Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

But you’re bringing the twitter aspect to the forums yes? Just like how they brought the forums to twitter

technically it’s wow drama. it has a place on wow twitter, as well as the wow forums.

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Can’t reason with a brick wall I suppose. The “Twitter element” had already leaked into here and never should have been on Twitter to begin with. Use your brain. If you can’t figure out why this is not a good precedent being set, then I dont know what to tell you.

WoW Twitter’s fanbase is much different than GD, younger, anti-fomo, and more liberal.


This forum was a fun read for sure


And the forum goers who have bad takes don’t like the cross over / being called out on bad takes

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You’re projecting so hard

duh, wow forums are filled with people that think if they type one post on twitter they will be doxxed and the CIA is going to assassinate them. it’s pretty easy to see the age demographic is a bit higher and more conservative just from that alone.


Agreed entirely. So many great candidates I saw talking about wanting to be on the Council who contribute valuable feedback and really want the game to improve. Yet they’re passed over for… well. I’m very disappointed to see the CC bringing in certain individuals who really just don’t feel that way at all, at least with recent picks.

Though I am hopeful for some folks who’d started threads for RP aspects of the game & story a while back. Sadly those haven’t been replied to. Hopefully customization concerns are brought up someday (and taken seriously).


In 2022? Unthinkable.

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I have been summoned to the depths of GD!!

That isn’t what happened. Plenty of us have expressed the opinion that we still have questions regarding it and have only stopped posting about it because you stopped replying.

Which is absolutely fair. You are not obligated to respond. But it isn’t because we saw your side of things.

But the fact we only have a “he said she said” situation RE: the screenshots, and you’re willfully misrepresenting the fallout in the thread they were posted in does cause some questions to be raised regarding your honesty overall.

This too is a dishonest misrepresentation, attempting to diminish critics by implying ulterior motives that do not exist.

Just because you are on the CC doesn’t mean you are above reproach. You can have bad takes. You can be called out on them. Privilege protection doesn’t exist here.

And when this is tried and fails, and the person you have tried to find common ground with instead finds it within themselves to then misrepresent an entire conversation to make themselves out to look better, what then?

More importantly, if said person might possibly have a negative impact on something you’re passionate enough about to go out of your way to discuss on a daily basis, should you just… Let it happen? Or should you hold people accountable?

I literally tried this, as did others.

It didn’t work. Apparently it didn’t exist in Maizou’s world, and the whole conversation ended with everyone agreeing they were right.

The forum report function would be of no help. So how would this be reported, as you suggest the proper next step would be? A call-out thread would violate CoC, so there’s literally no functional way on the forums to bring attention to what might be a problem.

Sometimes the best and only way to get attention to a problem that will not be otherwise solved is to put more eyes on it.

That’s all that happened here.


And like you said the fact they could misrepresent an entire convo to their favor about something that just happened an hour ago calls into question their honesty in some of the stuff where they’re version of events are being called into question.


Whole thing started when I posted this in the Story Forums.

Baal tweeted about it, and it exploded.

Can’t say that I blame people for wanting decent people to represent them on the community council vs well undesirables we are getting at times.


If what they said is racist, the report function will work for racism. At this point, I will admit that I did not see everything posted, but I even stated up front I didn’t agree with what they said. I think the Twitter post is ridiculous. If its been tried and they are being blatantly racist then maybe they aren’t a fit for the council. Still think the Twitter post is ridiculous. Allegedly, people were threatening to dox them (they said it, it could be true could be false). But it’s 1 AM and I didnt expect this to be as big as it is because I only saw 1 out of multiple screenshots beforehand.

Sorry if my information was wrong. If by an off-chance a mod reads this. Please glass the thread, I don’t care to be a part of drama that is much bigger than I had anticipated.

That’s another element too, 100% it should be brought to Blizzards attention and if people wanna say look what this forum poster said and look you gave them a council position what is your vetting process, that is 100% valid.

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mald bald quit wow i think? or he quit ffxiv? or quit gaming. oh hes back for lost ark. idt he cares for wow forum drama anymore hes on the next level

hes attained superstar status

There is. The story forum went wacko again. lol

Especially when a completely irrelevant to the topic community Discord gets dragged through the mud in lies somehow.

That place has gone a little nuts lately. o.o

That’s not uncommon with them.

Not really surprising.

Yeah… I think that’s a lot of people’s perspective unfortunately.

But my take is, if good feedback is given on the CC, then their attitude around here is irrelevant.


The issue is that you came to the defense of someone who has… a less than stellar past.


Maybe their past is bad, idk, their conversations with me have always been respectful. Obviously that doesn’t mean there aren’t other cases.

Still very against bringing it to Twitter. It sets a bad precedent, just like it did with Proisident (I think that was his name?)

I think you know Im generally reasonable. Im not trying to defend racism; Maizou is allegedly having people threaten them with doxxing on Twitter (could be false, idk, I said allegedly). Twitter is not the place to deal with it. Reports should have been used for racist content. Putting it on Twitter only makes the entire forum community look bad.

Can we move to a reality where insane extremists don’t equate narrative preferences with bigotry? Pretty please? :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: