Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

I don’t think that is an accurate representation of the thread.

I certainly am not part of this… everyone you speak of. I just didn’t want to pile on when other folks were putting out good evidence, such as tweets and discord screen shots.

To say everyone calmed down is… did you try a Jedi mind trick or something?

“Everyone agreed I was right and that they were wrong to ever doubt me.”


What team, the council?

No one mentioned doxxing, the original intent of the thread you started

Is about the WoW council.

You think opinions problematic ones at that offensive even, shouldn’t be cause to see their standing with the WoW council impacted?

Never said that. They can have their position on the council impacted. Report the post. Like I’ve said three times now.

“I am indeed very intelligent, let me misrepresent what you said”

there is a line. getting taken off the council ok thats fine. but to be doxxed and no longer live life because the cavemen living on twitter dont have better things to do is crossing it

basically they just muted the thread and wanted to act like everything is ok. when in reality shortly after the discord owner came in revealing a screen cap contradicting what maizou said while also providing a good rebuttal for the accusations against the discord.


grats on cc it was good to see you made the cut

If someone is saying problematic things why are we feeling sorry that people are rightfully upset at said things they’ve said?

You’re making a jump from people discussing the wow forums to something that is literally illegal.

If people want to discuss problematic takes from the wow forums off the wow forums I don’t see the issue save for people who don’t want wow consequences like removal from the council which is quite literally what the OP said in the OP.

See they don’t want them to face wow consequences for what they said on the wow forums either.

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Saying that WoW races don’t represent irl races is a bad take, and a racist one, but not against the rules. It’s the same reason they didn’t ban the crowd who thought the new Black human or Blood Elf customizations shouldn’t be added because they were lorebreaking.

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if you take stuff to twitter thats opening a whole nother thing to the conversation. ppl there have no chill

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They clearly are based of of real race tropes, yes. A lot of them have aged poorly, yes. They literally might not understand WHY it is racist. Take the time to explain it to them.

People here need to chill if you automatically think accountability for problematic takes means the world has gone too far for the person who said problematic things. No one wants harm to happen to anyone and thats quite the jump to a conclusion that no one but people defending the original comments from the person in question seem to be making.

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Not even Prosident caused this much drama in one night, I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes. Will the bald man react? find out in a day or two I suppose

sips tea


i dont even know what the thing is about i thought it was about some novel im just here for the drama and the memes

Being upset about it is your right, going to Twitter to cry about it instead of having the discussion here AND taking the proper route to report the problem is my issue. They might not understand why their take is racist. Just communicate with them; make people better. As I’ve said before, this is how you radicalize people.

People went to great detail to do so and they continue to plug their ears so at what point are their takes intentional

So in other words you’re taking things to the forums to complain about twitter?


Also, stop pinning me as agreeing with everything they said. Third post is literally me disagreeing with their sentiment. Jesus.

Oh no, I just realized that Asmongold might read my posts and name on stream now. He’s made fun of Carhagen’s mount collection before on here. Ah well, I can take it.

It’s not Twitter drama though. Its literally stuff from here taken to the forums and already taken back here.

damn he made fun of one of the yesuna clones? usually dont like the bald man but that’s kinda rad.