get a grip


Which is entirely not okay but that’s not the same as being called out on twitter.

People can be threatened on these forums and there’s a report feature for that too, does because it could happen from some crazy person mean we should all just not use these forums?

How are you making the jump from being held accountable to doxxing etc etc

because any caveman on twitter with the time of day can doxx someone

It is, unfortunately. And our community Discord is taking the heat for it, being labeled as homophobic when half of our community is LGBTQ+ and that wasn’t the reason Maizou was banned.

I understand your viewpoint. You want to defend someone who has been respectful towards you. I’m doing the same in defending the Murloc Spot from slander. So I get that. Unfortunately, it just kinda backfired here, given their attitude and their alt’s attitude. So I’m sorry for that. :frowning:

I already tried removing the thread because someone had earlier pointed out them lying, but Blizzard doesn’t give me that power. If I were to reframe the post, it would be less of a defense and more of an anti-dragging people through Twitter post.

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Again it can happen on the wow forums too, so what changes besides the fact that people on twitter actually want people with bad takes to be held accountable and people on the wow forums have takes asking for blizzard to not take action on someone with problem takes

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they will take action if theyre reported

Hey, it is what it is. I come here to talk about a game, the disconnect is easy for me. We have good discussions here. Just curious, there’s a forum-community discord?

So report them. Others are going to twitter to bring it to blizzards attention. Which maybe you don’t know Blizzard also uses

i dont know what yall are talking about is it about a book by danuser

No, the posts aren’t against the rules, and reports require multiple people, which is why gross insults towards someone can stay up if they have an unpopular viewpoint.

I always get mass flagged so it seems pretty easy

Read it and it’s quite clear what they said soooo yeeaaahhh and thay also doubled down on it as well which makes it worse whilst I don’t really care too much about the community council because I doubt they really care about what the community as a whole wants and only their personal interests (of course I’m open to being proven wrong by them pushing for the heavily requested feature of Worgen tails) the fact that this has happened twice now really brings into question how bliz chose the members

whats funny is all this drama over a video game i mean its baffling how people dont have anything better to do


Indeed! I started it almost a year ago. It’s actually a very inclusive, very friendly place. There’s been some rumors going around that we somehow spend our time “dogpiling” people here because of the Discord, but it’s quite untrue. Half of them don’t even post on the forums anymore or know what’s going on here and we’ve got a rule that Discord is separate from the forums and we don’t trash people or the forums.

People are more than welcome to join. I don’t have a thread up about it, because the last time I put one up, people went bat crazy and it got deleted. o.o


True. Given the history of certain individuals and what I’ve seen them say on the forums, along with how they act in general, I would suspect the feedback might be less than savory, but who knows, I could be wrong there and what’s said on there could be different than GD.

I just don’t want Blizzard to take the viewpoints of certain individuals as the end-all-be-all for matters where most of the council is represented by PvErs with a very small portion who care about elements outside that, like customization, mounts, RP, and lore, so with such a small pool already, I just felt really off put.

I hope they get more folks interested in those aspects of the game to also represent a wider pool for both factions.


Doesn’t this thread favor your view point of stating youre against anyone discussing the forums on twitter, including but not limited to problematic takes people take issue with?

So would you not be part of the side who has a stake in the thread more so than people who idk are on twitter ignoring the thread or watching from the sidelines?

FWIW, at worst the people posting in that thread attributed it as a “he said / she said” situation. Most people either immediately or soon after saw it all in a different light as Maize continued posting and “making everyone see their side, agree they were totally in the right and calm down”.

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