Community Council Needs to be Anonymous

Not one did I ever say I won the fight.

I said people understood and stopped commenting. Which they did. If more people found the out of context messages and joined the discussion without reading, that’s not on me. It’s not my job to explain myself countless times because baal and doneness want to spread misinformation and accuse me of being racist.

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gonna be honest something is probably wrong with the system if maizou is on it but you aren’t lol. blizzard needs to do some research into who they are actually approving for the CC.


its obvious blizzard prefers void elves to blood elves

and theyre not wrong in thinking so

I said this in our Discord that there needs to be a much higher standard for who they are approving.


No one stopped talking about it and literally no one agreed everything was taken out of context is my point, you’re acting as if an entirely different version of events took place when you simply put the thread on mute and left when people didn’t agree with you that it was taken out of context and kept pressing for answers, so literally the opposite of your claim.


I didnt see his, so I wasn’t defending him

That is not me for the record.

I apologize, that wasn’t my intent. I just wouldn’t want to see you go down for some BS, when everything I’ve seen you on here, you’ve been respectful.

better not check the story forum, the illusion will be ruined lol.


I’d love for you to point out where I wasn’t respectful.


At this point the council doesn’t even need to exist. I have seen more stories of them being in drama than them doing something good.

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Baal should use his twitter powers on a certain level 50 Demon Hunter with glasses.

it what happens when you get x amount of egotistical egomaniacs in a little bubble

twitter is that but on a earthwide scale

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Now I want to watch Family Guy again. It has been ages.


At the end of the day, I just think going to Twitter to ruin people is just pathetic. Flag them if they’re being inflammatory. You have all the tools here. Going to Twitter over a WoW forum post is pathetic and if you don’t think it is, you’re a lunatic.


twitter is where they will DOX you and your real life will be ruined. yes its a cowards paradise

You think people having consequences for things they say is pathetic and the real problem as opposed to their problematic takes?


Already gave my opinion on this. Have a conversation with them. Find common ground and work from there. Smearing peoples names is how you radicalize people and cast them out.

And yeah, if the consequence for saying you don’t think the book was racist on a WoW forum is being potentially doxxed on Twitter; yeah, thats a bit unreasonable.

You have every tool available to report them for inflammatory posts here. Do it and the mods will review it and their position on the council.


blizzard has never proven themselves to be trustworthy with their mvp status, why should we believe it isn’t the same with the council? people with mvp could get away with things that would vacay others. people know this so they are using the superweapon that is other social media platforms.